Wincor Nixdorf TH420 User guide

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Thermal Printer
User Guide
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Thermal Printer
User Gui de
Edi ti on April 2005
Co py right © Win cor Nix dorf In ter na tio nal GmbH, 2005
The re pro duc ti on, trans mis si on or use of this do cu ment or its con tents is not per mit ted
wit hout ex press aut ho ri ty.
Of fen ders will be li ab le for da ma ges. All rights, in clu ding rights crea ted by pa tent grant or
re gi stra ti on of a uti li ty mo del or de sign, are re ser ved.
De li very sub ject to avai la bi li ty; tech ni cal mo di fi ca tions pos si ble.
Mi cro soft and Wind ows NT are re gis te red Tra de marks of Mi cro soft Cor po ra ti on in the
U.S.A. and/or ot her coun tries
BEET LE® is a re gis te red tra de mark of the Win cor Nix dorf In ter na tio nal GmbH, Ger ma ny
Manufacturer’s De cla ra ti on and Ap pro val .............................1
Ge ne ral Aut ho ri za ti on .................................................................................1
FCC-Class A De cla ra ti on............................................................................1
User In for ma ti on .........................................................................................1
Sa fe ty In for ma ti on.......................................................................................2
In struc tions for Main ten an ce .......................................................................3
War ran ty .....................................................................................................3
Re cy cling ....................................................................................................3
Vo lun ta ry Con trol Coun cil for In ter fer en ce (VCCI)
Ra dio Fre quen cy In ter fer en ce Statement ...................................................4
About This Gui de...................................................................5
What is in this gui de....................................................................................5
About the Prin ter....................................................................7
About the Uni ver sal Se ri al Bus ...................................................................8
Ad van ta ges of USB con nec tions...........................................................8
User Con trols............................................................................................10
Avai la ble prin ter con fi gu ra tions .................................................................11
Prin ter con fi gu ra ti on iden ti fi ca ti on .......................................................11
Com mu ni ca ti on in ter fa ces ...................................................................11
Stan dard fea tu res .....................................................................................11
Ad van ced in ter fa ce de sign ..................................................................11
Elec tro nics and firm wa re .....................................................................11
Ther mal re ceipt prin ter ........................................................................12
Im pact slip prin ter................................................................................13
Ex cep tions...........................................................................................13
Op tions .....................................................................................................14
Con nec ti vi ty.........................................................................................14
Set ting up the Prin ter...........................................................15
Check the pa cking list ...............................................................................15
Re mo ve the pa cking re straints..................................................................15
Load or chan ge the re ceipt pa per .............................................................17
In stal ling or re pla cing the rib bon cas set te.................................................19
Re pla cing a used rib bon cas set te .......................................................20
In stal ling a new rib bon cas set te ..........................................................20
Choo se a lo ca ti on .....................................................................................21
Con nect the ca bles ...................................................................................22
Cash dra wer ca bles.............................................................................23
Com mu ni ca ti on ca bles ........................................................................23
Po wer supp ly ca ble .............................................................................25
Ca ble rou ting.......................................................................................25
Test the prin ter ....................................................................................26
Using the Prin ter..................................................................29
Prin ting on forms or checks ......................................................................29
To print on a form or check .................................................................30
Clea ring check flip pa per jams ..................................................................31
To cle ar a pa per jam from the op tio nal check flip as sem bly................31
Prin ter con fi gu ra tions ................................................................................32
Con fi gu ring the prin ter ..............................................................................34
Com mu ni ca ti on in ter fa ce ..........................................................................36
RS-232C se ri al in ter fa ce set tings ........................................................36
Di ag nos tic mo des................................................................................37
En ab le or dis ab le data sco pe mode ....................................................38
En ab le or dis ab le re ceipt test mode ....................................................39
En ab le or dis ab le slip test mode..........................................................39
En ab le or dis ab le check flip test mode ................................................40
Prin ter set tings and functions....................................................................41
Se lect the hard wa re op tions sub-menu to set .....................................42
Pre ven ting over hea ting of the print he ad ...................................................44
Trou bles hoo ting the prin ter .......................................................................45
Prin ter beeps.......................................................................................46
Prin ter will not print..............................................................................47
On-line, pa per sta tus, er ror light flas hes..............................................47
Slip-in LED does not light (rec tan gu lar green LED on slip tab le).........48
Poor forms print qua li ty .......................................................................49
Poor re ceipt print qua li ty......................................................................49
Slip sta ti on and flip pro blems ..............................................................51
The kni fe does not ope ra te..................................................................51
Ot her con di tions ..................................................................................51
Pa per and Supp lies .............................................................53
Forms spe ci fi ca tions .................................................................................53
Slip forms - re com men da tions ..................................................................53
Check spe ci fi ca tions .................................................................................55
Tech ni cal Data.....................................................................56
Manufacturer’s Declaration and Approval
General Authorization
This de vi ce ful fills the re qui re ments of the EEC stan -
dard 89/336/EWG “Elec tro mag ne tic Com pa ti bi li ty”.
