3com SuperStack 4 5500G-EI Series, Switch 5500G-EI PWR 48-Port Command Reference Manual

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4 Switch 5500G-EI Family
Command Reference Guide
Version 3.1.x
Part number: DUA1725-0CAA01
Published: July 2005
3Com Corporation
350 Campus Drive
Marlborough, MA
USA 01752-3064
Copyright © 2005, 3Com Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative
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About This Software Version 19
Organization of the Manual 19
Intended Readership 20
Conventions 20
Related Manuals 21
Logging in Commands 24
authentication-mode 24
auto-execute command 24
command-privilege level 25
databits 26
display history-command 27
display user-interface 27
display users 29
free user-interface 29
header 30
history-command max-size 32
idle-timeout 33
language-mode 33
lock 34
parity 34
protocol inbound 35
quit 35
return 36
screen-length 36
send 37
service-type 37
View 37
set authentication password 39
shell 39
speed 40
stopbits 40
super 41
super password 42
sysname 42
system-view 43
telnet 43
user-interface 44
user privilege level 45
Ethernet Port Configuration Commands 49
broadcast-suppression 49
copy configuration 50
description 50
display interface 51
display loopback-detection 53
display port 54
display unit 54
duplex 55
flow-control 56
interface 56
jumboframe enable 57
loopback 57
loopback-detection control enable 58
loopback-detection enable 59
loopback-detection interval-time 59
loopback-detection per-vlan enable 60
multicast-suppression 60
port access vlan 61
port hybrid pvid vlan 62
port hybrid vlan 62
port link-type 63
port trunk permit vlan 64
port trunk pvid vlan 65
reset counters interface 65
shutdown 66
speed 67
unicast-suppression 67
Ethernet Port Link Aggregation Commands 68
debugging link-aggregation error 68
debugging link-aggregation event 69
debugging lacp packet 69
debugging lacp state 70
display link-aggregation summary 71
display link-aggregation verbose 71
display link-aggregation interface 72
display lacp system-id 73
lacp enable 74
lacp port-priority 74
lacp system-priority 75
link-aggregation group agg-id description 75
link-aggregation group agg-id mode 76
port link-aggregation group 77
reset lacp statistics 77
VLAN Configuration Commands 80
description 80
display interface VLAN-interface 80
display vlan 81
interface VLAN-interface 82
port 82
shutdown 83
vlan 84
Voice VLAN Configuration Commands 85
display voice vlan oui 85
display voice vlan status 85
voice vlan aging 86
voice vlan enable 86
voice vlan 87
voice vlan mac_address 87
voice vlan mode 88
voice vlan security 89
PoE Configuration Commands 92
display poe interface 92
display poe interface power 93
display poe powersupply 94
poe enable 95
poe legacy enable 95
poe max-power 96
poe mode 97
poe power-management 97
poe priority 98
poe update 99
IP Address Configuration Commands 104
display ip host 104
display ip interface 104
ip address 105
ip host 106
ARP Configuration Commands 107
arp check enable 107
arp static 107
arp timer aging 108
debugging arp packet 109
display arp 110
display arp timer aging 111
reset arp 111
Resilient ARP Configuration Commands 112
debugging resilient-arp 112
display resilient-arp 113
resilient-arp enable 113
resilient-arp interface vlan-interface 114
BOOTP Client Configuration Commands 115
debugging dhcp xrn xha 115
ip address bootp-alloc 115
DHCP Client Configuration Commands 116
debugging dhcp client 116
debugging dhcp xrn xha 116
display dhcp client 117
ip address dhcp-alloc 117
DHCP Relay Configuration Commands 118
address-check 118
debugging dhcp-relay 119
dhcp-security static 119
dhcp-server 120
dhcp-server ip 121
display dhcp-security 122
display dhcp-server 122
display dhcp-server interface vlan-interface 123
Access Management Configuration Commands 124
am enable 124
am ip-pool 124
am trap enable 125
display am 126
display isolate port 127
port isolate 127
UDP Helper Configuration Commands 128
debugging udp-helper 128
display udp-helper server 128
udp-helper enable 129
udp-helper port 129
udp-helper server 130
IP Performance Configuration Commands 131
display fib 131
display fib ip_address 131
display fib acl 132
display fib 133
display fib ip-prefix 133
