Steinberg MATERIALS User manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user manual for the Materials Metal & Ice instrument by Magnetic 96. This instrument utilizes diverse sound design methods to deliver playable sounds with metal and ice characteristics. The manual covers everything from basic navigation and material editing, to advanced modulation and effects. I'm ready to assist with any questions you have about using this device.
  • What is the library size of Materials - Metal & Ice?
    How many program presets are included?
    What are the available modulation sources?
    What kind of effects are included?
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 Magnetic 96. All rights resered.
Materials - Metal & Ice 1.0
Ta  C
1. I 4
1.1 Welcome to Materials - Metal & Ice 4
1.2 Librar Info 4
1.3 Markp Info 4
2. T I 5
2.1 Basic Naigation 5
2.2 Echanging a Material 6
2.3 Materials Edit 7
2.3.1 Control Page 7
2.3.2 Snth Edit Page 8 Waetable Snth Edit 8 Granlar Snth Edit 9
2.3.3 Filter Page 10
2.3.4 FX Page 11
2.3.5 Motion Page 12 LFO 12 Step Seqencer 13 Arpeggiator 14
2.4 Macro Modlation 15
2.5 Master Effects 17
2.5.1 Send FX 18
2.5.2 Post FX 20
3. C 21
1. Introdction
1.1 Welcome to Materials - Metal & Ice
Thanks a lot for or interest in the first release of or Materials series - Metal & Ice. In this
instrment series its all abot Materials, being captred ith seeral sond design
methods to delier plaable instrments ith a sonic aesthetic of specific Materials, like
Metal & Ice.
1.2 Librar Info
The librar consists of 146 Materials, hich are on the one side mlti samples of real
instrments like an orchestral brass ensemble, ibraphone, rare snthesiers or sond
effects and field recordings. The sie of the mlti-sampled content is oer 6.5 GB in total.
On the other side o ill find man snth Materials that make se of Halions granlar and
aetable snth engines. All Materials ere designed ith to mindsets: coering the sond
aesthetics of Metal & Ice and being able to sond niqe, sefl and inspiring in a laered
Materials - Metal & Ice comes ith oer 150 program presets, hich are master presets
comprised of mlti-laered Material combinations ith carefll adjsted parameters and
added effects ithin the instrment. So there are a lot of read-to-pla sonds to be
Please make sre to alas se the latest ersion of HALion or HALion Sonic SE.
1.3 Markp Info
All bold ording in this manal refers to mens, names and fnctions appearing in the ser
2. The Instrment
2.1 Basic Naigation
After loading a program preset, o ill find orself on the main page ith the big froen
metal ball. In case o jst ant to pla the instrment ithot deeper editing, o onl need
to kno this page and mabe the Materials brosing page (net paragraph).
For the basic nderstanding of the instrment it helps to be aare of the 4 horiontall
arranged slots belo the big froen metal ball. Each slot can be filled ith one Material.
In case o ant to die deeper and edit sonds, click on one of the loaded Materials
names in the loer area and o ill arrie in the edit page area ith a fe sb pages. For
all details, please isit chapter 2.3 Materials Edit.
2.2 Echanging a Material
Load a program preset and make sre o are on the main page ith the big froen metal
No click the little magnifing glass that appears hen or mose crsor hoers oer a
Material name of one of the loaded Materials slots in the loer area. This action opens the
broser page and allos o to echange the Material of the selected slot. Jst click on the
icon of an Material and it ill be loaded, hich takes p to 3 seconds. For a better oerie
o can filter the Materials list b I,S,SFX or jst select A b clicking on
the filter bttons in the top line of the broser page.
The icons in the pper right area ith nmbers 1to 4sho the Material slot o are abot to
load ith a ne Material from the broser list. Simpl click on the net icon to load Materials
to other slots.
Echanging a Material ithin a program preset, changes the sorce content of the selected
Material slot, hile keeping all the preiosl set of parameters. This means that enelope
and filter settings as ell as the motion parameters and effect settings ill hold the ale of
the preiosl selected program preset, hich ma blr the sond of the nel selected
Material. To start the sond design from scratch, please se the Init laer preset instead of
an alread mangled program preset.
2.3 Materials Edit
Load a preset and make sre o are on the main page ith the big froen metal ball.
No click one of the Materials names in one of the loaded Materials slots in the loer area.
Yo ill arrie in the edit pages area ith a fe sb pages. Those sb pages can be
sitched b clicking on the icons in the loer area. There are either 4 or 5 edit pages,
depending on the tpe of Material loaded into the slot. For eample hen loading a
aetable preset, o ill also see the S E icon appearing on the right net to the
C icon.
Dont miss the for icons in the pper right area ith nmbers 1to 4. Here o can sitch
beteen all Materials or close the edit page hen clicking the X. Make sre to nderstand
that all changes on an edit page are onl releant for the selected Material ia those icons,
a er important detail for editing.