The re fo re, you will find the CE mark on the de vi ce or
pa cka ging.
FCC-Class A Declaration
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if
not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at his own expense.
Modifications not authorized by the manufacturer may void users authority
to operate this device.
This class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet
appareil numerique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du
Ad di tio nal ly, the TH420 has re cei ved the cUL and UL
ap pro val.
User Information
Wincor Nixdorf does not ac cept re spon si bi li ty for ra dio and TV in ter fe ren ce
and faults that are cau sed by un aut ho ri zed chan ges that have been made to
the de vi ces. Fur ther mo re, ca bles or ot her de vi ces that have not been
ap pro ved by Win cor Nix dorf may not be con nec ted to the de vi ce. The user
is re spon si ble for any faults and in ter fe ren ce that are cau sed as a re sult.
Re pair work on the de vi ces should only be car ried out by aut ho ri zed and
spe ci al ly trai ned per son nel. Im pro per re pairs will lead to the loss of any
gua ran tee and lia bi li ty claims.
Ex ten si on bo ards with elec tro sta ti cal ly en dan ge red com po nents can be
iden ti fied with this la bel.
Sa fe ty In for ma ti on
This de vi ce con forms to the cor re spon ding sa fe ty re gu la tions for in for ma ti on
tech no lo gy de vi ces, in clu ding elec tro nic office ma chi nes for use in the office
en vi ron ment. Connect only WN approved power supplies.
If the de vi ce is mo ved from a cold en vi ron ment to a war mer room whe re it
is to be ope ra ted, con den sa ti on could oc cur. The de vi ce must be
com ple te ly dry be fo re being put into ope ra ti on. The re fo re an
ac cli ma ti za ti on time of at least two hours should be ac coun ted for.
Lay all ca bles and supp ly li nes so that no bo dy can tre ad on them or trip
over them.
Data ca bles should neit her be con nec ted nor re mo ved du ring elec tri cal
Pro tect the de vi ce from vi brat ions, dust, moi stu re and heat, and only
trans port the de vi ce in its ori gi nal pa cka ging (to pro tect it against im pact
and blows).
Take care to en su re that no fo reign ob jects (e.g. pa per clips) or
li quids can get into the in si de of the de vi ce, as this could cau se
elec tri cal shocks or short cir cuits.
In case of emer gen cies (e.g. da ma ged hou sing, li quid or fo reign ob jects
get ting into the de vi ce), the de vi ce should be swit ched off im me di ate ly.
Ge ne ral ly you should con nect IT-de vi ces only to po wer supp ly sys tems
with se pa ra te ly gui ded pro tec ti ve earth con duc tor (PE), known as TN-S
net works. Do not use PEN con duc tors! Plea se also ob ser ve the
re com men da tions of the norm DIN VDE 0100, part 540, Ap pen dix C2, as
well as EN50174-2, §5.4.3.
Instructions for Maintenance
Cle an your TH420 regularly with an ap pro pria te sur fa ce clea ning pro duct.
Make sure that the de vi ce is swit ched off, con nec tor ca bles are un plug ged
and that no moi stu re is al lo wed to get into the in si de of the de vi ce.
Wincor Nixdorf guarantees generally a warranty engagement for 12 months
beginning with the date of delivery. This warranty engagement covers all
those damages which occur despite a normal use of the product.
Damages because of
im pro per or in suf fi cient main ten an ce,
im pro per use of the pro duct or un aut ho ri zed mo di fi ca tions of the pro duct,
ina de qua te lo ca ti on or sur roun dings
will not be covered by the warranty.
For further information of the stipulation look at your contract.
All parts of the product which are subject to wear and tear are not included
in the warranty engagement.
Please order spare parts at the Wincor Nixdorf customer service.
En vi ron men tal pro tec ti on does not be gin when the
time has come to dis po se of the TH420; it be gins with
the ma nu fac tu rer. This pro duct was de sig ned ac cor -
ding to our in ter nal norm “En vi ron men tal cons ci ous
pro duct de sign and de ve lop ment”.
The TH420 is ma nu fac tur ed wit hout the use of CFCs und CCHS and is
pro du ced main ly from reu sa ble com po nents and ma te ri als. The pro ces sed
plas tics can, for the most part, be re cy cled. Even the pre ci ous me tals can
be re co ver ed, thus sa ving ener gy und cost ly raw ma te ri als.