display fib statistics 134
display icmp statistics 134
display ip socket 135
display ip statistics 136
display tcp statistics 137
display tcp status 138
display udp statistics 139
reset ip statistics 140
reset tcp statistics 140
reset udp statistics 140
tcp timer fin-timeout 141
tcp timer syn-timeout 141
tcp window 142
Routing Table Display Commands 146
display ip routing-table 146
display ip routing-table acl 147
display ip routing-table ip_address 149
display ip routing-table ip_address1 ip_address2 151
display ip routing-table ip-prefix 151
display ip routing-table protocol 153
display ip routing-table radix 154
display ip routing-table statistics 155
display ip routing-table verbose 155
Static Route Configuration Command 157
delete static-routes all 157
ip route-static 157
RIP Configuration Commands 159
checkzero 159
default cost 160
display rip 160
display rip interface 161
display rip routing 162
filter-policy export 163
filter-policy import 164
host-route 165
import-route 165
network 166
peer 167
preference 167
reset 168
rip 168
rip authentication-mode 169
rip input 170
rip metricin 171
rip metricout 172
rip output 172
rip split-horizon 173
rip version 173
rip work 174
summary 175
timers 176
interface 176
OSPF Configuration Commands 177
abr-summary 177
area 178
asbr-summary 178
authentication-mode 179
default cost 180
default interval 181
default limit 181
default tag 182
default type 183
default-cost 183
default-route-advertise 184
display debugging ospf 185
display ospf abr-asbr 185
display ospf asbr-summary 186
display ospf brief 187
display ospf cumulative 189
display ospf error 190
display ospf interface 192
display ospf lsdb 193
display ospf nexthop 195
display ospf peer 196
display ospf request-queue 197
display ospf retrans-queue 198
display ospf routing 199
display ospf vlink 200
filter-policy export 201
filter-policy import 202
import-route 202
network 203
nssa 204
ospf 205
ospf authentication-mode 206
ospf cost 207
ospf dr-priority 207
ospf mib-binding 208
ospf mtu-enable 209
ospf network-type 209
ospf timer dead 210
ospf timer hello 211
ospf timer poll 212
ospf timer retransmit 212
ospf trans-delay 213
peer 214
preference 214
reset ospf 215
router id 215
silent-interface 216
snmp-agent trap enable ospf 217
spf-schedule-interval 218
stub 218
vlink-peer 219
IP Routing Policy Configuration Commands 220
apply cost 220
apply tag 221
display ip ip-prefix 222
display route-policy 222
filter-policy export 223
filter-policy import 224
if-match { acl | ip-prefix } 225
if-match cost 226
if-match interface 226
if-match ip next-hop 227
if-match tag 228
ip ip-prefix 228
route-policy 229
Route Capacity Configuration Commands 231
display memory 231
display memory limit 231
memory auto-establish disable 232
memory auto-establish enable 233
memory { safety | limit } 233
IGMP Snooping Configuration Commands 237
display igmp-snooping configuration 237
display igmp-snooping group 237
display igmp-snooping statistics 238
igmp-snooping 239
igmp-snooping host-aging-time 239
igmp-snooping max-response-time 240
igmp-snooping router-aging-time 241
reset igmp-snooping statistics 241
Multicast Common Configuration Commands 242
debugging multicast forwarding 242
debugging multicast kernel-routing 242
debugging multicast status-forwarding 243
display multicast forwarding-table 243
display multicast routing-table 244
mtracert 246
multicast route-limit 247
multicast routing-enable 247
reset multicast forwarding-table 248
reset multicast routing-table 249
IGMP Configuration Commands 250
debugging igmp 250
display igmp group 250
display igmp interface 251
igmp enable 252
igmp group-limit 252
igmp group-policy 253
igmp group-policy vlan 254
igmp host-join 255
igmp host-join port 255
igmp host-join vlan 256
igmp lastmember-
queryinterval 257
igmp max-response-time 258
igmp robust-count 258
igmp timer other-querier-present 259
igmp timer query 260
igmp version 261
reset igmp group 261
PIM Configuration Commands 262
bsr-policy 262
c-bsr 263
c-rp 264
crp-policy 265
debugging pim common 266
debugging pim dm 266
debugging pim sm 267
display pim bsr-info 268
display pim interface 269
display pim neighbor 269
display pim routing-table 270
display pim rp-info 271
