HYDRO-RAIN HR-6000-1, HR-6000 Operation Manuals

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Operation lf4anual
HR-6000 Series
Solid State Controllers
. HR-600|O r,Yilhout pump slart
. HR-600O-1 with pump start
, "grn::
Bolh lhe corlror oanerorc lie d'qrrotdsotoy ot rh" t-?.6000o.o.oto.cod.d io
l Crd.he dre sn..r..o.,p,o,o.\. | 9 so,r raio.oa o-a usd
Tile colorcodng s os lollows:
Yellow -Allyellow bultons relerto stolrons 0nd stotion times
Gre€n -A green Dutlons reler lo cycte stor' trmes
0 lrga A.ro'onge b-{on. o-d coo -!s re.e .o oor o.d cu sr. rms se ngs
Whrle - All wnrle oulro$ ond codrnqi 'erer.o chonge runcrions
ccess cover
TlreHR 6000is 1h€ lnest 6 srolionSo dSlole conlroller ovoilable lfs eosylo
inslol ond srmpe To p.ogrom o.d opelole.
The engrneering oblective n desrgn n! the lR 6000 wos to creale the deol.on
rrol er for homeowners, nurseri€s ond ol olher I ghl turi oppl col ons t wos olso to
b0 very slro ghtrorwo.d ond s mpe n its programm fg ond us€ Th€ obj€ctive wcs
mei Now onyon€ can own ond op€role on e eclron co ly accurole dglc conlro er
The heorT ol the HR 6000is o so rd slole micro-compuler B€couse ol is soldsloie
consrrlciron, lhe coniro er hos no mov ng ports lo weor out or breok down, ihus rr
oiiers qu €t. d€peidob e perrormonce
We wish to lhonk you iorpurchos ng lhs conlrolerond w€?e coniidenl lholilwil
p eose vou wilh ils simplci'y cnd impress yoLr wirh its pe.lomance
.smpielo nslol Desrg.ed ror use wlh ony 24 VAc 2 woit outomolic volves
. s mpie lo p.ogro.n with o ogicoi oyoltond color coded ponel, on y6 pro!r0mnrinq
.sx stolons wlrlch con be programned loslorl up 10 ihre€ i mes a doy.
. Eoch stol on con be pro!rom.ned lo wolerfrom I io 99 minuies.Thrs ollows a mosl
5 hours olwoierng persiolon perdoy (usinga lhreeslodlmes) Trriscopobilly
mok€s lhe Ha 6000ideo ror use rn opp cotans such os drip irrlgalon.
.A seven doy weekly cyc€ plus o'Se €cJooy swtch wh ch alows wolerrng d0y
nrervals irom -€v€ry other doy" upto'every seven doys:
. Aulomolic, semio!tomol c or monuoloper0lon.
. Consianl reo t me .eod out ond stol oi 0cliv ly displ0y for eose of nroniloring
.A Ron swtchwhichovendesonywaleringcycl€wlhouidisTurbinqth€progrom
. Bolrery lrack'up o rows the trme lo odvonce ond relains your progrom llrrough o
powtr ouloge oi up to 3 doys durallon.
.A bu I rn Foilsole Progrom whrch wil run a I six siolions for l0 minules eoch n
the eveft llror y0u lose-y0ur pr0grom
. A hcndsome, rugged cose wlrich ollows lhe use ol o lock (to discourogelompe.ng)
ond the use ol electrco condu t
.lvlosrerva ve ond/or pum! stod use (AvoiobeonlyinlheHR6000lmodel)
. rr0 VAC. 60 Hz (npul)'
. 24 VAC, 7 VA nor (ou1pu1)'
. Amb enl operotrng temperdure rong€: 32'F lo 140+
. Boilery bock !p oie 9 vorr. Eveready ri522. Morory +MNl604 or e!uc
(Suppied by rhe user)
.l omp luse +312001/AGC
'Fo,e gn vologe opplcolons moy dtJer
O 1982 Hydro Rain Corp.
