Items required: Three cups, four cotton balls.
Before you start: Stack each cup inside another with the open
side up, on a table. Secretly hide one cotton ball inside the
middle cup and place the other three cotton balls in line on the
table and you are all set for your performance.
Ready to perform: Take the three cups together and place them
one by one upside down (be careful the hidden ball doesn’t
drop out of the middle cup) on the table. The bottom cup (A) on
the right, the middle cup (B) with the ball in the middle, and the
last cup (C) on the left. If you place them quickly on the table,
the audience will not notice the hidden ball in the middle cup.
Place a cotton ball from the table on top of the middle cup B,
then place cup A on top of cup B and cup C on top of cup A.
Tap the top cup (C) with your fi nger and lift up all three cups
together. The audience will see that the cotton ball has gone
through the cups.
Once again put the cups on the table as before, putting cup B
(the middle one) over the ball that you have just used. Place
another ball on top of this cup and repeat the previous actions.
Now there are two balls under the cup. Repeat the actions with
the third ball and the three balls have gone through the cups
TIP: Hold the cups on top of each other in your left hand
as if you were going to drink from them. When taking the
cups away with your right hand always take the bottom
cup away fi rst, turning the open end of the cup towards
yourself when placing it on the table in front of you. Do
the same for all the cups and do not vary your speed when
turning the middle cup with the ball in it.
Items required: Three cups, four cotton balls
Before you start: Prepare the three cups as in the ‘Cups and
Balls’ trick, with a hidden ball in the middle cup.
Ready to perform: Pass the bottom cup from the bottom to the
top, so the hidden ball will now be in the cup on the bottom.
Place the bottom cup upside down, on the right side of the
table (do not let the audience see the ball). Place the other cup
upside down on the left side of the table, place a ball on top and
the last cup on top of this ball. Lift the two cups up together and
the ball has disappeared. Say that the ball has mysteriously
travelled. Lift up the cup on the right and show the ball.
Put the three cups together with a hidden ball in the middle one
and three balls on the table. Pass the cup from the bottom to
the top, so the ball will now be in the cup on the bottom. Ask a
spectator to extend their hand, palm up. One by one put two of
the balls in their hand and place the bottom cup upside down
over the balls, then the middle one on top of it and the last one
on top of the middle one. Take the third ball and put it in your
pocket. Say your magic words, lift the cups and the audience
will see that the ball has travelled into the hand of the spectator.
Items required: Three cups, four cotton balls
Before you start: Place the three cups together with a hidden
ball in the middle one and put two balls in your pocket. Put the
cups upside down on the table one by one, with the hidden ball
in the middle one.
Ready to perform: Say that you have an invisible ball in your
pocket. Put your hand in the pocket and take a ball, hiding
it between the little and ring fi ngers. Take your hand out of
your pocket, closed in a fi st. Pretend to hold an invisible ball
between your thumb and index fi nger. Throw the invisible ball
over the middle cup. With your right hand, lift the cup up and the
audience will see that the ball is now visible. Take the ball with
your left hand leaving the cup in your right hand (at the same
time the left hand touches the table, open your fi ngers dropping
the ball and put the cup in the right hand on top). Place the ball
in your left hand on top of the middle cup. Say that you have
got another invisible ball. Put your hand in your pocket and take
the invisible ball out like before (with the second ball from the
pocket hidden between your fi ngers). Throw the invisible ball
over the right cup, lift it up and…there is nothing. Place the
cup back on the table, leaving the hidden ball from your hand
underneath it. Lift the middle cup and another ball shows up.
Take the ball and put it on top of the right cup. Say that you
have got another invisible ball. Put your hand in your pocket
and take it out, but this time, without any ball hidden in it. Throw
the ball over the left cup, lift it up and…nothing! Lift the right cup
and the third ball appears.
3 4
Place the three cups in a line upside down on the table with a
hidden ball in the middle cup. Take another ball and slightly lift
the middle cup at the back (be careful that the audience does
not see the hidden ball) and place the ball inside. Say: “One”.
Take another ball and put it into the cup in the same way saying:
“Two”. Put the third ball in your pocket. Place the left and right
cups on top of the middle one, pretend to pass something from
your pocket to the cups. Lift the three cups up together and the
audience will see the ball has travelled from your pocket and
appeared with the other balls on the table.
1 2 3 4
Place a cotton ball in your right pocket. To do this trick you have
to manage and perform the previous trick ‘Cups and Balls –
Magic Hand’ really well. At the moment that you put the third
ball in your pocket (right hand), take the ball back out, but be
careful no one sees it. Lift the cups from the spectator’s hand
with your left hand. Take advantage of the audience’s surprise,
to pass the three cups together upside down from your left hand