Quidway V100R006C00 Configuration manual

Network switches
Configuration manual
Quidway S6700 Series Ethernet Switches
Configuration Guide - Device
Issue 02
Date 2011-10-01
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2011. All rights reserved.
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Issue 02 (2011-10-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
About This Document
Intended Audience
This document describes procedures and provides examples for configuring the Device
Management features of the S6700.
This document guides you through the configuration and applicable environment of the Device
Management features of the S6700.
This document is intended for:
lData configuration engineers
lCommissioning engineers
lNetwork monitoring engineers
lSystem maintenance engineers
Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Symbol Description
Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk, which
if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not
avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance degradation, or unexpected results.
Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save
Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement
important points of the main text.
Quidway S6700 Series Ethernet Switches
Configuration Guide - Device Management About This Document
Issue 02 (2011-10-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.
Convention Description
Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.
Italic Command arguments are in italics.
[ ] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.
{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars. One item is selected.
[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by
vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.
{ x | y | ... }*Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.
[ x | y | ... ]*Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by
vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.
&<1-n> The parameter before the & sign can be repeated 1 to n times.
# A line starting with the # sign is comments.
Change History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains
all changes made in previous issues.
Changes in Issue 02 (2011-10-01)
Based on issue 01 (2011-07-15), the document is updated as follows:
The following information is added:
lConfiguring a Stack Interface
Changes in Issue 01 (2011-07-15)
Initial commercial release.
Quidway S6700 Series Ethernet Switches
Configuration Guide - Device Management About This Document
Issue 02 (2011-10-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii
1 Auto-Config....................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Auto-Config Features Supported by the S6700..................................................................................................3
1.3 Deploying Unconfigured Switches (Same Network Segment)..........................................................................6
1.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.........................................................................................................6
1.3.2 Configuring the DHCP Server...................................................................................................................7
1.3.3 Configuring the FTP/TFTP Server............................................................................................................8
1.3.4 Checking the Configuration.......................................................................................................................8
1.4 Deploying Unconfigured Switches (Different Network Segments)...................................................................9
1.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.........................................................................................................9
1.4.2 Configuring the DHCP Server.................................................................................................................10
1.4.3 Configuring DHCP Relay........................................................................................................................11
1.4.4 Configuring the FTP/TFTP Server..........................................................................................................11
1.4.5 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................11
2 NAP Configuration.....................................................................................................................13
2.1 NAP Overview.................................................................................................................................................14
2.2 Configuring NAP-based Remote Deployment.................................................................................................14
2.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................14
2.2.2 Configuring and Starting the NAP Master Interface...............................................................................15
2.2.3 Remote Login..........................................................................................................................................17
2.2.4 Disabling NAP on the Slave Device........................................................................................................18
2.2.5 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................18
2.3 Configuration Examples...................................................................................................................................19
2.3.1 Example for Configuring NAP-based Remote Deployment in Static Mode...........................................20
2.3.2 Example for Configuring NAP-based Remote Deployment in Automatic Mode...................................21
3 Stacking.........................................................................................................................................24
3.1 Stacking Overview...........................................................................................................................................25
3.2 Principle of Stacking........................................................................................................................................25
3.3 Features of Stacking Supported by the S6700..................................................................................................31
3.4 Typical Topology of a Stack............................................................................................................................32
3.5 Configuring the Stacking Function on the S6700............................................................................................33
Quidway S6700 Series Ethernet Switches
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3.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................33
3.5.2 Configuring a Stack Interface..................................................................................................................33
3.5.3 (Optional) Configuring the Reserved VLAN of the Stack......................................................................34
3.5.4 (Optional) Configuring a Stack ID for the S6700...................................................................................34
3.5.5 (Optional) Configuring a Stack Priority for a Device.............................................................................35
3.5.6 (Optional) Configuring the MAC Address Switchover Time.................................................................35
3.5.7 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................36
3.6 Configuration Examples...................................................................................................................................37
3.6.1 Example for Configuring a Stack in a Ring Topology............................................................................37
4 Using display commands to check the status of the device................................................39
4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................40
4.2 Checking the Status of the S6700.....................................................................................................................40
4.2.1 Checking Information About the S6700..................................................................................................40
4.2.2 Checking the Version of the S6700.........................................................................................................40
4.2.3 Checking the Electronic Labels...............................................................................................................40
4.2.4 Checking Temperature............................................................................................................................42
