Optimus GONSIN30000 User manual

User manual

Optimus GONSIN30000 is a wireless conference system that allows for up to 500 delegate units to be connected and used simultaneously, within a coverage area of 30m x 30m and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Conferences and meetings: The system can be used to amplify the voices of speakers, allowing them to be heard clearly by all attendees.

  • Lectures and presentations: The system can be used to deliver lectures and presentations, allowing the speaker to move around freely while still being heard by the audience.

  • Q&A sessions: The system can be used to facilitate Q&A sessions, allowing audience members to ask questions and receive answers from the speaker.

Optimus GONSIN30000 is a wireless conference system that allows for up to 500 delegate units to be connected and used simultaneously, within a coverage area of 30m x 30m and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Conferences and meetings: The system can be used to amplify the voices of speakers, allowing them to be heard clearly by all attendees.

  • Lectures and presentations: The system can be used to deliver lectures and presentations, allowing the speaker to move around freely while still being heard by the audience.

  • Q&A sessions: The system can be used to facilitate Q&A sessions, allowing audience members to ask questions and receive answers from the speaker.

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DCS-3021 Wireless Conference System
Installing Guidance
1, Restriction rules
Rule 1: control capability:
GONSIN30000 congress server can support up to 500 DCS-3021 congress terminals.
Rule 2: signal coverage:
For stable working performance for congress terminals, please ensure all devices shall be
within signal coverage of wireless AP. The maximum coverage of wireless AP is 30m * 30m,
without obstructions blocking signals. The actual coverage of wireless AP is determined in
real-site use.
Rule 3: frequency:
Wireless networks shall work in different frequency bands from nearby computer networks.
2, Frequency band
The wireless network is based on 2.4GHz wireless communication technology. The device
operates in the frequency range between 2.4000 and 2.4835 GHz.
Wireless computer networks:
Wireless computer networks also works on 2.4GHz wireless communication technology.
There are 13 overlapping channels in wireless computer network (see Figure 1.2).
GONSIN30000 system divides 2.4GHz band into 85 channels, of which 0, 80~84 is
reserved channel for the system, which is used for fixed communication purposes; 1~79 is
used for system frequency-hopping and selection channels. (see Figure 1.3).
The wireless network of DCS3021 wireless congress system will interfere with the wireless
computer network. Please ensure DCS3021 system wireless carrier does not overlap with
the WLAN channel.
Refer to figure 1.4. In this example, the WLAN channel is 3, which overlaps Gonsin wireless
carrier between 10 and 35 frequency points. Therefore, the use of frequency points outside
the range of 10-35 will get better communication results.
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Assorted Scan Software can be used to check wireless network situation, for more easy
measurement. After the completion of sweep process, Scan Software will automatically set
the best working frequency points, and avoid the interference frequency points. In case of
severe electromagnetic environment, Scan software will give corresponding tips, after the
completion of sweep process.
Note: Although this system is operated within the frequency range, which don’t need
license worldwide; Please follow the rules of your country, if any restriction rules or
Figure 1.2 wireless computer network (WLAN channel)
Figure 1.3 GONSIN30000 system wireless network
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Figure 1.4 example of interference
3, Installing rules
GONSIN30000 system uses frequency hopping frequency selection wireless
communication technology, the installation shall follow the installing requirements:
A: It is suggested no obstructions between wireless devices (communication range will
shrink if obstacles);
B: Keep away from metal objects nearby wireless devices. (wireless signal will be reflectd
or blocked by metal, which makes signal blind area);
C: Keep 1 ~ 2 meters distance away from electronic products (wireless signal will interfere
with each other, e.g wireless router, electronic starter, air conditioning, microwave oven, TV
sets will emit radio interference signal in varying degrees).
Impact of different material obstacles affecting signals:
Less impact - glass, ceramics, gypsum board, plastic parts, dry wood, etc.
