Aboe the Wa displa there is a little bt important M sitch. When sitched
off, the modlation is rnning all the time. When sitched on, or modlation heel (midi
CC#1) controls the intensit of the modlation.
In the right area o can define to destinations for or LFO modlation and their intensit,
called S. Belo the names Da 1 and Da 2 there is a drop-don
men to choose the destination. Please make sre not to se a aetable modlation like
WT S if the sorce is not a aetable Material for eample. Step Seqencer
No click on S, this is a fleible step seqencer as a second modlation sorce. After
sitching on this modlation sorce, start ith choosing a P on the left. We created
almost 40 presets that make fll se of the modlation possibilities. Belo the preset area,
o ill find the S and S controls, er similar to the LFO modlation.
In the middle area o ill see the big step seqencer indo, that allos draing on
aeforms or better said adjsting ales for each step. Belo this indo, o can define
the amont of S and actiate S E, a featre to soften the corners of each step,
hich reslts in rather smooth modlations. The arros right of those controls allo moing
the hole step seqence b one step left and right or reersing the hole seqence.
Aboe the S S displa there is the little bt important M sitch again.
When sitched off, the modlation is rnning all the time. When sitched on, or
modlation heel (midi CC#1) controls the intensit of the modlation.
The right area is the same for all three modlation sorces (see LFO). Yo can
define to destinations for or modlation and their intensit,