A shortct for accessing the broser directl from the edit page area is fond in the header
net to the Materials name. Jst click on the magnifing glass. For retrning to the edit
pages from the broser, a mier icon is fond at the same location, hile being on the
broser page.
2.3.1 Control Page
This edit page o ill find for all Materials. Here o can define the Por sitch a
Material to M plaback. All other common controls shold be familiar to o and self
Man Materials offer to laers, La A and La B and o can control their indiidal
olme ia the faders belo the enelope faders. This means that hen sing all for
Materials slots, o can se p to 8 laers in total. Sch laers for one Material are sonic
ariations of those sonds, like close and far microphone positions for seeral acostic
instrments or to laers of a field recording in case of the sond f.
Mabe a fe ords abot the three send effects on the right. Imagine o hae a miing
desk for each Materials preset ith three master send effects. With the three send effect
faders o can send each Material to those effects indiidall. For more details abot those
Master Effects, isit 2.5.1 Send FX.
2.3.2 Snth Edit Page
This edit page o ill onl find for all aetable and granlar based Materials. Aboe the
controls o see either the naming Gaa or Waa, to be aare of the tpe of
Material. Waetable Snth Edit
On this edit page o can define a crated selection of aetable parameters. Lets take a
look from top left to bottom right.
V defines the amont of mlti oices being sed to fatten p the aetable sorce.
Onl for ales aboe 1.0 the parameters belo V and Sa are displaed.
D controls the amont of detning of the mlti oices and Pa controls the panorama
spread of those mlti oices.
P controls the aetable position and S the plaback speed of aetable
Sa allos position spreading for the case that the V parameter is set to ales
aboe 1.0.
Fa can be sitched on and off and controls formant shifting of the aetable, hich
can significantl change the aetable sond.
On the right side of this page o see a aetable displa, moing aes hen plaing midi
notes and thereb giing a representation of the actal aeform. Granlar Snth Edit
On this edit page o can define a crated selection of granlar parameters. Lets take a
look from top left to bottom right.
V defines the amont of granlar oices being sed to fatten p the granlar sorce.
Va mode can be sitched on and off and actiates seeral intage sample plaback
settings, like 12 bit and 26 kH sample rate.
Belo that btton o see the aeform displa, helping o to nderstand the sonic reslts
of changing seeral parameters on this page.
P controls the granlar plaback start position, hile S controls the plaback
Da defines the grain dration, hile L allos o to adjst the length of the
All three Ra parameters on the right define the amont of randomiation of those
parameters, alloing o to create eird and niqe sonic reslts, far aa from the basic
granlar sample.
2.3.3 Filter Page
This edit page o ill find for all Materials. Here o can adjst all releant filter parameters
inclding distortion tpes and filter enelope. The D area can be sed to add
Schmt to a Material, hile the A of D can be modlated, see 2.3.5
Motion Page and 2.4 Macro Modlation.
All other controls shold be familiar to o and self eplaining.
2.3.4 FX Page
This edit page o ill find for all Materials. Here o can add for slots of insert effects to
each Material. On the right side there is a Ca EQ for each Material.
To load an effect, simpl click on a N field on the left and choose an effect from the list.
Or o click on the name of a selected effect and replace it ith another effect.
Yo can no adjst the effect parameters in the middle area. Please note that the aailable
parameters for each effect depend on the chosen effect tpe.
As o can see in the screenshot belo, the Fa effect gies o a nmber of presets,
hich can be selected ia the P drop-don men in the middle area and offers the
parameters Ra (free or snc), D and the oerall M of this effect.
2.3.5 Motion Page
This edit page o ill find for all Materials and here a lot of M can happen! Three
modlation sorces are aailable at the same time: LFO, S and A. LFO
Choose LFO first to learn abot those motion possibilities. After sitching on this modlation
sorce, the LFO Ra can be adjsted on the left side. When sing S, to self eplaining
S M are aailable pls a R on/off sitch.
In this middle area o can choose the LFO Wa and in case the R sitch on
the left is actiated, o can adjst to Pa parameters here as ell.
Aboe the Wa displa there is a little bt important M sitch. When sitched
off, the modlation is rnning all the time. When sitched on, or modlation heel (midi
CC#1) controls the intensit of the modlation.
In the right area o can define to destinations for or LFO modlation and their intensit,
called S. Belo the names Da 1 and Da 2 there is a drop-don
men to choose the destination. Please make sre not to se a aetable modlation like
WT S if the sorce is not a aetable Material for eample. Step Seqencer
No click on S, this is a fleible step seqencer as a second modlation sorce. After
sitching on this modlation sorce, start ith choosing a P on the left. We created
almost 40 presets that make fll se of the modlation possibilities. Belo the preset area,
o ill find the S and S controls, er similar to the LFO modlation.