Some impact - Marble, reinforced concrete walls, large goldfish bowl, large-sized potted
plants, etc.
Big impact large-sized metal cabinet or metal ornament.
4, Installation requirements to install WAP-30 wireless AP
Please follow below:
WAP installing height:
WAP-30 shall be installed no less than 2.5 meters height from the ground, which can
reduce the human body blocking the signal between WAP-30 and DCS-3021 congress
WAP installing distance:
Keep the linear distance betweenWAP-30 and DCS-3021 congress terminal within 30meter,
the nearest position will be preferred.
WAP installing angle:
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Power key 电源键
Directional key Ok key
方向键 Ok
WAP-30 is one-way flat antenna, so keep its front surface facing the signal coverage area
to achieve best signal coverage. The assorted mounting bracket can be used to adjust
WAP angle.
WAP installing environment:
WAP-30 shall have 2 meters distance away from other metal objects and electronic
products, which emit radio interference signals.
Distance from WAP to GONSIN30000 congress server:
The assorted 15 meters 8-pin extension cable can be used. If longer cable requiring, data
repeaters are needed.
5, LCD interface operation:
LCD 显示屏操
Press power key to start up congress server GONSIN30000, LCD interface will take about
1 minute to enter display menu, and power key is blue light.
按电源键打开 GONSIN30000 主机,LCD 显示屏需要大概 1 分钟进入菜单界面,电源键显蓝
Use four directional key and Ok key for setting.
用四个方向按钮和 OK 键进行设置
Press OK key to activate the setting; use left/right/upward/downward directional to move
position and do setting (some setting need press Ok key to activate setting afterwards).
OK 键激活设置,使用左右上下方向键移动和做设置,部分设置需要使用 OK 键激活设置。
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We do the LCD interface setting in Set menu, Set menu has 8 settings including:
LCD 显示屏菜单包含 8 个设置:
Active mics, Mode, System, Unit ID No, Language, Sensitivity, Bcast set, Senior.
发言人数,模式,系统,ID 号,语言,灵敏度,监听,高级。
Active Mics
It is used to set 1/2/3 delegate units which can be active simultaneously. Up to 3 delegate
units can be activated at the same time. Use directional key to move position and do the
setting.用于设置 1/2/3 代表话筒同时打开,最多可以同时打开 3 个代表话筒。使用方向键移
It is used to select microphone mode FIFO, AUTO. Use directional key to move position
and do the setting.用于设置话筒发言模式 FIFO;AUTO。使用方向键移位和设置。
AUTO Any microphone can be active within the preset active mics limit. For example, set
Active mics:2, which means 2 delegate units can be active simultaneously. In Auto mode,
when turn on the 3
microphone, the 3
microphone cannot be active; until either one of
the previous delegate units turn off, then turn on the 3
microphone again, the 3
microphone will be active this time.
AUTO-在发言人数设置范围下开启任意话筒。例如,发言人数设置为 2,代表两个代表可以
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同时打开。 AUTO 模式下,当我们打开第三个话筒时,第三个话筒不能打开。直到关闭前
FIFO first in first out mode, first active microphone will be switched off automatically when
active microphone is more than the preset active mics limit. For example, set Active mics:2,
which means 2 delegate units can be active simultaneously. When turn on the 3
microphone, the 3
microphone will be active, and the 1
microphone will be off
发言人数设置为 2,代表两个代表可以同时打开。这时,当打开第三个话筒时,第三个话筒
System: press to enter system menu. Under system menu, the settings are Volume
control, RF Scan, Shutdown, Host ID, RFPARM, About.
系统:按右键进入系统菜单。系统菜单包含 音量锁,扫频,一键关机,主机号,频点,版本
SYS: Vol Ctrl (Volume control)
Its used to set if ok to adjust volume by volume knob,bass knob and treble knob in
congress server panel. Use directional key to move position and do the setting.用于是否允
When unlock: it is ok to use volume knob,bass knob, and treble knob in congress server
panel. (Note: make slow adjustment to avoid feedback);
Bass Treble VOL
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When locked, the volume knob, bass knob, treble knob in congress server panel cant
adjust volume. If switch either knobs in panel, the system will show locked image in LCD
display. This setting can prevent other people make unaware adjustment.
当锁定状态,不能使用面板 低音调节旋钮、高音调节旋钮及音量调节旋转旋钮。锁定状态
SYS: RF Scan
Its used to sweep clean frequency points. After installing the system, this process shall be
taken, so the system can select clean frequency points and avoid interference with other
wireless devices. If re-install system, change WAP or relocate WAP, its suggested to make
RF Scan again for clean frequency points. Use directional key to move position and do
setting, then Ok key to activate setting.
前使用环境存在的电磁干扰。当增加无线设备,包括无线路由器等或重新安装系统,改变 WAP
OK 键激活设置。
If your congress terminals DCS-3021 has built.in speaker:
The congress terminal can be turned on after RF scan process, it will auto match to WAP,