Plea se do not stick la bels onto plas tic case parts. This would help us to
re-use com po nents and ma te ri al. You can pro tect our en vi ron ment by only
swit ching on your equip ment when it is ac tu al ly nee ded. If pos si ble, even
avoid the stand-by-mode as this was tes ener gy, too. Also switch your
equip ment off when you take a lon ger bre ak or fi nish your work.
Cur rent ly at pre sent, the re are still some parts that are not reu sa ble.
Win cor Nix dorf gua ran tees the en vi ron men tal ly safe dis po sal of the se parts
in a Re cy cling Cen ter, which is cer ti fied pur su ant to ISO 9001.
So don’t sim ply throw your TH420 on the scrap heap when it has ser ved its
time, but take ad van ta ge of the en vi ron men tal ly smart up-to-date re cy cling
me thods!
Plea se con tact your com pe tent branch for in for ma ti on on how to re turn and
re-use de vi ces and dis po si ble ma te ri als.
Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI)
Radio Frequency Interference Statement
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the Voluntary Control
Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If
this equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio disturbance may
arise. When such trouble occurs, the user may be required to take
corrective actions.
About This Guide
What is in this guide
The four chapters that follow are organized according to what you want to
learn about the printer, learn about the set up, operation, and routine testing
and servicing of the printer.
Chapter About the Printer
What the printer does
How it communicates
Operator controls
Standard features and Options
Chapter Setting up the Printer
Preparing for installation
What comes with the printer
Connecting the printer to the system
Testing the printer
Chapter Using the Printer
Printing on forms or checks
Verifying and validating checks
Clearing paper jams
Printer configurations
Printer settings and functions
Troubleshooting the printer
Chapter Paper and Supplies
Form specifications
Slip forms
Check specifications
Chapter USB Driver Installation
Installing and Using the USB driver
Installing the RS-232C printer driver
Checking the installation
Chapter Technical Data
No tes in the ma nu al are mar ked by this sym bol.
This sym bol is used for war nings.
About the Printer
The TH420 is a low-cost, high-efficiency, point-of-sale (POS) printer that
boasts the smallest footprint of any hybrid printer. It features fast
monochrome or two-color receipt printing plus a drop in validation print
station. The TH420 provides maximum flexibility, performance, and
It consists of two specialized printers in one compact package: a two-color
thermal printer on top that prints receipts, and an impact slip printer to print
on forms and checks that you insert.
The TH420 fits easily in spaces where no other hybrid printer can and
connects to most host computers via the Dual 9-pin /USB interface or 25-pin
RS-232 interface or Powered USB.
Front cover
Slip of check
Re ceipt cover
Pa per feed but ton
On-line, Pa per
Sta tus, Er ror light
Ex ten ded slip table
Slip- in LED (green)
The printer’s standard command set allows it to work with software written
for Wincor Nixdorf or other compliant printers. A variety of sensors enables
the printer to communicate its status to the host computer. The printer also
has an electronic journal feature.
The easy-to-use thermal printer requires no ribbon or ink cartridge. Load
new paper by simply opening the clamshellTM receipt cover and dropping in
a new roll.
The impact printer provides the power and flexibility to print on checks or
multi-part forms up to four plies, in a wide variety of sizes and orientations.
This section describes the printer’s features and options in more detail.
About the Universal Serial Bus
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a peripheral bus for personal computers
that was first released in January 1996. Since that time, virtually all Intel
Architecture personal computers have the hardware to support USB, and a
large number of computers exist that have both the hardware and software
support required to interface with USB peripherals.
Ad van ta ges of USB con nec tions
USB has a number of advantages over Application Compatible Escape
Commands connection schemes (e.g., serial RS-232C). These advantages
High Speed: up to 12 MB/second for high-speed devices.
Plug and Play: Devices are automatically recognized and configured at
Hot plug: Bus supports installation and removal of devices with the power
Cash dra wer
Po wer supp ly
USB connector
DIP Switches
Up to 127 devices: One host can support up to 127 devices with the use
of hubs.
“Free ports”: Wincor Nixdorf BEETLE systems and the most PC
architecture machines contain two USB ports in the base hardware.
These advantages have become attractive to the POS industry for a couple
of reasons.
Ad di tio nal POS de vi ces
Some POS systems are required to host more peripherals than can be
supported by four RS-232C ports typical in a BEETLE platform. With the
addition of one (or two) USB connectors, the BEETLE platform can now
support the additional devices that had previously required a serial port
expander card.
Hig her band widths
New devices coming into use have bandwidth requirements that are higher
than the bandwidth that can be supported on Application Compatible
Escape Commands interfaces. These devices include image scanners and
printers. As the speed and capability of POS printers increases, the
performance of the printer in an application can become limited by the
speed of the communications interface.