pim 272
pim bsr-boundary 272
pim dm 273
pim neighbor-limit 273
pim neighbor-policy 274
pim sm 275
pim timer hello 275
register-policy 276
reset pim neighbor 276
reset pim routing-table 277
source-policy 278
static-rp 279
ACL Configuration Command List 282
acl 282
display acl 283
display packet-filter 284
display time-range 284
packet-filter 285
reset acl counter 286
rule 286
time-range 289
QoS Configuration Commands List 290
display mirror 290
display qos-interface all 291
display qos-interface line-rate 291
display qos-interface mirrored-to 292
display qos-interface traffic-limit 293
display qos-interface traffic-priority 293
display qos-interface traffic-redirect 294
display qos-interface traffic-statistic 294
display queue-scheduler 295
line-rate 296
mirrored-to 296
mirroring-port 297
monitor-port 298
priority 298
priority trust 299
queue-scheduler 300
reset traffic-statistic 300
traffic-limit 301
traffic-priority 302
traffic-redirect 304
traffic-statistic 305
QoS Profile Configuration Commands 306
apply qos-profile 306
display qos-profile 306
packet-filter 307
qos-profile 308
qos-profile user-based 308
traffic-limit 309
traffic-priority 310
Logon user’s ACL Control Command 311
acl 311
ip http acl 312
snmp-agent community 312
snmp-agent group 313
snmp-agent usm-user 314
Fabric Commands 317
display xrn-fabric 317
change self-unit 317
change unit-id 318
set unit name 319
sysname 319
RSTP Configuration Commands 322
display stp 322
display stp ignored-vlan 324
display stp tc 324
reset stp 324
stp 325
stp bpdu-protection 326
stp cost 327
stp edged-port 327
stp loop-protection 328
stp ignored vlan 329
stp mcheck 329
stp mode 330
stp pathcost-standard 331
stp point-to-point 331
stp port priority 332
stp priority 333
stp root primary 333
stp root secondary 334
stp root-protection 335
stp timeout-factor 336
stp timer forward-delay 336
stp timer hello 337
stp timer max-age 337
stp transmit-limit 338
802.1x Configuration Commands 343
display dot1x 343
dot1x 344
dot1x authentication-method 345
dot1x dhcp-launch 346
dot1x max-user 346
dot1x port-control 347
dot1x port-method 348
dot1x quiet-period 349
dot1x retry 350
dot1x supp-proxy-check 351
dot1x timer 352
reset dot1x statistics 353
Centralized MAC Address Authentication Configuration Commands 354
debugging mac-authentication event 354
display mac-authentication 355
mac-authentication 356
mac-authentication domain 357
mac-authentication timer 358
AAA Configuration Commands 359
access-limit 359
attribute 359
cut connection 360
display connection 361
display domain 363
display local-user 363
domain 364
idle-cut 366
level 366
local-user 367
messenger 368
password 369
radius-scheme 369
scheme 370
self-service-url 371
service-type 372
state 373
RADIUS Protocol Configuration Commands 374
accounting optional 374
data-flow-format 374
display local-server statistics 375
display radius 376
display radius statistics 377
display stop-accounting-buffer 378
key 379
local-server 380
nas-ip 381
primary accounting 381
primary authentication 382
radius nas-ip 383
radius scheme 384
reset radius statistics 385
reset stop-accounting-buffer 385
retry 386
retry realtime-accounting 387
retry stop-accounting 388
secondary accounting 388
secondary authentication 389
server-type 390
state 391
stop-accounting-buffer enable 392
timer 392
timer realtime-accounting 393
timer response-timeout 394
user-name-format 395
File System Management Commands 402
cd 402
copy 403
delete 403
dir 404
execute 405
file prompt 406
format 406
mkdir 406
more 407
move 407
pwd 408
rename 409
reset recycle-bin 409
rmdir 410
undelete 410
Configuration File Management Commands 411
display current-configuration 411
display saved-configuration 413
display this 413
display startup 414
reset saved-configuration 414
save 415
startup saved-configuration 416
FTP Server Configuration Commands 416
display ftp-server 417
display ftp-user 417
ftp server 417
ftp timeout 418
local-user 418
password 419
service-type 420
FTP Client Commands 421
ascii 421
binary 422
bye 422
cd 422
cdup 423
close 423
delete 424
dir 424
disconnect 424
ftp 425
get 425
lcd 426
ls 426
mkdir 426
passive 427
put 427
pwd 428
quit 428
remotehelp 428
rmdir 429
user 429
verbose 429