and be connected to system; the matching process will take about 1 minute, and its
indicator will be steady green lights, which means successful connection. If the congress
terminal is active during RF scan, its also ok, the terminal will auto match to WAP after RF
scan. Note: Please ensure congress server and congress terminal are consistent Host ID
(refer to Host ID setting) , otherwise, the congress terminal fails matching WAP,
If your congress terminals dont have built.in speaker, below process is needed:
Before RF scan, all congress terminals DCS-3021 in the conference room shall be turned
on. Hold and press the keypress button to turn on the congress terminal, the indicator will
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be flashing, which means congress terminal haven’t connected to system; After RF Scan,
the congress terminal will match the frequency points of WAP and connected to the system;
when indicator is steady green light, it means successful connected.
如果 3021 话筒带内置扬声器,可在扫频后,再使话筒上电,话筒会自动和 WAP 配对并连接
系统。整个配对过程大概 1 分钟,话筒指示灯长绿,表示成功连接。如果扫频的时候话筒已
话筒 HostID 一致,否则话筒无法自动配对上主机。
如果 3021 话筒不带内置扬声器,需要以下操作:在扫频前,必须打开会议室内所有 3021
话筒会和 WAP 对频并连接系统;当指示灯长绿时,表示话筒成功连接。
RF Scan process: It takes 5minutes for complete scanning. At 4:30, LCD will change image
with EXIT. The RF scan is 5 minutes count-down process, its suggested to make complete
RF scan, and shall not exit in the midway. Otherwise will cause inaccurate RF scan, which
might have noise and unstable performance due to interference.
扫频程序:整个扫频需要 5 分钟。 430 时,LCD 屏会变更图片,带退出。扫频是按 5
After RF scan, LCD interface will display Setting RF-PARM, which means its matching
with congress terminal DCS-3021. After this, system will return to RF scan page, which
means scan completes.
扫频后,LCD 屏会显示自动对频,这时表示话筒正在对频。对频后,系统会自动返回上扫频
Indicator 指示灯
Hold and press keypress button to turn on congress terminal
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If bad environment, LCD display will show Bad Environment”, the system will select less
affected frequency points to work on, however, cant ensure stable performance. In this
case, its suggested user re-check wireless network environment, and reduce other
wireless devices. User can use gonsin scan software to check interference.
如果环境干扰大,显示屏会提示 BAD Environment,系统仍会选择相对干扰小的频点工作,
供了 PC 端的扫频软件协助用户分析当前无线环境的干扰情况。
SYS: ShutDown 一键关
Its used to turn off all congress terminals DCS-3021, under the condition that congress
terminals are good connected to system; User no need manually turn off terminals one by
one. Use directional key to move position and do setting, then Ok key to activate setting.
和设置,然后使用 OK 键激活设置。
Note: If congress server GONSIN30000 has been turned off, however, the congress
terminals DCS-3021 keep active. After 10 minutes not getting congress server signal, the
congress terminal will shutdown automatically.
注意:如果主机关闭,话筒未关闭。话筒在 10 分钟后未收到主机信号,话筒会自动关闭。
SYS: HostID 主机
Host ID is a code used within system for internal communication; 主机号是用于系统内部通
If there is only one set congress system in the building, please ignore this step; keep host
ID remain factory setting. The default setting is
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如果一个会场只有一套设备,请忽略此操作。主机号保持出厂设置,默认设置是 00000000
If there are several congress systems in the same environment or neighboring each other
working simultaneously, use Host ID function, so each set wont be interfere with others.
Use directional key to move position and do the setting. Each congress server shall have
different host ID, as below:
The congress terminals which match related congress server need do DIP switch revision
as Host ID.
Congress terminal DCS-3021 DIP switch:
Locates at lithium battery compartment.
Remove battery and DIP switch will be seen.
DIP switch setting shall be consistent setting with
Host ID.
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It is used to set new frequency points. Press to enter RF SELECT. Use directional
key to move position and do setting, then Ok key to activate setting.
用于设置新频点。按右键进入频道选择。使用方向键移位和设置,然后使用 OK 键激活设置
Channel 1 overlaps WLAN 1 channel area;
频道 1 WLAN1 通道重叠信号
Channel 2 overlaps WLAN 6 channel area;
频道 2 WLAN6 通道重叠信号
Channel 3 overlaps WLAN 11 channel area.
频道 3 WLAN11 通道重叠信号
This setting is used to make gonsin equipment coexisting with other wireless devices.
Some conference room has multi wireless routers working simultaneously. In order to keep
good working environment for gonsin system, its necessary to make network management.
For example, you can make other wireless devices working on WLAN 1 and WLAN 6
channel, and reserve WLAN 11 for gonsin equipment working. In this case, RF select
channel 3, which will avoid interference.
这部分是为了能与多个 WLAN 共存而设置的。有些会议环境的无线环境比较复杂,有多个无线路由器
无线会议系统留出有效的无线通道例如,您可以把无线路由的通道设置 CHANNEL 1 / CHANNEL6,
