QQWW 111188PP aass aa SSuubbwwooooffeerr OOnnllyy ((AAdddd--OOnn UUssee))
When using the QW 118P as a powered subwoofer only, run a full-range stereo signal to the inputs (5) or plug a
mono signal into the left Input (5a), and engage the Mono switch (5d). The subwoofer will reproduce
frequencies from approximately 40 Hz to 120 Hz.
QQWW 111188PP:: SSuubbwwooooffeerr wwiitthh BBuuiilltt--iinn CCrroossssoovveerr
To fully utilize the built-in crossover, a line-level, high-pass signal is available at the high-pass output jacks (8).
Use the left output to send the high-pass output to a powered, full-range speaker or to a power amp and full-
range speaker. The full-range speakers will reproduce frequencies from 120 Hz and up. This can be repeated for
each QW 118P connected in this manner.
QQWW 111188PP:: 33--CChhaannnneell SStteerreeoo SSyysstteemm
A full-range stereo signal may be run to the left and right inputs (5). The Mono switch (5d) must be in the OFF
position. Connect a full-range, 8 Ohm speaker system to the left and right output jacks (9). In this mode, the
subwoofer will now reproduce frequencies from approximately 40 Hz to 120 Hz. The passively crossed-over, full-
range left and right enclosures will cover from 120 Hz and up. This type of stereo connection will provide a
mono subwoofer output with high-pass, crossed-over left and right stereo feeds. This setup will provide a very
solid and punchy stereo playback system, and is especially well-suited for portable DJ use.
TTwwoo QQWW 111188PPss wwiitthh TTwwoo PPaassssiivvee FFuullll--RRaannggee EEnncclloossuurreess
Connect a left channel, full-range stereo signal to the left inputs (5) of the first QW 118P. Ensure the Mono
switch (5d), is in the ON position. Connect a full-range, 8 Ohm speaker to the left output jack (9). This will be
the left channel of the total system. Connect a right channel, full-range stereo signal to the left input (5) of the
second QW 118P. Ensure the Mono switch (5d), is in the ON position. Connect a full-range, 8 Ohm speaker
system to the left output jack (9). This will become the right channel of the total system. Use of the left channel
in and out on each of the QW 118P’s assures proper overall system operation. This setup can be repeated for
each QW 118P connected for any number of channels.
MMuullttiippllee QQWW 111188PP’’ss
(or other powered products)
The QW 118P is designed with multiple, parallel inputs which allow daisy-chaining from one QW 118P to
another. Connect the first cable from the mixer output to the first QW 118P. Then, connect a cable from the first
QW 118P’s thru jack to the second QW 118P’s input. This connection can be continued for several units,
depending on the total length and capacitance of the cables. With a low source impedance source output from
a typical mixer and by using quality, balanced cables, several QW 118Ps can be daisy-chained from one output
using 30' or 40' cables without obvious problems or distortion. Do not connect cables to the jacks while the
units are ON and the volume is turned up.
The QW 118P can be used in a variety of applications such as sound reinforcement, public address or musical
playback. DJ use is also supported when using in the three-channel stereo mode. Of course, using the QW 118P
in the traditional role, strictly as a powered subwoofer, is also a great choice.
A typical signal source for the line-level inputs (5) of the QW 118P would be a sound reinforcement mixing
console (mixer) or the output from a CD player, MiniDisc player or tape deck.
NNoo OOuuttppuutt
First, make sure the unit has AC power and is turned ON. Ensure the Power LED (4) is illuminated. If not, make
certain the On/Off switch (3) is in the ON position and check the IEC power cord connection (2) to ensuring it is
fully engaged and seated. Make certain the AC line cord is plugged into a working AC outlet. Finally, check the
fuse (1). (see the Rear Panel: Fuse section for safety instructions).
Once assured your unit is getting AC power, check that the QW 118P is getting a signal. Disconnect the cable
running to the QW 118P’s inputs and connect it to some other device capable of reproducing the signal (i.e., a
power amp and speaker). If this produces a signal, make sure the Master System level control has been turned
up to a satisfactory (one-third to halfway).