Before cailing for s,e_ice please re,,Jewthe ,folio,wing fistof common p;_blems aM solutions
air conditioner is operating normally when:
• You hear apinging noise This is caused by water bein9 picked up by_J_econdenser on rainy days or in highly
humid condffions This feature is designed to help remove moisture in the air and improve _o_ing efficiency
• You he__the thermostat c#ck. This iscaused by_e compressor cycle _a_n 9 and stoppin9
• You see water dripping fromthe rear of the unit 'Watermay be _llec-t_ in the base pan in high!y humid
_nditions or on rainydays, This water overflows and drips from the rear of the unit.
, You hear the fan running while _e compressor issiient. This is a normal operational feature.
Theair conditioner may be abnormally when;
does not operate
at all
Air conditioner
does not cool
air conditioner.
,,Make surethe p_u9 is _mp_ete/y plugged into
the outlet
*Checkthe fuse/circuit breaker box and replace
the fuse or reset _e breaker
,,_nthe event of a _wer failure,,set the power
contro} to OFF. When _e power is restored
wait 3 minutes to resta_ _e air _nditioner to
prevent the compressor from overloading
,,Make surethere are no cu_ains, Ninds°
furniture or other obstacles in front:ofthe air
,,Turn the k_obito_ higher se:_ing.The highest
se_ing provi_s maximum _lling
,,Clean _e filter at _easteve_ 2 weeks° Refer to
the 'Care and Maintenance' section (p.11} of
the manual.
•After the aircondi_oner is turned on, you need
to give _e air conditioner some time to cool _e
,,Check for open furnace floor resisters and co_d
air returns.
•CLOSE the air conditioner vent
,.See/ce appears o# the air conditlo_r below
, Ice may block the air flow and obstruct _e air
conditioner from properly cooling 'the room.
Setthe mode control at High Fan or High Coo_
with the high temperature.