3.1 Place the dongle in a suitable position and make sure High-quality Wi-Fi
connections can be built between the dongle, your device, Wi-Fi router.
3.2 Please make sure your Wi-Fi router can provide High-quality wireless
performance when your device and dongle connected to the same Wi-Fi
router as bridge to share your screen.
3.3 If the environment is seriously disturbed, change the Wi-Fi channel of your
router and dongle to improve performance. When the dongle connected to
the Wi-Fi router the hotspot of dongle will work at the same channel of the
3.4 The latest version will push to your device when available, keep the dongle
connected to the Internet.
4.1 Short press the MODE key and switch to DLNA mode. The dongle will start to
this mode next time.
4.2 Connect iOS device to the hotspot of dongle ( SSID: MONTOVIEW-XXXXX,
Password: 12345678 ) or your Wi-Fi hotspot ( First use please refer 4.4 and
connect dongle to Wi-Fi router ).
4.3 Control Center > Airplay Mirroring > Choose dongle, TV will share your screen
immediately. Open Airplay Mirroring switch and choose iOS device the screen
share will stop.
4.4 When the first use please set the dongle connected to Wi-Fi router.
Wi-Fi Setup