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- Thermal Screening to
Detect People with Elevated
Requirements For a Non-Contact Free
Flow Pre-Screening Solution
Critical Risk Management and Observational Technology
© 1
1 Purpose 3
2 General 3
3 Technical & Performance 6
4 Privacy & Security 9
5 Installation 10
6 User Interface 12
7 Support & Maintenance 13
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1 Purpose
The following requirements form the basis of an effective thermal temperature monitoring
solution to assess the temperature of people in various physical environments, ranging from
office spaces, receptions or various entry/exit points to sites. The thermal monitoring solution
must be secure, reliable and accurate to ensure it can be relied upon as a pre-screening
solution. The thermal monitoring system will be used to pre-screen people in a free flow
environment and ensure that any people registering with a high temperature can be readily
identified for further testing or other medical assessments in-line with organisational
The information below constitutes the minimum requirements for an effective solution.
Therefore the solution must be scalable and flexible to evolve with the needs of the business.
The minimum requirements are as follows:
2 General
Be non-contact, ensuring
temperature assessments can be
done without the need for
close proximity to the person.
Thermy can detect people from as close
as three (3) metres to a distance of up to
30 metres.
Allows free flow of people without
them having to stop for analysis
(continuous movement
of people).
Thermy does not require laneways or
stopping points and can be mounted at
various heights above two (2) metres. It
allows for the continuous movement of
people without the need for any change
in normal movement behaviour.
This can be in a confined space such as
an office corridor or it can be in a broad
area such as entrance gates to a site or
kitchen area (for example).
Complete all analysis at the edge
for performance (not in the cloud).
Thermy performs all its analysis on the
edge, ensuring no video is transferred
out of the workplace. This ensures a
greater level of security and privacy
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Be expandable to accommodate
changes over time (grow rich in
features where required).
Bigmate uses Amazon Web Services with
all data hosted in Australia (other
regions can be enabled if required to
meet privacy/regulatory obligations).
Thermy’s AWS architecture is scalable
and can accommodate for as many sites
as required that can meet broad
geographic needs also.
There is no limit on the number of
gateways, cameras or users with the
AWS architecture we have developed,
allowing for ready integration into your
existing systems.
Minimise false positives by
removing thermal sources (like hot
drinks) from analysis.
Thermy has in-built logic to recognise
false positives that may come from hot
or cold drinks, food and other
temperature sources. By taking these
into account, it minimises false
As an example, Thermy has been tested
with 40,000 people analysed a month in
a kitchen environment and has been
demonstrated to perform with next to
no false positives.
Ensure all persons are analysed and
not missed. This is identified
through the results.
Thermy uses a thermal and optical
camera to provide clear analysis results
both in a thermal environment as well as
an optical environment. Each person
analysed has an image and the person is
identified in both the thermal and
optical image. This ensures that each
person has a full audit trail for
compliance purposes, demonstrating the
analysis has been completed. Together
with our safety people detection
algorithm which has been proven for
many years in critical safety applications,
each person that enters the frame can
be identified clearly.
Provide a full audit trail for ongoing
Immediate analysis results are important
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reporting and auditing needs.
to identify anyone with an elevated
temperature for further management as
appropriate. It is also critical to have this
information available for ongoing audit,
compliance and analysis. Each camera,
building, site or region can be analysed
to identify trends and patterns as well as
ensure that any historical analysis can be
done quickly and easily, either in our
platform or within another existing
analytics application.
Is flexible in nature - can be
repurposed to other tasks such as
industrial temperature monitoring
or other applications over time (if
Thermy has been designed to
accommodate changing needs as
businesses evolve or shift focus to
different areas.
The appliance can support multiple
applications, such as Warny and Thermy
Warny, for monitoring safe movement of
people and moving machinery can be
deployed using the same infrastructure,
ensuring the solution can be extensible
over time.
The appliance can also support other
applications such as industrial
temperature monitoring where the
thermal cameras can be repurposed, or
new cameras attached, to monitor
industrial equipment or the environment
for unusual temperature changes.
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3 Technical & Performance
Be capable of assessing a person
between 3 metres and 20 metres
from the thermal camera to allow
for a variety of physical
Thermy can operate from as little as 3
metres from the camera to up to 30
metres. This provides an excellent
range that allows the assessment of
many people simultaneously if in view
and hundreds of people per minute.
With such a broad range, and
specifically designed to operate not just
in an office environment, but in most
indoor and outdoor environments,
Thermy provides flexibility to work in
environments without the need to
change the physical space to suit.
Capability of assessing at least 20
people simultaneously per camera.
Thermy is capable of monitoring at least
20 people simultaneously on each
camera. It can analyse and
continuously process hundreds of
people per minute, making it ideal for
monitoring large numbers of people
moving in a short space of time, such as
during shift changes, break periods or in
stadiums/other places with a high flow
rate of people.