4.2.5 Checking the Fan Status..........................................................................................................................43
4.2.6 Checking the Power Supply Status..........................................................................................................43
4.2.7 Checking the CPU Usage........................................................................................................................43
4.2.8 Checking the Memory Usage..................................................................................................................43
4.2.9 Checking Alarms.....................................................................................................................................44
4.2.10 Checking the Status of an Interface.......................................................................................................44
5 Hardware Management..............................................................................................................45
5.1 Hardware Management Overview....................................................................................................................46
5.2 Hardware Management Features Supported by the S6700...............................................................................46
5.3 Backing Up the Electronic Label......................................................................................................................46
5.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................46
5.3.2 Backing Up the Electronic Label.............................................................................................................47
5.4 Configuring Electrical Port Sleep.....................................................................................................................47
5.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................47
5.4.2 Enabling Electrical Port Sleep.................................................................................................................48
5.4.3 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................48
6 Monitoring the Device Through the Information Center...................................................49
6.1 Information Center Overview...........................................................................................................................50
6.1.1 Introduction to the Information Center....................................................................................................50
6.1.2 Information Center Supported by the S6700...........................................................................................50
6.2 Configuring the Information Center.................................................................................................................55
6.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................56
6.2.2 Enabling the Information Center.............................................................................................................56
6.2.3 (Optional) Naming the Information Channel..........................................................................................57
6.2.4 Defining the Information Channel...........................................................................................................57
Quidway S6700 Series Ethernet Switches
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
6.2.5 (Optional) Configuring the Timestamp for the Output Information.......................................................57
6.2.6 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................58
6.3 Sending Information to the Information Center...............................................................................................58
6.3.1 Sending Information to the Console........................................................................................................58
6.3.2 Sending Information to the Telnet Terminal...........................................................................................59
6.3.3 Sending Information to the SNMP Agent...............................................................................................60
6.3.4 Sending Information to the Log Buffer...................................................................................................60
6.3.5 Sending Information to the Trap Buffer..................................................................................................60
6.3.6 Sending Information to the Log Host......................................................................................................61
6.3.7 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................61
6.4 Maintaining the Information Center.................................................................................................................61
6.5 Configuration Examples...................................................................................................................................62
6.5.1 Example for Configuring the Information Center...................................................................................62
7 Mirroring.......................................................................................................................................65
7.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................67
7.1.1 Mirroring Functions.................................................................................................................................67
7.2 Configuring Local Port Mirroring....................................................................................................................70
7.2.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................70
7.2.2 Configuring Local Port Mirroring...........................................................................................................71
7.2.3 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................71
7.3 Configuring Remote Port Mirroring.................................................................................................................72
7.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................72
7.3.2 Configuring Remote Port Mirroring........................................................................................................72
7.3.3 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................75
7.4 Canceling Port Mirroring..................................................................................................................................75
7.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................75
7.4.2 Canceling Port Mirroring.........................................................................................................................76
7.4.3 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................76
7.5 Configuring Local VLAN Mirroring................................................................................................................76
7.5.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................77
7.5.2 Configuring Local VLAN Mirroring.......................................................................................................77
7.5.3 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................78
7.6 Configuring Remote VLAN Mirroring............................................................................................................78
7.6.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................78
7.6.2 Configuring Remote VLAN Mirroring...................................................................................................79
7.6.3 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................80
7.7 Canceling VLAN Mirroring.............................................................................................................................80
7.7.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................80
7.7.2 Canceling VLAN Mirroring....................................................................................................................80
7.7.3 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................81
7.8 Configuring MAC Address-based Local Mirroring.........................................................................................81
7.8.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................81
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7.8.2 Configuring Local SPAN Based on MAC Addresses.............................................................................82
7.8.3 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................82