TFTP Configuration Commands 430
tftp get 430
tftp put 430
MAC Address Table Management Commands 431
display mac-address 431
display mac-address aging-time 432
mac-address 433
mac-address max-mac-count 434
mac-address timer 434
Device Management Commands 436
boot boot-loader 436
boot bootrom 436
display boot-loader 436
display cpu 437
display device 437
display fan 438
display memory 438
display power 439
display schedule reboot 439
reboot 440
schedule reboot at 440
schedule reboot delay 441
Basic System Configuration and Management Commands 442
clock datetime 442
clock summer-time 443
clock timezone 444
sysname 445
System Status and System Information Display Commands 445
display clock 445
display config-agent 446
display debugging 447
display version 447
System Debug Commands 447
debugging 448
display diagnostic-information 448
Network Connection Test Commands 449
end-station polling ip-address 449
ping 449
tracert 451
HWPing Commands 453
hwping-agent enable 453
hwping 453
count 454
destination ip 454
frequency 455
test-type 455
test-enable 456
display hwping 456
Log Commands 457
display channel 457
display info-center 458
display logbuffer 458
display logbuffer summary 460
display trapbuffer 460
info-center channel name 461
info-center console channel 462
info-center enable 462
info-center logbuffer 463
info-center loghost 464
info-center loghost source 465
info-center monitor channel 465
info-center snmp channel 466
info-center source 467
info-center switch-on 469
info-center timestamp 470
info-center trapbuffer 470
reset logbuffer 471
reset trapbuffer 471
terminal debugging 472
terminal logging 472
terminal monitor 473
terminal trapping 473
SNMP Configuration Commands 474
display snmp-agent 474
display snmp-agent community 474
display snmp-agent group 475
display snmp-agent mib-view 476
display snmp-agent statistics 477
display snmp-agent sys-info 478
display snmp-agent usm-user 479
display snmp-proxy unit 479
enable snmp trap 480
snmp-agent community 480
snmp-agent group 481
snmp-agent local-engineid 482
snmp-agent mib-view 483
snmp-agent packet max-size 483
snmp-agent sys-info 484
snmp-agent target-host 485
snmp-agent trap enable 486
snmp-agent trap life 487
snmp-agent trap queue-size 488
snmp-agent trap source 488
snmp-agent usm-user 489
undo snmp-agent 490
RMON Configuration Commands 490
display rmon alarm 491
display rmon event 491
display rmon eventlog 492
display rmon history 493
display rmon prialarm 494
display rmon statistics 495
rmon alarm 496
rmon event 497
rmon history 498
rmon prialarm 499
rmon statistics 500
NTP Configuration Commands 501
debugging ntp-service 501
display ntp-service sessions 502
display ntp-service status 502
display ntp-service trace 503
ntp-service access 504
ntp-service authentication enable 504
ntp-service authentication-keyid 505
ntp-service broadcast-client 505
ntp-service broadcast-server 506
ntp-service max-dynamic sessions 507
ntp-service multicast-client 507
ntp-service multicast-server 508
ntp-service reliable authentication-keyid 509
ntp-service source-interface 509
ntp-service in-interface disable 510
ntp-service unicast-peer 511
ntp-service unicast-server 512
SSH Configuration Commands 513
debugging ssh server 513
display rsa local-key-pair public 513
display rsa peer-public-key 514
display ssh server 515
display ssh user-information 515
peer-public-key end 516
protocol inbound 516
public-key-code begin 517
public-key-code end 518
rsa local-key-pair create 518
rsa local-key-pair destroy 519
rsa peer-public-key 520
ssh server authentication-retries 520
ssh server rekey-interval 521
ssh server timeout 521
ssh user assign rsa-key 522
ssh user username authentication-type 523
Accessing the Bootrom Interface 525
Boot Menu 526
Download Application File to Flash 526
Select Application File to Boot 526
Display all Files in Flash 527
Delete File from Flash 527
Modify Bootrom Password 528
Enter Bootrom Upgrade Menu 528
Skip Current Configuration File 528
Set Bootrom Password Recovery 528
Set Switch Startup Mode 529
Reboot 529
Boot Menu File Download Commands 529
This guide provides all the information you need to use the configuration
commands supported by version 3.0.x software on the 3Com
Switch 5500G-EI.