IMounting the Conlroller
. lnsto I lhe conlro er neoro 117 VAC -housecurrent' outlgt preferobly locoted
. inohouse, gorogeorothercoveredoreo (Note:Thesuppliedtronsformelleods
. - ore opprox.6leet in length.) For eose of operolion, eye level plocement is
recommended. once lhe site s chosen, drive lhe provided #10 scrsw nlo the
w0 I slud, leoving oboul l/4"0f lhe screw exposed. f necessory, use q ioggle
. bolt or mosonry sh eld.
Hond lhe controller from lhe keyhole slot locoled in the bock of lhe cose
l,4oke sure lhe scrow heod is properly seoted inside lhe controller cos€. lf
lurther security s desired, two oddilionolscrews moy be inserted through lh€
holes orovided ln lhe lower corners of the conlro er c0se.
Open the bottom occess cover ond loosen the iwo screws on the telminol
strip direcily obove the lobel-24 VAC: Route the two lronsformer leods lhrough
the smoll hole in lhe bollom 0l lhe conlroller cose. Al ow 0 llttie slock qnd ihen
iie o knol n lhe leods (see illuslrotion) This will prevenl lhe 0ccideniol pulling
out of lhe le0ds from the controller. lnserl one tronsformsr leod beneolh eoch
screw ihen tighlen both screws securely b!i using core not io over tighlen. ll
desired, slondord conduil moy be used by removing lhe plug in ihe tronsformer
inlel hole.
After pl!gging n th€ lronsforn'rer, lhe disploy will indicole DAY I ond the clock
will begif runn ng storting otl2:00 o m
CAUTI0N P ug the tronsformer nto the ll7 VAC"house curreni'only ofler lhe
tronslormer leods ore connecled.
Connecting The Botlery
Using one I vo t olkol ne boltery (Evereody +522, lvollory +lVN 1604 or
equol, suppled by ihe useo, connect it io ihe loose botlery lerm n0 locoied
be ow the terminol slr p.
ln cose of o power ouloge, this bottery wr I provide back-up power to retoln
lhe progrom ond fo odvonce the clock. (NoTE The bollery does not conloin
enoughpowertooperqteihevoives).Alypico olkolineb0ileryc0nloinsenough
power to continue the 0bove funcliofls fot 0 cumu olive loiol of between 48
0nd 72 ho!rs of power loss After this, rt must be reploced.
THE -FAIL SAFE'FEATUREST ln ihe event o bollery s nol used or hos beaome
"deod'ond o power ouloge occurs, the conlr0ller wl I slop functioning ond lhe
progrom w I become 'losl: 0fce power s reslored, o -foil sof€'feolure o!to-
molico ly relurns the controller to Doy I ond lhe clock lesumes running sl0rling
with l2:00 o m Then (un ess the conlroller is reprogrommed) ot 7:00 o m. on
lhe first 0N doy, o "loil sofe" prog.om cornes on ond eoch stotion wqters lor
l0 minules. The "foil sofe' progrom w ll woler ogoin on the nexi schedulgd 0N
doy. This progrorn is built n in order to provide wqtering should the p0wer
ouloge occurwh e you ore owoy 1or on exlended period of time 0nd qr€ un0ble
io reprogrom wotenng limes inio the controller
CAUTIONT lf you ore uslng o pump stori ond pump stori circuil, the'fo lsofe-
progrom w ll octivoie lhe purnp lor eoch of lhe six slolions for l0 mlnutes €och.
lf less thon s x stolions ore be ng used, lhe pump wlll be running ogo nst o
"deod heod' on eoch unused slot on This con cous€ o burn-out of ihe pump
NoTE: lt is suggested thqt before connecling the volves thol lhe user fomiliorlze
himselJ with the progrommrng ond operolion of lhe conlroller. First by reoding
the Conlrol Descriplions ond Progromming lnslruclions sections of this monuol,
ond lhen by exper menting ond procticing with lhe differenl progromming
controls ond funclions.