7.9 Configuring RSPAN Based on MAC Addresses.............................................................................................83
7.9.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.......................................................................................................83
7.9.2 Configuring Remote MAC Address Mirroring.......................................................................................83
7.9.3 Checking the Configuration.....................................................................................................................84
7.10 Canceling Mirroring Based on MAC Addresses............................................................................................85
7.10.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................85
7.10.2 Canceling Mirroring Based on MAC Addresses...................................................................................85
7.10.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................85
7.11 Configuring Local Flow Mirroring.................................................................................................................86
7.11.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................86
7.11.2 Configuring Traffic Classification Rules..............................................................................................86
7.11.3 Configuring Flow Mirroring..................................................................................................................86
7.11.4 Creating and Applying a Traffic Policy................................................................................................87
7.11.5 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................88
7.12 Configuring Remote Flow Mirroring.............................................................................................................88
7.12.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................89
7.12.2 Setting Traffic Classification Rules.......................................................................................................89
7.12.3 Configuring Remote Flow Mirroring....................................................................................................89
7.12.4 Creating and Applying a Traffic Policy................................................................................................90
7.12.5 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................90
7.13 Canceling Flow Mirroring..............................................................................................................................91
7.13.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................91
7.13.2 Canceling Flow Mirroring.....................................................................................................................91
7.13.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................92
7.14 Changing or Deleting an Observing Port.......................................................................................................93
7.14.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................93
7.14.2 (Optional) Deleting an Observing Port..................................................................................................93
7.14.3 (Optional) Changing an Observing Port................................................................................................94
7.14.4 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................94
7.15 Configuring CPU Mirroring...........................................................................................................................94
7.15.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................95
7.15.2 (Optional) Configuring an ACL Rule....................................................................................................95
7.15.3 Configuring an Observing Port..............................................................................................................96
7.15.4 Configuring CPU Mirroring..................................................................................................................96
7.15.5 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................96
7.16 Cancelling CPU Mirroring.............................................................................................................................96
7.16.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................97
7.16.2 Cancelling CPU Mirroring....................................................................................................................97
7.16.3 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................97
7.17 Configuration Examples.................................................................................................................................98
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7.17.1 Example for Configuring Local Port Mirroring....................................................................................98
7.17.2 Example for Configuring Local VLAN Mirroring................................................................................99
7.17.3 Example for Configuring MAC Address-based Local Mirroring.......................................................101
7.17.4 Example for Configuring Local Flow Mirroring.................................................................................103
7.17.5 Example for Configuring Remote Port Mirroring...............................................................................106
7.17.6 Example for Changing an Observing Port...........................................................................................109
8 ALS Configuration....................................................................................................................112
8.1 ALS Overview................................................................................................................................................113
8.2 ALS Features Supported by the S6700...........................................................................................................113
8.3 Configuring ALS............................................................................................................................................114
8.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task.....................................................................................................114
8.3.2 Enabling ALS on an Interface...............................................................................................................115
8.3.3 (Optional) Setting the Restart Mode of the Laser..................................................................................116
8.3.4 (Optional) Starting the Laser Manually.................................................................................................116
8.3.5 (Optional) Setting the ALS Pulse Interval and Width of the Laser.......................................................117
8.3.6 Checking the Configuration...................................................................................................................118
8.4 Configuration Examples.................................................................................................................................118
8.4.1 Example for Configuring ALS..............................................................................................................118
9 Restarting and Resetting..........................................................................................................121
9.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................122
9.1.1 Process of Starting the S6700................................................................................................................122
9.1.2 Process of Starting the BootROM.........................................................................................................122
9.2 Restarting the S6700 Immediately.................................................................................................................123
9.2.1 Restarting the S6700 Immediately Through Command Lines..............................................................124
9.2.2 Restarting the S6700 by Pressing the Power Button on the S6700.......................................................124
9.3 Restarting the S6700 at a Fixed Time............................................................................................................124
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1 Auto-Config
About This Chapter
This chapter describes the concept, working mechanism, and deployment of Auto-Config.