About This Software
The software in the Switch 5500G-EI is a subset of that used in some other 3Com
products. Depending on the capabilities of your hardware platform, some
commands described in this guide may not be available on your Switch, although
the unavailable commands may still display on the command line interface (CLI). If
you try to use an unavailable command, an error message displays.
CAUTION: Any command that displays on the CLI, but is not described in this
guide, is not supported in version 3.0.x software. 3Com only supports the
commands described in this guide. Other commands may result in the loss of data,
and are entered at the user’s risk.
Organization of the
The Switch 5500G-EI Command Reference Guide consists of the following
Using System Access Commands — Introduces the commands used for
accessing the Switch.
Using Port Commands — Introduces the commands used for configuring
Ethernet port and link aggregation.
Using VLAN Commands — Introduces the commands used for configuring
Using Network Protocol Commands — Introduces the commands used for
configuring network protocols.
Using Routing Protocol Commands — Introduces the commands used for
configuring routing protocols.
Using Multicast Protocol Commands — Introduces the commands used for
configuring multicast protocols.
Using QoS and ACL Commands — Introduces the commands used for
configuring QoS/ACL.
Using STP Commands — Introduces the commands used for configuring STP.
Using AAA and RADIUS Commands — Introduces the commands used for
configuring 802.1x, AAA and RADIUS.
Using Reliability Commands — Introduces the commands used for
configuring VRRP.
Using System Management Commands — Introduces the commands used
for system management and maintenance.
Intended Readership The manual is intended for the following readers:
Network administrators
Network engineers
Users who are familiar with the basics of networking
Conventions This manual uses the following conventions:
Tab le 1 Icons
Icon Notice Type Description
Information note Information that describes important features or instructions.
Caution Information that alerts you to potential loss of data or
potential damage to an application, system, or device.
Warning Information that alerts you to potential personal injury.
Tab le 2 Text conventions
Convention Description
Screen displays This typeface represents text as it appears on the screen.
Keyboard key names If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key names are
linked with a plus sign (+), for example:
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del
The words “enter”
and “type”
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type
something, and then press Return or Enter. Do not press Return or
Enter when an instruction simply says “type.”
Fixed command
This typeface indicates the fixed part of a command text. You must type
the command, or this part of the command, exactly as shown, and
press Return or Enter when you are ready to enter the command.
Example: The command display history-command must be
entered exactly as shown.
command text
This typeface indicates the variable part of a command text. You must
type a value here, and press Return or Enter when you are ready to
enter the command.
Example: in the command super level , a value in the range 0 to 3
must be entered in the position indicated by level
{ x | y | ... } Alternative items, one of which must be entered, are grouped in braces
and separated by vertical bars. You must select and enter one of the
Example: in the command flow-control {hardware | none |
software}, the braces and the vertical bars combined indicate that
you must enter one of the parameters. Enter either hardware, or
none, or software.