12 Making the exposure
a Gently withdraw the envelope
from the holder until it comes
to a firm stop (7). It will come
out almost 6 inches (15cm),
then stop. The negative will
remain inside the holder,
ready for exposure. To
prevent possible light leak,
the envelope should not be
removed for longer than
necessary. If outdoors,
protect the envelope from
bright sunlight and also from
bending in the wind.
b If you wish to use the timer in
the processing of the film,
check the timer display is
powered up (press any
button) and ensure the film
engaged symbol is still
displayed. If this symbol is
not displayed, the negative
was withdrawn accidently
with the envelope. Push the
envelope in again, withdraw
it, and check again.
c Make the exposure.The
recommended exposure
meter setting is printed on the
film envelope.
d Push the envelope all the
way in (8). Use moderate
pressure but don’t force it. If
the envelope will not slide in
all the way, withdraw it
slightly and try again. The
exposed film is now ready to
be processed.
13 Processing the film
a Move the control arm to P(9).
b Grip the envelope firmly, and
pull it straight, all the way out
of the holder (10). Pull
smoothly, at medium speed,
without slowing down or
stopping. You will feel a
slight resistance when the
metal cap reaches the rollers,
but continue pulling without
hesitation. The rollers will
separate to allow the cap to
pass through.
c On pulling the film through
the rollers the peel timer will
automatically count down the
processing time. At the end
of this time a single beep will
sound to indicate the
processing time is complete.
d Remove the print from the
envelope: grip both tabs with
your thumbs as shown (11).
Roll both flaps back slightly.
Using moderate pressure,
tear the envelope open all the
way down to the metal cap
(12). With your left thumb
hold down the negative and
thin paper mask, and with
your right hand quickly lift off
the print (13). It will come
right out of the envelope.
With the exception of
8 English