[Set] [x]
All Clear: Clears and resets the calculator
to its default settings and values. Use this
with caution as it resets ratios, periods
per year, etc. to default settings (see
Default Settings
in Appendix).
[Set] [+]
Pro-Mode: Toggles the Pro–Mode setting
“On” and “Off” (default). An advanced
user feature, Pro-Mode changes Tax,
Insurance, and on the Qualifier Plus IIx
only, Mortgage Insurance to permanent
entries. On the Qualifier Plus IIx only,
Pro-Mode also changes the order that
qualifying values are displayed when
using the
[Qual 1] and [Qual 2] keys, by
showing the lower, or restrictive amount
with the first press, the higher, or nonre-
strictive amount with the second press,
and the buyer’s actual ratios with the
third press. The fourth press displays the
stored income and debt ratios.
[Set] [–]
Change Sign: Toggles the sign of a dis-
played value.
[Set] [%]
Lifetime Interest Cap (ARMs):
Permanently sets the lifetime interest cap
for ARMs by entering the maximum
interest increase. Reset to 0 by pressing
[Set] [%].
8 — Real Estate Master
IIx/Qualifier Plus