Be@use the compressor is located ONtile
carafe,s sale of the unit {right sde) _hisside
w_iibe heavier and more awkward to manipulate
_nadequate suppo_ sis control side of the unit
can res#lt i_ persona! irfjury a#d damage [o your
unit and property 'Therefore _t s recommended
to have someone assis_ yea dedeg tl_e instal!arian
d _hiSunit
R Your un#_was closer#nedto evaporate @ndensation
under norms_ co,editions However, under e×_reme
humid#y ,condi:_ia_s_exc£ss condensation may ca#so
the base pan bs oveffbw to the ou_ide_
The unit shouid be nslalied where condensation
nJn-eff _nno_ drip on pedestrians or neighboring
1, Select the Best LQGation
A Your room air condk orderwas designed t#
[it easily into a s#'_g!eo_double hung window. Heweve_
sines window de@gas vary_ it may be necessary to
make some modifications for safe and proper
B, Make sure 'IIqewindow and #am÷ are structsrafly
s@_nd and free from dry__otted wood
C. Per maximum effi@ency nstall t/he air conditioner
on side d the house er bui!din9 which favors mere
shade _han sunlight: }f the unit s in direr€ s_niight,
it is advisable !o prey de an awning over the unit
D Provide sufficient clearance around the 8ab_ne¢
to atlow for ample air ckcu_at_onthrough the u_it,
See (Fig:@. The rear d the unit should be outdoors
a_d not in a garage nor inside of a bui!d ng,
Keep unit an far away as possib!e _:romobstacles
and abe#uSers and at i÷as_ 38 a_ve the floor or
ground, Curtains and ether ob,iec_swithin a room
sho_d be #revealed #ore biecking _heair _ow.
E, Be ceRan the proper e_ec_rica_out, aSis within reach
of the ii_staiietio_o U_e only a _i_g_e outle_circuit t_ted
a_ 15 amps A_ wiring shoal_ be in accordance v_h
_ocaland nationa_ e_eetdca_e_es.
Window opening _e_a_reme_e
[see _bi_e be/e_
.... --.... _edei
Cabine_ size
_in, Window
_s× Win_ew
AW 436C Mi FD
eW -SeC_ t _D
? 7' _I24" °t5T' 1&5" _t3.7" *17,1_