Roule one leod w re lrom eoch vo ve lhrough the lorge hole in ihe bollom
sTl ST2 ST3 ST4 STs 5T6 COtt MV COM 24 VAC rN E
of the conlroller cos€. lnserl the leod wile lrom volve #l unde. lhe screw ol lhe
ferminol strip screw lobeled "ST l" (stolon +l). ln lhe s0me monner, connect
lhe eod w re lrom eoch of the othel volves io their respective term n0ls. The
'ero lrnQ'q'ourd'wire l'oT eoclvolve mJS oeollocl'edto o 5irg e-co_nror'
w'e. Rouie tl 5 conron wre l1'ougl t1e lorge hole ond conrec' t'o the
terminol strip screw lobel€d'C0lV: Tighten oll scews seculely but do nol
over tighlen.
NOTE:This conlroller s desiqned folusewilh 24VAC,2Wotlso enoid operotec
v0lves. A moximum of lwo v0lves per slolion moy be used.
Due lo lh€ choroclerlstics ol lhis conlroll€r, lhere is o constont currenl which
f ows lo ol slotlons ol o very low omperoge. This c!rrenl s noi enough to
ofl€ci lh€ solenoid or volve opelotion ond moy only be delected w th 0
(See o Mosler
#2) or Pump
NOTE The c rcuilry requiled foT o moster volve or pump is optionol ond lound
ooly on Jhe HR'6000 1 model
To use o moster volve wl'r ch operoles throughout ihe woler ng r!n iirnes,
simply connect one solenoid leod wile lo lhe lermin0 strip screw lobeled -['4 V"
ond the remojning solenoid leod lo lhe lerminol str p screw lobe ed -C0[4: Use
the "CON4- l€rminolio the right of the "M.V." terminol ond not lhe Col\y':lerminol
ocoled on the left. NoTE: The moster volve musl be equipped wjth o 24 VAC
2 woil solenoid. For ony syslem wllh 0 mosler volve in use ond wired to the
controilet only one volve per sl0lion moximum flloy b€ used in order 10 ovo d
overlood ng fhe conholler c rcult
ll o pump is lo be lsed ond it hos its own 24 VAC reloy 0nd independenl
ow volt0qe power source, simply conn€ci lhe reloy leods to lhe some lermin0ls
tho' wele used 1 ll'e rosle'vo vp conrectio^.
(qnd Bosic Operoting lnstructions)
The Mode Swilch
The mode swilch is used whenever fhe progrom
needs io be sel checked, chonqed or overridd;n. ll
hos lt'Fe se inqs AUro roJrono'rc, PQOC (pro
Orom) ond RAIN
ln ihe AUTO mode, the coniroller wolers ouiomot!
colly occording lo the progrommed schedule. The
prog'o'r nov r0r be cionged, oui tne p.og'omned
'imes lo. tle v0lloJs lLrci915 6q1 be cr;cked by
siflrply presslng the oppropriote button. Semi-
outon'rolic operolion 0nd true monuol onlolf con be
conducted tn lhis mode.
ln lhe PRoG mode, the contro let moy be checked
or chongeo Prog on clonges nov oe l ode o,tty I
'his node o^d wl_e. t_e corto le' ts -oi wo,e, rg
Alllo-gl or. lor"Ts o'ooero or 1or_toro.rc .cri
0JroFo'ic ond 'ror uo,) con oe conduc_ed n tl s
mode, ii is recommended thol this pos t on be used
only lo chonge the progrom ond then relurned to lhe
AUT0 posilion.
ln lhe RAIN mod€, ony progr0mmed w0te|ng cycles
ore overridden ond will not slort The currenl lime
keepsru.rr gororrep og.on -lo.notto-tsreioired
bLi Tov -ol oe clo tged Wfe t ll-e 'orr,ot s.ops re-
lurr ll'e node sw tch to AJTo 010 te progroT will
conlnue wih no loss of |me
The Doy Swilches
to(l' doy or lle weet rs oss anpo o luToered
SWI'cn (COlo codeO O'Orgpr Wr'ei I l_e Swilcn 'or ony
chosen doy ls in ihe -0FF- position, lhe controller wiil
nolwoler o t ng'lo'24 hour per,od.Wler t4e .wtlcl
s i'r the 0N pos ttor tF" controt,e worers occo.dtng
to the progrommed storltimes ond run limes.
