F-Secure Anti-Virus scanner consistently ranks at the top when compared
to competing products. Our team of dedicated virus researchers is on call
24-hours a day responding to new and emerging threats. In fact,
F-Secure is one of the only companies to release tested virus definition
updates continuously, to make sure our customers are receiving the
highest quality service and protection.
Virus and Spam
Outbreak Detection
Massive spam and virus outbreaks consist of millions of messages which
share at least one identifiable pattern that can be used to distinguish the
outbreak. Any message that contains one or more of these patterns can
be assumed to be a part of the same spam or virus outbreak.
F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange can identify these patterns
from the message envelope, headers and body, in any language,
message format and encoding type. It can detect spam messages and
new viruses during the first minutes of the outbreak.
Stand-alone and
Administration Modes
F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange can be installed either in
stand-alone or centrally administered mode. Depending on how it has
been installed, F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange is managed
either with the F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange Web Console
or F-Secure Policy Manager.
Scalability and
F-Secure Policy Manager provides a scalable way to manage the security
of multiple applications on multiple operating systems, from one central
location. F-Secure Policy Manager is comprised of two components,
F-Secure Policy Manager Console and F-Secure Policy Manager Server,
which are used to administer applications. They are seamlessly
integrated with the F-Secure Management Agents that handle all
management functions on local hosts.
Easy to
If F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange is installed in stand-alone
mode it can be managed with the web-based user interface.
If F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange has been installed in
centrally administered configuration, it is managed with F-Secure Policy
Manager. With its graphical user interface, F-Secure Policy Manager
Console provides a centralized view of the domains and hosts in your
network, lets you configure the security policies for all F-Secure