Feature Description
Flexible assessment This feature gives teachers frequent opportunities to
ask questions and obtain feedback, which can engage
students more actively in the material they’re studying.
You can display feedback in a bar or pie chart. All
feedback statistically summarizes student responses,
and helps teachers record and track each student’s
Anonymity Students can send private responses through the
anonymity feature. With this feature, the system logs
each response according to an assigned number for
each student. Only the teacher knows which student
has which number, so students can answer questions
without feeling judged by their peers.
Dynamic content Use SMART Notebook to create questions and
assessments with pictures, sound, video and Adobe®
Flash® Player compatible files from the Gallery.
Instant, measurable results This feature allows teachers to instantly pose questions
and receive responses from within SMART Notebook.
Question variety Teachers can ask different types of questions, including
true or false, yes or no, multiple choice, numeric
response and multiple answer and short answer.
File import and export This feature allows teachers to export to their online
performance reporting systems, or a reporting system
of their choice.
Convenient monitoring options allow teachers to
monitor students during and after tests, see how much
time is left, who has completed the questions, who
answered first, and which questions were answered.
The comprehensive Gradebook allows teachers to
create new class lists, conduct SMART Notebook
assessments, and view class reports.
Import and export
Teachers can export assessment results to other
gradebooking or database applications. They can also
import scores from other activities and quizzes to
include in SMART Response’s Gradebook for complete