For w ater soluble stains (i.e. ber r ies, soft dr i nks, ice cr eam, jelly , mud
mi x a solution of 1/4 tsp. w hite vinegar w ith 32 oz. w ater i n a spr ay
bottle. Spr ay gener ously and blot dr y w ith a damp, clean cloth.
A r ea r ugs made of sy nthetic fiber s can also be spot cleaned using a
solution of mi ld deter gent and cold w ater .
For m or e difficult stains, pr ofessional cleaning is r ecom mended.
Tip: Always treat the affected area immediately. The longer a stain sits, the more difficult
it is to remove. Clean using a blotting motion. Never scrub your rug, as this can damage the
fibers and set the stain deeper into the rug.
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