1.1 Overview
This section describes the functions, application scenarios, and terms of Auto-Config.
1.2 Auto-Config Features Supported by the S6700
This section describes how Auto-Config runs on the S6700.
1.3 Deploying Unconfigured Switches (Same Network Segment)
This section describes how to deploy S6700s without configuration file.
1.4 Deploying Unconfigured Switches (Different Network Segments)
This section describes how to deploy unconfigured S6700s.
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Configuration Guide - Device Management 1 Auto-Config
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1.1 Overview
This section describes the functions, application scenarios, and terms of Auto-Config.
When a new switch or a switch without any configuration file is powered on, Auto-Config runs
automatically to obtain a configuration file. With the Auto-Config function, the network
administrator can manage new switches or switches without any configuration file remotely.
The Auto-Config function is applicable to new switches or switches without any configuration file
(unconfigured switches).
The Auto-Config function has the following advantages:
lThe maintenance personnel do not need to manually configure each switch. With this
function, a few maintenance personnel can maintenance widely deployed devices.
lAuto-Config simplifies the network configurations and implements unified management
and remote debugging on switches.
lWith Auto-Config allows switches to automatically download corresponding configuration
files, reducing the workload of network administrators.
Intermediate File
The intermediate file lswnet.cfg is used in the Auto-Config process. The intermediate file records
the mapping between MAC addresses of switches and names of configuration files. After an
unconfigured switch obtains the IP address of the FTP/TFTP server, it downloads the
lswnet.cfg file from the FTP/TFTP server to search for the name of the required configuration
file, and then downloads the configuration file from the FTP/TFTP server.
Auto-Config uses Option 67 to obtain the configuration file first. If Option 67 is not configured, Auto-
Config obtains the intermediate file.
For example, if the MAC address of an S6700 is 0018-82C5-AA89 and the S6700 needs to
download the configuration file S6700.cfg, the contents of the intermediate file are as follows:
If the configuration file is located on the FTP or TFTP server, its extension must be .cfg.
A MAC address and a configuration file name are separated by a semicolon. The format of a MAC address
is xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx. The name of a configuration file contains up to 48 characters, including the
extension .cfg. The name is case insensitive and cannot contain special characters. It is recommended that
the name consists of English letters, numbers, and underscore (_).
If multiple unconfigured switches need to be configured, each row in the intermediate file records the MAC
address of a switch and the name of the configuration file that the switch requires.
Option 67
The Option 67 field is configured on the DHCP server to specify the configuration file.
Quidway S6700 Series Ethernet Switches
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Option 150
The Option 150 field is configured on the DHCP server to specify the IP address of the TFTP
Option 14x
The Option 14x field is configured on the DHCP server to specify the IP address, user name,
and password of the FTP server.
lOption 141: specifies the user name of the FTP user.
lOption 142: specifies the password of the FTP user.
lOption 143: specifies the IP address of the FTP server.
lOption 145: version file.
lOption 146: identity.
lOption 147: authentication.
1.2 Auto-Config Features Supported by the S6700
This section describes how Auto-Config runs on the S6700.
Figure 1-1 shows the basic process of Auto-Config.
Quidway S6700 Series Ethernet Switches
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Figure 1-1 Basic process of Auto-Config
Obtain a configuration
Timer expires, delete
configuration and
make configuration
file effective
Does the
device need to be
Start a timer to set the
delay in device restart
Can a
patch file be
downloaded to
Obtain a version file Obtain the patch file
Is the
version file
Is the patch
file obtained?
