14 Part Number STH097 Rev00 2/19
Touch Screen Features.......................... 41
Home screen icon descriptions ............43
Setup Wizard .................................. 44
Menu Navigation Overview..................... 45
Settings Menu Screen Navigation ..........45
Event Log ..............................50
Event Log Detail.........................51
USB Flash Drive Specifications and Formatting .
Upgrading Firmware with a Flash Drive .....56
Exporting Data to a Flash Drive ............57
Operational Checks............................. 58
Ice Thickness Check......................59
Sequence of Operation ........................ 61
Self Contained Models ...................61
Troubleshooting ............................65
Long Freeze Cycle .......................65
Long Harvest Cycle ......................65
Safe Operation Mode ....................66
Remove ice Cycle........................67
Analyzing Why A Service Fault (E01 & E02)
Stopped the Ice Machine .................68
E01 Long Freeze.........................69
E02 Long Harvest........................70
Troubleshooting By Symptom................... 71
Reset To Factory Defaults .................71
Symptom #1 Ice Machine Will Not Run......73
Symptom #2 - Freeze Cycle Refrigeration
System Operational Analysis Tables.........78
Symptom #3 & #4 Harvest Problems........99
Symptom #3 Will Not Harvest Ice Fill Normal,
Cubes Not Melted ......................100
Symptom # 4 Will Not Harvest, Ice Fill Normal,
Cubes Melted .........................102