Ai the bottom of the DAY sw tches ts o SELECT DAy
swlcl_ T1ls sw 'cn \/1er used ir contu-clio1 wtth o
DAv sw lcl- olows ouronotic w0lerlb eve.y cerlorn
number of d0ys. Example:with the SELEcT DAyswitch
in the '0N- position ond oll DAY swllches -0FF' except
+4 Wed, fhe conholler wlli woJer every 4lh doy. The
number in lronl of lhe DAY swilch corresponds to lhe
nLTber o' lna olle nole 0o! -l 0r wotellg wt I to.e
olore (3* eve'v j ooov 4: eve v 4lf ooy. 5 .- every
5'h d0y el", W1e1.le SLtl CT DA' swr'cl. s-0\;
only one DAY swilch moy be used. ll more thon one
DAY switch is set to -0N; the SELECT DAY progrom wiI
g0 by the smollest number doy swilch ond disregord
The Chonge + / Chonge - Bufions
The chonge plus ond chonge minus buiions (color
codewhile) oreusedinconjunclionwithlhethreesels
ol functlon butlons lo sel the slol on run iimes, lhe
cycle slort iimes, ond lhe currenl lirne. Eoch builon
hos two "speed of chonge'sloges. For lhe firsl couple
ol seconds thol eilher bullon s pressed, lhe function
lirre disployed chonges ol o rote of 2 digits per
second. As pTessure on the bulfon s conlinued, ihe
funcl on I me dlsployed chonges ol on increosed rote
of speed (6 digits persec.) ond wiilconlinue to chqnge
ol lhis role for os long os ihe bulton ls pressed. Wiih
eilher button, topplng li lightly chonges lhe function
time disployed by I digil
lrlrl rur llIor]glr u c0nlp €le cycle r0rr Jlullu r
through to Slotion 6. Upon complelon of lhe cycle,
lheconirolerwil returnlolheprogrommedo!lomolc
schedule. NoTE: f lhe conlroller is in the m ddle of 0
wolering cycle ond you w sh io stori it ovet depress
[4AN 0FF which will inierrupt ihe cycle ond relurn the
contro ler lo octuol time Then depress IVAN 0N ond
the controller will reslort o complete wolering cycle.
To stop o woter ng cycle while lt s in progress,
whether I s0 progrommedcycleorosemioutomotic
cycle, simply depress the MAN 0FF button. The con-
lroller w ll immediotely stop lhe cycle, relurn to octuol
lime ond begin wolering ogoin ot the next slorl lime
ond on lhe n€xt 0N doy.
Monuol Operotion
lf the running of o spec fic stol on is desired ot o
t me olher lhon whQl ls progrommed or for o i me
ionger th0n thotwh ch is pr0grommed, simply depress
the desired slolion RUN Tl[4E button ond the i,4AN 0N
bution,lhen regordless of any scheduled progrom,ON
or oFF doy or currenl tlme, lh0t slollon will come
on ond run ndefinitely !ntil lhe user relurns ond
depresses MAN 0FF The conlroller will then relurn lo
lhe progrommed schedule ond begin woiering ogoin ot
the nexl scheduled stort time 0nd on lhe next 0N doy.
N0T€: lf lhe confroller ls in lhe middle of o wotering
cycle, ond o specil c slolions operol on s destred,
depress l\.4AN oFF wh ch w I inlerrupl lhe cycle ond
return the coniro ler l0 0clu0l lime. Then depress the
desired stot on RUN Tllr4E ond N4AN 0N ond thol slo-
lior wrllcore o1o_o r rn rn' lurneoolloydep'ossrng
[,4AN OFF.
(Pleose reod Control Descfiptions seclion firsl)
Sel lhe Mode Swilch
To sel or chonge the progrom, lhe nrode switch must
be set n the PR06 pos tlon. To use the monuo leo-
1!re or lo check or override lhe progrom, refer lo the
followng chorl forthe opproprlole [.4ODE swilch sefiing.