Is there patch file
Yes Yes
Is the version file
Restart device
Is the patch file
Obtain the Web file
Is the
configuration file
Is there Web
file information?
Set the restart flag
Specify it as next
startup file
Specify it as next
startup file
Start a new
AutoConfig process
Is the restart
flag 1?
No No
Send DHCP Request
packets periodically
Auto-Config starts
Stop sending DHCP
Request packets
Configure non-
authentication for VTYs
Allocate IP address
Parse Option
DHCP Reply Packets
DHCP Reply packets
Are there
Version file name and
version info?
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The Auto-Config process can be divided into three phases:
After being powered on, an unconfigured switch checks whether there is *.cfg or *.zip file
except the *web.zip and web.zip files in the flash memory, and then takes actions according
to the checking result:
–If the switch detects a configuration file, it loads the configuration file to complete the
–If the switch does not detect any configuration file, it checks whether Auto-Config is
enabled. If Auto-Config is enabled, the switch starts a 5-minute timer for obtaining a
configuration file and then load the default configuration to complete the startup. If
Auto-Config is disabled, the switch loads the default configuration to complete the
lObtaining a configuration file when the timer expires
When the timer set for obtaining a configuration file expires, the switch checks whether a
configuration file is saved in the flash memory. If the flash memory does not contain any
configuration file, the switch checks whether it is added to a Huawei Group Management
Protocol (HGMP) cluster. If the switch is not in any HGMP cluster, the switch begins to
obtain a configuration file as follows:
1. Obtaining the IP address and information about the FTP/TFTP server
A switch that does not load any configuration file automatically enables the DHCP
client function on the VLANIF1 interface in Up state. VLANIF1 then broadcasts
DHCP Request packets (presuming that the DHCP server has been configured with
the address pool, Option 150 or Option 14x, and gateway information). Then, the
DHCP server sends the related configurations to the switch, including the IP address
allocated to the switch, IP address of the FTP/TFTP server, FTP user name and
password, and default gateway.
If the switch fails to obtain the IP address of the FTP/TFTP server, it sends DHCP
requests repeatedly until it obtains the IP address.
2. Downloading a configuration file
After the switch that does not load any configuration file obtains the IP address of the
FTP/TFTP server, it accesses the FTP/TFTP server to obtain a configuration file
through Layer 2 or Layer 3 forwarding.
(1) The switch downloads the intermediate file lswnet.cfg from the FTP/TFTP
(2) The switch searches for the name of the required configuration file, and then
downloads the configuration file from the FTP/TFTP server.
(3) If downloading the configuration file fails, the AutoConfig process will be
lLoading a configuration file
After the configuration file is downloaded successfully, the router is restarted according to
the setting of Option 146. If no Option 146 is configured, the router is restarted immediately
after the configuration file is downloaded.
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.3 Deploying Unconfigured Switches (Same Network
This section describes how to deploy S6700s without configuration file.
1.3.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
As shown in Figure 1-2, unconfigured switches are reachable from a DHCP server. A PC is
connected to the DHCP server and functions as an FTP or a TFTP server to store configuration
files. After the DHCP server and FTP/TFTP server are configured, every switch obtains a
configuration file through Auto-Config.
The DHCP server, FTP/TFTP server, and switches are deployed on the same network segment.
Figure 1-2 Auto-Config networking where the DHCP server, FTP/TFTP server, and
unconfigured switch are on the same network segment
DHCP Server FTP/TFTP Server
Pre-configuration Tasks
Before deploying unconfigured switches, complete the following tasks:
lEnsuring that there are routes from the DHCP server and FTP/TFTP server to the switches
lEnsuring that there is no *.cfg or *.zip file except the *web.zip and web.zip files in the
flash memory of each switch
lEnsuring that the switches are not added to any HGMP cluster
Data Preparation
To deploy unconfigured switches, you need the following data.