In the middle area o ill see the big step seqencer indo, that allos draing on
aeforms or better said adjsting ales for each step. Belo this indo, o can define
the amont of S and actiate S E, a featre to soften the corners of each step,
hich reslts in rather smooth modlations. The arros right of those controls allo moing
the hole step seqence b one step left and right or reersing the hole seqence.
Aboe the S S displa there is the little bt important M sitch again.
When sitched off, the modlation is rnning all the time. When sitched on, or
modlation heel (midi CC#1) controls the intensit of the modlation.
The right area is the same for all three modlation sorces (see LFO). Yo can
define to destinations for or modlation and their intensit,
13 Arpeggiator
No click on A, this is a fleible arpeggiator as a third modlation sorce ith focs on
midi notes. After sitching on this modlation sorce, start ith choosing a P on the
left. We created abot 60 presets in 4 categories, that make fll se of the arpeggiator
Belo the preset area, o ill find tpical M options and self eplaining T and
Ra M. Right of those controls, there are controls for S, Ga, S and
Oa. Jst rn an arpeggio and tr all those controls to shape the seqences to or
2.4 Macro Modlation
On the main page ith the big froen metal ball o also hae access to the so-called
macro-modlation, hich can control seeral parameters ia modheel or a self-rnning
LFO. Click on the p arro in the right loer corner of the main page first of all.
No o see the control area for all Material slots. We selected for parameters to control
for each slot indiidall: V,Pa,C and (filter) D. All horiontal faders
define the modlation range of those parameters. The for ertikal faders net to the big
froen metal ball control the oerall intensit of each parameter. Let's take a closer look.
The left and right rond edges of the faders can be moed and define the modlation range.
The left one is the ero position, hen the modheel is all the a don. The right one is
the maimm position hen the modheel is all the a p.
Imagine o ant to control the Panorama of to Materials contra rotating. The little inert
icon aboe each fader allos to inert a modlation, for Pa this means from right to left
instead of from left to right.
Imagine o ant to control V for slot 1 and 2, bt not for slot 3 and 4. For this case
onl open the horiontal V faders for slot 1 and 2 like on the screen shot on the page
aboe. As net step make sre the ertikal master V fader is all the a p. No trn
or modheel and see the little fader at the left border of the main page moing. With this
moement o control V (pls mabe Pa,C and D) in the defined
Hoer or mose crsor oer the fader no and press on A. The moement is
controlled b an LFO no ato-maticall and o can define the LFOs speed ith the fader.
2.5 Master Effects
On the main page ith the big froen metal ball o can see an icon ith the naming Ma
in the corner on the right on top. Clicking here ill open the master effect area ith three
send effects and a chain of mastering insert effects. Sitch from S FX to P FX ith
the central icons in the loer area.
2.5.1 Send FX
Yo can add another sonic dimension to the Materials ith those 3 insert effects and adjst
the leels for each Material indiidall. Click on the central S FX icon in the loer area
to get to the send effect page first of all.
Yo see three effects from left to right ith jst a fe crated controls each, to simplif the
R is a high qalit effect to add space, sie and air to or Materials. Choose a T
as the first step and adjst the parameters belo to or sonic needs.
Da offers seeral dela tpes. Choose a M as the first step and adjst the parameters
belo to or sonic needs.
Ta is a conoltion reerb, bt not eqipped ith standard reerbs, bt e recorded
and designed seeral implse responses ith the sonic Metal & Ice theme in mind. Jst
choose a T hich ill load one of 50 implse responses and adjst the parameters
belo to or sonic needs.
In the Ta effect area o ill also find an EQ to tone don distrbing freqencies,
that might be cased b the combination of Material sorce and Ta effect. Sitch
ies ith the C and EQ bttons.
No lets adjst the effect sends for each Material. To do this, click on the S field,
located aboe the S FX and Post FX .
Yo shold no see this ie aboe, here o can adjst the effect leels for each Material
indiidall. To go back to the send effect settings, click on the S field again, hich is
no located belo the Da naming in the central top area.
2.5.2 Post FX
Yo can kind of polish and master the Materials ith those for effects. Click on the central
P FX icon in the loer area to get to the send effect page first of all.
Actiate the Ea ith the btton left of the name to see the controls like in the
screenshot aboe. Yo can actiate the remaining three effects the same a.
For the folloing master effects e selected jst a fe controls each and designed some
presets and modes nder the hood, to simplif the editing.
For the C e designed three mastering presets hich o can select b clicking
on the name belo M. The intensit of the compressor doing his ork can be set ith
the S control.
The Saa offers 2 stles that o can select b clicking on the names belo S. The
intensit of the Saa doing his ork can be set ith the S control.
The O offers less controls than the other mastering effects. S actiates the
behaior hich the name pictres. Ga increases the signal leel being sent to the
O effect.