By monitoring people in high traffic
environments such as entering or
exiting the site, or kitchen area, it also
allows for assessment of the same
person multiple times. It can be that a
person enters the site and registers
normal however after a few hours a
fever develops. This approach means
that people can be multiple times
throughout the day.
Capability of assessing multiple
people per minute per camera.
Thermy can typically assess up to 500
people per minute per camera
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Capable of assessing a temperature
range of at least 30 - 42°C.
Thermy assesses within a temperature
range of 28°C to 44°C.
Must have a tested accuracy of
0.3°C or better.
Thermy has been tested with an
accuracy of 0.2°C or 0.2988°C when
standard deviations are included.
Does not require calibration - no
need for thermal reference sources
like black body detectors to avoid
the additional operational overhead
of their maintenance and
Thermy comes with the camera
calibrated from Bigmate. This means
that no further calibration is required
and no black body device is required for
ongoing calibration. This approach
reduces operational complexity while
maintaining the high degree of accuracy
required for thermal temperature
Support multiple thermal cameras
in a single integrated solution
(ideally up to five (5) thermal
The Thermy Appliance can process up
five (5) cameras in real time
simultaneously. This means that a single
appliance can support multiple thermal
cameras in an integrated manner (i.e.
when connected on the same network).
Redundancy can be achieved in three
Camera redundancy
By placing 2 or more thermal cameras
strategically at a location, should one
thermal camera fail, the other thermal
camera will counter for this. This can
also enhance the coverage where
monitoring a very large area.
Appliance redundancy
A camera can be configured to
communicate with multiple appliances.
Should a gateway not operate (for
example due to being disconnected
from the network) then the second
gateway will continue to operate
Network redundancy
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Each appliance can support multiple
networks. They can be configured to
address network outages.
Capable of integrating with 3rd
party systems in real time (e.g. AWS
SNS, SQS and Rest APIs) to allow
data to be exchanged with other
Thermy is designed for API and 3rd
party systems integration from the
ground up. This allows data to be
immediately distributed to 3rd party
systems as a push stream or to be
integrated with RESTful APIs. A
complete RESTful API is also available to
pull data from the platform.
Bigmate natively integrates with AWS
IoR, SNS and SQS, including standard
and FIFO queues.
Assess a person’s temperature
within 0.3 seconds.
Thermy is a real-time solution which
calculates temperature in less than
300ms. Multiple analysis can be
completed on a person as well, ensuring
it does not rely on a single temperature
Make results available in the cloud
within 2 seconds to allow operators
to view the results rapidly.
With a stable internet connection,
events are generated within 2 seconds
or faster for rapid viewing on any
standard web browser. This removes
cluttered monitors and allows
monitoring from any desktop web
browser quickly and efficiently.
Importantly, this also enables rapid
viewing by staff without having to waste
valuable resources sitting at a
monitoring desk.
The same speed applies to email and
SMS alerts (subject to the carrier/mail
Be able to utilise environmental
conditions or comparative analysis
to reduce false positives.
Thermy takes into account the
environmental temperature to remove
unusual heat sources, thereby
improving accuracy in temperature
© 8
readings. Thermy also compares
readings of people previously analysed.
By combining the environmental
temperature and relative comparison
features, it enables better accuracy in
changing environmental conditions
Not be impacted by facial hair,
glasses, hats or other facial
Thermy’s ‘True Skin View’ technology
accounts for most facial obstructions
and will identify skin in most cases
(provided the face isn’t fully
Can connect to existing optical
cameras that have a minimum
specification of:
IP based camera
720p resolution
At least 10 fps
Support UDP, RTP and RTSP
streaming of video
Note: our calibrated thermal
camera is still required.
We have integrated with most IP CCTV
cameras on the market. Thermy/Warny
have been designed to work with a very
common minimum specification to
ensure we can integrate with the
majority of existing CCTV cameras. It
will operate with any IP camera that can
provide the following:
Optical Camera
IP based camera
UDP/RTP or RTSP stream available
At least 720p resolution (1280x720)
~12 frames per second
Thermal Camera
Axis Q2910 High Quality (Swedish)
4 Privacy & Security
Only use TLS (SSL) for all
communications across the
Thermy’s security protocols and design
features have been carefully considered
from the ground up. All data is
transmitted using TLS (typically TLS 1.2
or newer). Additionally, Bigmate
monitors all aspects of the system for
anomalies and performs security audits
© 9
and penetration testing.
Be restricted such that there is no
direct access from the internet (i.e.
no ports will be open inbound
through a firewall to the solution
from the internet).
Thermy does not require any inbound
ports to be open. This ensures it can sit
discreetly behind a firewall and no
inbound internet access is required. It
requires TCP ports 443 and 8883 open
outbound to securely communicate
with AWS infrastructure.
Store data securely in the cloud.