USB provides ample bandwidth to support current and future POS printer
User Controls
The printer has the following controls:
The paper feed button (1) advances the receipt paper and is used in
navigating configuration menus.
The On-line, Paper Status, Error LED (2) shows the printer status by shining
or flashing.
The slip-in LED (3) indicates that a form is inserted properly.
The reset button (4) clears the printer’s memory or begins a special mode.
Front cover
Slip- in
LED (green)
Re ceipt cover
Re set button
Pa per feed
but ton
On-line, Pa per
Sta tus, Er ror
light (green)
Slip of check
Ex ten ded
slip table
The printer also indicates its status when it is first turned on, or after it has
been reset, by beeping. A single beep indicates the printer has successfully
completed its startup routine. If the printer beeps in a single, double, or triple
pattern at first power on, please call your service representative.
Available printer configurations
There are several configurations of the printer, depending on the
combination of desired options.
Prin ter con fi gu ra ti on iden ti fi ca ti on
See the sample below to determine the printer configuration. The printer
configuration identification (model ID) is located on the model label attached
to the back of the printer. This information is also shown on the installation
quality report card. The model ID description is shown below.
Com mu ni ca ti on in ter fa ces
RS-232C serial interface (25-pin)
Universal Serial Bus (USB)
Powered USB
Standard features
Ad van ced in ter fa ce de sign
Sensors detect whether any of the covers are open, the paper is low in
the receipt printer, or the paper is positioned properly in the slip printer.
Software-controlled audible tone for various alerts.
Online configuration menu—the printer guides the user through its
configuration settings by printing instructions and a menu on receipt
Elec tro nics and firm wa re
Industry-standard command set makes the printer compatible with
existing software, yet enables new features.
Remote diagnostics capability tracks important printer data.
2 MB flash memory standard available memory for multiple logos,
graphics, user-defined character set, and user data storage.
16-bit electronics architecture.
Communication rate up to 115,200 baud.
Flash download mode lets the user upgrade the printer’s firmware.
Ther mal re ceipt prin ter
Extremely fast and quiet two-color thermal printhead.
No ribbon or ink cartridge to change.
Drop-in paper loading. Paper type selection through command “Set paper
type” (1D 81 m n) or configuration menu.
Double high, double wide, bold, inverse, underlined, superscript and
subscript, italics, scalable and rotated print modes.
Resident character sets: Code Pages 437 (US), 850 (Multilingual), 737
(Greek), 852 (Slavic), 858 (with Euro symbol), 860 (Portuguese), 862
(Hebrew), 863 (French-Canadian), 865 (Nordic) 866 (Cyrillic), and 1252
(Windows Latin 1).
Prints standard bar codes: Code 39, UPC-A, UPC-E, JAN8 (EAN), JAN13
(EAN), Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar, Code 93, Code 128, EAN 128, and
PDF-417 two-dimensional code. Also prints “ladder” bar codes.
Host-selectable 44 or 56 columns on 80 mm wide “POS grade”
monochrome or two-color thermal paper.
8 dots/mm print resolution.
Up to 53.3 lines-per-second (180 mm/second) throughput print speed
(monochrome); up to 29.3 line-per-second (100 mm/second) throughput
print speed (two-color).
Standard receipt cutter.
Im pact slip prin ter
Bi-directional impact printhead designed for a very long life.
Snap-on ribbon cassette.
Prints on forms up to five plies.
Horizontal flatbed extended slip table.
Form insertion flexibility: insert forms in front or from the side.
Form alignment sensors and LED indicator.
Resident character sets: Code Pages 437 (US), 850 (Multilingual), 737
(Greek), 852 (Slavic), 858 (with Euro symbol), 860 (Portuguese), 862
(Hebrew), 863 (French-Canadian), 865 (Nordic) 866 (Cyrillic), and 1252
(Windows Latin 1).
Double wide and rotated print modes; a double strike print mode improves
Software selectable pitch: either standard (13.9 characters per inch, 66
columns) or compressed (17.1 characters per inch, 80 columns).
4.8 lines-per-second (16 mm/second) print speed.
Optional check handling features (see “Impact slip printer options” on the
next page).
Ex cep tions
Print speed and throughput will decline when:
Temperature is less than 25%C.
Energy setting is greater than 100%.
Dot coverage is greater than 25% or the format contains solid horizontal
The printer is waiting for data or on an Ethernet interface network traffic is
Power setting is equal to 48 Watts.
Con nec ti vi ty
Three standard plug-in printed circuit boards are available depending on
the communication interface required. Interfaces with 25-pin RS-232C
only, USB only can be provided.
Communication cables are available for all interfaces.