Internal Playback with Processing
The loss of source audio for whatever reason – STL packs it in, automation system takes a dirt
nap, talent locks themselves out of the building taking a smoke break, studio is being fumigated
again – means Omnia.9sg will have no processed audio to include in its composite signal.
To temporarily get you through such a situation, Omnia.9sg now thoughtfully includes the
ability to play and process back-up audio from internal storage if the primary source audio is
interrupted. The internal player is not designed to replace an automation system, but it can
randomize music and insert liners and legal IDs.
Files can be uploaded via FTP server and can hold approximately 15GB of music in MP2, MP3,
FLAC, or WAV (PCM only) formats.
The built-in processor is a 2- to 4-band variation of the dynamics processing found in Omnia.7
and Omnia.9 and comes with over twenty newly created presets designed to work with Om-
nia.9sg’s clipper.
Local Audio Insertion with Processing
The optional local audio insertion feature allows an additional external audio source to replace
main program audio either automatically or by a proprietary cue tone which can be downloaded
from the Omnia website at TelosAlliance.com/Omnia. A look-ahead feature ensures that the
cue tones are never audible on-air.
This system – which uses the same built-in processing as the internal playback feature - is
particularly valuable for networked applications where the majority of content is relevant to
all affiliates or transmitter sites but where it is beneficial (or even legally required) to replace
specific network content with local program elements such as local ID’s, weather, traffic, com-
mercials or locally produced public service content.
Having the option for local processing is also valuable if the loss of primary audio content from
the studio is expected to last an extended period of time, for example, during construction, if the
studio cannot be occupied or there is a complete failure of the console, automation system, or
STL. In this case, feeding the output of a small mixer or a stand-by automation system directly
into Omnia.9sg can get the station back on the air until the issue can be resolved.
Livewire+/AES67 Multicast Compliance
Omnia.9sg is Livewire+/AES67 multicast compliant, and includes support for SDP (Session
Description Protocol) files. It provides three universal, assignable inputs and nine dedicated
Outputs include dozens of patch points from within three Monitor Output points, a decoded
MPX output from the Omnia.9sg’s stereo generator, a decoded MPX output from a mod monitor
feeding either of the external composite inputs, and – as a world’s first – a full composite signal
over Livewire+/AES67 via a 192kHz 16-bit single channel stream.
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