Quidway S6700 Series Ethernet Switches
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1Interconnection information about the upstream interfaces on each S6700 and the
downstream interfaces on the DHCP server
2 MAC address of each unconfigured switch
3 IP address, mask, address pool, and Option 150 or Option 14x of the DHCP server
4 IP address, version file, patch file, and configuration file on the FTP/TFTP server
1.3.2 Configuring the DHCP Server
The configuration procedure varies according to the device type of the DHCP server. Therefore,
the configuration procedure is not described and only the configuration contents are provided.
The DHCP server must support either Option 150 or Option 14x.
lEnable DHCP server.
lConfigure an address pool, including the address range and Option 150 (or Option 14x).
It is required that the address pool be on the same network segment with unconfigured
switches and the FTP/TFTP server.
Pay attention to the following points when configuring Option 150 or Option 14x:
lWhen new switches obtain configuration files through TFTP, the DHCP server must support
Option 150.
lWhen new switches obtain configuration files through FTP, the DHCP server must support
Option 141, Option 142, and Option 143.
lIf both Option 150 and Option 14x are configured on the DHCP server, Option 150 takes
precedence over Option 14x.
lIf you use ordinary characters to configure Option 150 or Option 143 on the DHCP server, the
Auto-Config module cannot recognize the IP address, which results in an Auto-Config process
sends the DHCP messages incessantly.
lAdd the downstream interface on the DHCP server to the management VLAN in access
mode and assign an IP address on the same network segment as the IP address of the DHCP
server to the management VLAN.
After Auto-Config is enabled, packets from an unconfigured switch do not carry tags.
Therefore, ensure that untagged packets can be transmitted between unconfigured switches
and the DHCP server.
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Configuration Guide - Device Management 1 Auto-Config
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.3.3 Configuring the FTP/TFTP Server
The configuration procedure varies according to the device type of the FTP/TFTP server.
Therefore, the configuration procedure is not described and only the configuration contents are
lSet the IP address of the FTP/TFTP server.
For an FTP server, the IP address must be the same as the value of Option 143 configured
on the DHCP server; for a TFTP server, the IP address must be the same as the value of
Option 150 configured on the DHCP server.
lCreate and configure an intermediate file.
The intermediate file is configured according to the MAC addresses of unconfigured
switches and the names of configuration files. For the format of the intermediate file, see
1.1 Overview.
lSave the intermediate file and configuration files to the working directory on the FTP/TFTP
1.3.4 Checking the Configuration
The configurations of the DHCP server and FTP/TFTP server are complete.
You can check different items in different phases in the Auto-Config process to confirm that
Auto-Config runs properly.
Step 1 Five minutes after unconfigured switches are powered on, check address allocation on the DHCP
server to confirm that the switches are connected to the DHCP server.
If the switches are connected to the DHCP server, you can log in to the switches through Telnet but do not
configure the switches.
Step 2 Five minutes after the switches obtain IP addresses, check the file downloading log on the FTP/
TFTP server or log in to the switches to confirm that correct configuration files have been
Do not save a configuration file to a switch to be configured immediately after the configuration file is
downloaded; otherwise, only a temporary configuration file is saved because the configurations have not
taken effect.
Step 3 If the user has specified the activation delay, the configuration file will take effect after the delay.
If the user has not specified the activation delay, the configuration file will take effect
Quidway S6700 Series Ethernet Switches
Configuration Guide - Device Management 1 Auto-Config
Issue 02 (2011-10-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
immediately by default. Then run the display current-configuration command to check
whether the configurations take effect.
If you access the switch when it is busy delivering configurations in the Auto-Config process, the switch
may not respond in real time.
After the configurations take effect, modify the configuration of the downstream interface on the DHCP
server as required.
1.4 Deploying Unconfigured Switches (Different Network
This section describes how to deploy unconfigured S6700s.
1.4.1 Establishing the Configuration Task
Applicable Environment
As shown in Figure 1-3, unconfigured switches are reachable from a DHCP relay and a DHCP
server. A PC is connected to the DHCP server and functions as an FTP or a TFTP server to store
configuration files. After the DHCP server and FTP/TFTP server are configured, every switch
obtains a configuration file through Auto-Config.