把无线会议系统的工作频点通过 FIX 设置在 CHANNEL3。这样就能有效避免无线环境电磁互相干扰的情
Use directional key to move position and do setting, then Ok key to activate selecting
channel, system will enter RF PARM page showing the current selected frequency points.
使用方向键移位和设置,然后使用 OK 键激活频段选择。系统会进入频点页面显示当前选择
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When enter FIX, the system will reset frequency points, image showing:
当按 FIX 时,系统会重新设置系统的工作频点,界面如图所示:
SET process:
If your congress terminals DCS-3021 has built.in speaker, please ignore this steps. When
adding additional congress terminal, after the congress terminals are active, they will auto
match to WAP, and be connected to system; the process will be within 1 minute.
If your congress terminals don’t have built.in speaker, below process is needed:
When enter SET, the system will keep current frequency points, congress terminal will
make new match with system. Its normally used when additional congress terminal is
adding. Image showing:
SET 设置
(如果话筒不带监听,需要做这个操作。按 Set,系统保持原来工作频点,话筒重新对频。
When enter Ok, will exit and return previous menu.
当按 OK,系统退出并返回上级菜单。
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SYS: About 版本号
It shows congress server and WAP version. Its very useful in case of after-sale service.
用于显示主机和 WAP 版本。售后时会用到。
Its used to rewrite delegate terminal ID number (Chairman ID number is not allowed to
revise.)用于重新写代表单元 ID 号(主席号不能改。
Before ID rewriting, all delegate terminals shall be connected to system, the indicator will
show steady green lights.
Steady green light means delegate
terminals are successfully connected.
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Use directional key to set starting ID number, e.g 1002
使用方向键设置开始 ID 号,例如 1002
Press OK key to activate setting, all keypress button of delegate terminasl will be flashing,
and LCD display shows:
OK 键激活设置,所有话筒的开米键都会闪烁,LCD 显示屏如图所示
Press keypress button of each delegate terminal one by one to rewrite ID. The keypress
button of the ID re-writed microphone will stop flashing, which means this microphone has
been ID re-writed; and LCD display will show new ID number. The ID number will increase
sequentially, e.g 1002, 1003,1004, ect.
逐个每个话筒开咪键重新号。改号后的话开咪键停止闪烁,表示筒已经改 ID
;LCD 显示屏显示新 ID 号。ID 号会递增显示,如 1002,1003,1004 等。
After ID rewrite completes, press to Exit previous menu.
Language 语言
The default system language is English; if customized design, will add other language. Use
directional key to move position and do the setting.
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Its used to set congress terminal sensitivity within pick-up range. For example, if speaker
stands to talk, and its long distance from microphone, set higher sensitivity; if speaker
speak very close to the microphone, set lower sensitivity. The sensitivity level is 0-6, the
highest level is 6, which means the most sensitive. Use directional key to move position and
do setting, then Ok key to activate setting.
灵敏度。当很靠近话筒说话,需要设置低灵敏度。灵敏度范围是 0-6 级,最高级是 6,表示
最灵敏。使用方向键移位和设置,然后使用 OK 键激活设置。
For factory testing, sensitivity 3 or 4 is preferred for daily conference holding, which is clear
sound and dont occur feedback.
在工厂测试时,灵敏度 3 4 已经适用于常规会议,音质清晰不会产生啸叫。
Senior 高级
Its used to set congress server password. When buyer provides trial period for his clients,
he can set password, and his client can use system for a certain period, after trial period
expires, the system will lock and client cannot use any more. If you have this inquiry,
please contact Gonsin for the setting password.
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We keep status for UnLock as factory setting.工厂设置常规是解锁状态。
6, Frequently asked questions:
Q1: the congress server GONSIN30000 is turned on, the power indicator lights up, but
server has no response. Why?
A1: we can imagine congress server as a computer, the computer will go through
self-examination before entering the system, so the boot time will take more than 1
Q2: Congress terminal DCS-3021 cannot be turned on, or its indicating light is flashing, or
the congress terminal cannot link to congress server GONSIN30000. Why?
A2: a, check if terminal battery has power;
b, check if congress terminal has same host ID as congress server GONSIN30000
(setting refer to Host ID);
c, use congress server GONSIN30000 to set frequency points. Go to RF PARM
menu, activate SET to make new matching between congress terminal and server
(setting refer to SYS:RF PARM). Normally after setting completes, the indicator of
congress terminal DCS-3021 will be steady green light, which means, it has been
connected to congress server.
Congress terminal indicator
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Q3: camera tracking fails, why?
A3: a, check if correct + - connection for RS-485 cable, if copper core of connection post