Bigmate uses Amazon Web Services
secure, reliable and redundant cloud
infrastructure. A well architectured
review has been completed and
Bigmate is an AWS Advanced Tier
Technology Partner.
Define the period data is by default
stored for.
Twelve (12) months by default and if
there are specific requirements, this can
be discussed and configured.
Be able to remove thermal and
optical images from datasets for
anonymous aggregated analysis if
Data can be used for aggregated
analysis in a completely anonymous
manner. By excluding the images from
the data, there is no Personally
Identifiable Information (PII) in the
5 Installation
Be self-installable.
Thermy can be installed by
non-technical staff in 30 mins - 1 hour.
Must be able to operate either as a
stand alone (portable) solution or
as a solution integrated with local
CTV and/or corporate networks.
Thermy can be offered in a standalone
solution that is self contained running
off 4G/LTE connectivity, or it can be
installed as an integrated solution,
attached to the corporate network.
Be installable across a wide range of
environments and locations
Thermy is industry agnostic, using
cameras that are rated IP66. What this
© 10
including indoor and outdoor
means is that the camera and detection
algorithms will work both indoors and
A full list of standards across
environmental, safety and emissions is
Emission and Immunity
EN 55022 Class B, EN 50121-4, EN
55024, EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3, EN
61000-6-1, EN 61000-6-2, FCC part 15
Subpart B Class A, FCC part 15 Subpart B
Class B, ICES-003 Class B, VCCI Class B,
KN22 Class B, KN-24.
IEC/EN/UL 60950-1, IEC/EN/UL
60950-22, IS 13252.
EN 50581, IEC 60529 IP66, IEC 60529
IP67, NEMA 250 Type 4X, IEC 60068-2-1,
IEC 60068-2-2, IEC 60068-2-6, IEC
60068-2-14, IEC 60068-2-27, IEC
60068-2-30, IEC 60068-2-78.
Training and user manuals shall be
provided so anyone with minimum
experience can set up and operate
the system (noting IT and CCTV
skills may be required for
integration with existing networks).
Bigmate provides an installation and
user manual. It also provides
configuration and remote support.
With many existing deployments,
particularly with limited travel available,
Bigmate has had significant experience
in assisting clients during installation as
a remote service. This has been done in
other countries outside of Australia.
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6 User Interface
Provide, as a minimum, a
cloud web interface.
Thermy is accessed via a standard web
browser (cloud web interface). All
standard web browsers are supported.
Must support access control to the
camera level to set user access to
the results from each camera
The platform enables access control to
be configured for each user where they
can be configured to have access to a
single camera, site, range of sites or
organisation wide. The access control is
extremely granular and can also enable
access to certain features of the
The access control extends to the
RESTful API where users can only access
the API calls and data they have been
given permission to access.
This approach means that users can be
configured to only have access to what
they require.
Must provide a thermal and
corresponding optical camera
image of each person assessed
When Thermy captures an event (stores
a temperature reading) the adjacent
optical camera is triggered to take a
snapshot of the person related to the
captured event.
The person analysed must be
identified in the image where there
is more than one person in the
image at that time.
For Thermy to capture an event it must
first identify a person, then isolate their
head. Thermy will then trigger the
optical camera, so by design the optical
image can be used to identify each
person (provided the front of their head
is captured).
Have the ability to filter to display
only high (or important) readings.
Our Insights Platform can filter events
between each different analysis result.
While this is the default, the platform is
© 12
extremely flexible. It can be configured
to provide additional information and
filter on that as well.
Be capable of sending email and
SMS alerts for high readings to
multiple recipients.
Our Insights Platform can send
email/SMS alerts to pre-configured
people as required. The email can also
include images if required
7 Support & Maintenance
Does not require any ongoing or
periodic manual calibration.
Cameras are provided already
calibrated which means no ongoing
calibration is required.
Support shall be provided remotely
to account for travel restrictions,
including 2nd and 3rd level support.
Bigmate provides support through our
head office in Brisbane, during business
hours. This includes 1st, 2nd and 3rd
level support.
Has a minimum warranty
period of 12 months on all
All hardware components have a
minimum 12 month warranty.
Ensures software support is
available for a minimum of 5 years.
Bigmate provides ongoing maintenance
and upgrades to its software.
As such we support our software with
ongoing maintenance and upgrades as
released for a minimum of 5 years.
Hardware and software shall be
rated to at least 5 years operational
life in office operating conditions.
Thermy Appliances and optics are
industrial rated, which ensures
reliability for many years. 5 years is a
minimum specification to be a
component of the Thermy solution.
This is consistent with our software
strategy above.
Define server OS requirements.
We provide the Warny appliance
pre-built and fully managed by Bigmate.
No operating system is required to be
© 13
provided by the customer.
We use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server which
is then hardened, audited and
penetration tested.
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