The DHCP server, FTP/TFTP server, and switches are deployed on different network segments.
Figure 1-3 Auto-Config networking where the DHCP server, FTP/TFTP server, and
unconfigured switches are on different network segments
DHCP Server FTP/TFTP Server
DHCP Relay
Pre-configuration Tasks
Before deploying unconfigured switches, complete the following tasks:
lEnsuring that there are routes from the DHCP server, DHCP relay, and FTP/TFTP server
to the switches
Quidway S6700 Series Ethernet Switches
Configuration Guide - Device Management 1 Auto-Config
Issue 02 (2011-10-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
lEnsuring that there is no *.cfg or *.zip file except the *web.zip and web.zip files in the
flash memory of each switch
lEnsuring that the switches are not added to any HGMP cluster and USB upgrade
Data Preparation
To deploy unconfigured switches, you need the following data.
1Interconnection information about the upstream interfaces on each S6700 and the
downstream interfaces on the DHCP relay
2 Interconnection information about the DHCP relay and DHCP server
3 MAC address of each unconfigured switch
4 IP address, mask, address pool, and Option 150 or Option 14x of the DHCP server
5 IP address, mask, and relay address of the DHCP relay
6 IP address, default configuration file, and configuration files on the FTP/TFTP server
1.4.2 Configuring the DHCP Server
The configuration procedure varies according to the device type of the DHCP server. Therefore,
the configuration procedure is not described and only the configuration contents are provided.
The DHCP server must support either Option 150 or Option 14x.
lEnable DHCP server.
lConfigure an address pool, including the address range, gateway, and Option 150 (or Option
Pay attention to the following points when configuring Option 150 or Option 14x:
lWhen new switches obtain configuration files through TFTP, the DHCP server must support
Option 150.
lWhen new switches obtain configuration files through FTP, the DHCP server must support
Option 141, Option 142, and Option 143.
lIf both Option 150 and Option 14x are configured on the DHCP server, Option 150 takes
precedence over Option 14x.
lIf you use ordinary characters to configure Option 150 or Option 143 on the DHCP server, the
Auto-Config module cannot recognize the IP address.
Quidway S6700 Series Ethernet Switches
Configuration Guide - Device Management 1 Auto-Config
Issue 02 (2011-10-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.4.3 Configuring DHCP Relay
The configuration procedure varies according to the device type of the DHCP relay. Therefore,
the configuration procedure is not described and only the configuration contents are provided.
lEnable DHCP relay.
lConfigure the upstream and downstream interfaces.
You need to configure the IP address and mask for the upstream interface and configure
the IP address, mask, and DHCP relay address for the downstream interface.
You can temporarily set the IP address of the downstream interface on the same network segment
with the IP addresses of unconfigured switches, and then add the downstream interface to the
management VLAN in access mode.
1.4.4 Configuring the FTP/TFTP Server
The configuration procedure varies according to the device type of the FTP/TFTP server.
Therefore, the configuration procedure is not described and only the configuration contents are
lSet the IP address of the FTP/TFTP server.
For an FTP server, the IP address must be the same as the value of Option 143 configured
on the DHCP server; for a TFTP server, the IP address must be the same as the value of
Option 150 configured on the DHCP server.
lCreate and configure an intermediate file.
The intermediate file is configured according to the MAC addresses of unconfigured
switches and the names of configuration files. For the format of the intermediate file, see
1.1 Overview.
lSave the intermediate file and configuration files to the working directory on the FTP/TFTP
1.4.5 Checking the Configuration
The configurations of the DHCP server, DHCP relay, and FTP/TFTP server are complete.
Quidway S6700 Series Ethernet Switches
Configuration Guide - Device Management 1 Auto-Config
Issue 02 (2011-10-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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Quidway V100R006C00 Configuration manual

Network switches
Configuration manual

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