has been inserted to RS-485 interface and locked.
b, check if correct camera ID and communication protocol. Our system is only
compatible with Pelco-P protocol.
Q4: the keypress button of congress terminal DCS-3021 keeps flashing, why?
A4: when its same host ID with congress server GONSIN3000:
a, when congress server is sweeping frequency, after the process completes, the
keypress button keep flashing, which indicates WAP-30 is matching with congress
terminal DCS-3021; after matching, congress terminal DCS-3021 will stop flashing.
This is normal situation;
b, when congress server GONSIN30000 is writing ID numbers for congress terminal
DCS-3021, the keypress button will keep flashing. Press keypress button, it will stop
flashing, which means ID number has been re-writed.
If congress terminal is not consistent Host ID with congress server, make consistent
Host ID (setting refer to Host ID)
Q5: when turn on one congress terminal DCS-3021, we find two congress terminals are
active at the same time. Why?
A5: this will occur when two congress terminals have same ID number. It will be solved
when use congress server GONSIN30000 to rewrite ID number for each congress terminal
(setting refer to Unit ID No).
Make sure its correct + - connection
Keypress button
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Q6: there is noise when congress terminal DCS-3021 is activated. Why?
A6: a, check if other congress terminal is active, besides this congress terminal with noise.
This is to check if duplicated ID number. If yes, refer to Q5 for trouble shooting.
b, if don’t have above situation, check if good signal coverage. Take this congress
terminal close to WAP-30, if noise disappears, it means its signal coverage issue.
Troubleshooting: Check WAP installing, refer to installing requirements, or adjust
WAP-30 angle (keep WAP-30 aligned with all congress terminals, keep the angle
slightly down);
c, use congress server GONSIN30000 to sweep frequency, or use assorted Scan
Software to set frequency. After sweeping, the system will automatically select best
frequency point to work on; if severe interference area, the server will display BAD
ENVORIMENT, and user shall reduce site wireless network to ensure system stable
Q7: when keep close to congress terminal DCS-3021and speak, its still small sound, need
speak loud voice to be heard. Why?
A7: use congress server GONSIN30000 LCD interface to set sensitivity. In the acceptable
pick-up range, make proper sensitivity for suitable volume.
The sensitivity has 7 level from 0-6; 0 is the lowest sensitivity, when speak very close to
microphone, set sensitivity as 0 for best quality sound; 6 is the highest sensitivity. For
regular pick-up range, set the sensitivity to 3 or 4 will be proper.
Q8: when keep long distance speaking into microphone, its very small voice. The delegate
finds his sound is louder than built. in speaker. Why?
A8: can adjust congress server GONSIN30000 VOL knob (make slow adjustment to avoid
VOL knob
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Or can use congress server GONSIN30000 LCD interface to set sensitivity, refer to Q7; if
there is mixer, use mixer to make louder sound (Note: make slow adjustment to avoid
feedback; if hearing buzz sound, stop push to loud sound, it shall reduce volume.)
Q9: when speaking fast, the congress terminal DCS-3021 has pop sound;
A9: use microphone sponge, which is assorted with congress terminal.
Q10: when connecting external speaker for use, congress terminal DCS-3021 has
feedback. Why?
A10: the congress terminal has built. in speaker, when without external speaker, just use
the built. in speaker to hear other delegate speaking; if connect to external speaker, turn the
volume for built. In speaker to 0, feedback will disappear.
Microphone sponge
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Volume knob
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Optimus GONSIN30000 User manual

User manual

Optimus GONSIN30000 is a wireless conference system that allows for up to 500 delegate units to be connected and used simultaneously, within a coverage area of 30m x 30m and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Conferences and meetings: The system can be used to amplify the voices of speakers, allowing them to be heard clearly by all attendees.

  • Lectures and presentations: The system can be used to deliver lectures and presentations, allowing the speaker to move around freely while still being heard by the audience.

  • Q&A sessions: The system can be used to facilitate Q&A sessions, allowing audience members to ask questions and receive answers from the speaker.

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