Sel lhe Doy Switches
The NR-60000 lows e ther o 7 doy weekly cycle 0r
o "select doy'cycle wh ch ollows woter ng dqy inler-
vols liQm every other doy fo every 7 doys. (See sec-
tlof 2 of lhe Conlro Descriplions tor o more deioiled
explonot on )
To sel 0 7 doy cycle, slide the oppropr ole sw tches
for the doys fo be woiered to ihe ON posil on.
lf woiering 'every s0 mony doys- (select doy cycle)
s deslred, set the SELECT DAY switch to ON ond the
The Run Time Butlons
The HR 6000hos lhe copociiy to operote up lo six
stotions ond o moximum oi 2 v0lves per slolion Eoch
slolion hos ts own RUN TIIVE butlon (color coded
yellow) which is used to progrom lhe length of time
thol thot sioJion wl1 run (woter). Eoch stolion moy
be set io run lrom 00 to 99 minutes in one minule
The Slorl Time Butlons
Up to three doily wolerng cycles ore poss ble.The
ihree START TIL4E butlons (color coded green) ore
used to progrorn the cycle slort times in hourly incre-
ments NoTE: The conlro ler operoles on o 24 hour
c ock. See seclion 6 lor furlher informot on.) Dur ng
eoch cycle eoch volve willoperole for its progrommed
r!n (or wolerlng) time.
NoTE: f o wotering cycle is s€t to stort 0l o iote
evenrng hour, the conko 1er will finish out lhot cycle
even if il runs inio ihe nexl doy ond even il lhe next
doy is on "oFF' doy (i.e o 4 hour wotering cycie is set
lo stort ot 2200 (10 p m.); il will storl ond conlinue
until 200 (2 o m ) lhe nexl doy even though I moy be
on "OFF"doy)
There ore three bullons (color coded otonge) used
to sei the curent I me ond doy The SET [4lN (mifute),
SET HR (houD ond SET DAY buttons.
The currenl doy ls olwoys represented numericolly
wiih Sundoy beina "l' fhrouoh to Solurdoy which is'71
For hep n setfing, refer to lhe number to the left of
eoch doy swilch
ln setting ihe currenl time, pleose note lhot the con'
iroller operoles on o 24 hour"millory style"clock
R0ther lhon repeotlng lhe hours I ihrough l2 ln the
oflernoon ond even ng, the c ock counls lo 24 hours
before slorting over oi midnight For ex0mplei
5:15 o.m. is disployed os 05.15
Noon is d sployed os 12.00
3 45 p m. is d sp oyed os I 5.45
Itl dnight s dlsployed os 24.00
ln monrtoring the controller, the currenl d0y ond
liflre s olwoys shown unless o wolering cycle is toking
ploce. Then lhe currenl slotion th0l is wolering is
shown os well os the 0rnount of time still lell lor lhot
podiculor slotions run lime. The currenl d0y ond cur
renl hour 0re nol shown during the wolering cycle.
When lhe cycle is completed, lhe currenl doy, hour
ond minule 0re shown qgoin ond n0 slotion number
is d sployed.
The Monuol Butlons
The [4AN 0N ond [.4AN OFF bll1ons (color coded
whlfe) ore used in lhe SE N4l AUT0i,4ATlC ond MANUAL
operotron ol lhe conlroler They moy be used with the
mode swilch in e fher the PRoG or AUTo posii on
Semi Aulomolic Operolion
This mode 0t 0per0lion ls used if on exlro wolering
cycle is d€sired, soy on 0n especiolly dry doy.To storl
0 complefe wolering cyc e, simply depress [.4AN 0N
ond the conlroller iegordless of the progr0mmed
schedule,0N or OFF doys, 0r c!rrenl llme, wll slorl
- cppropr ote nlmbereo L .,cht.cN.At otherdoy lrlnii i -
sw tches should be sel lu OFF Use lhe n!mber pre
ceding the doy designotion os o guide. The doy desig-
not on does nol opply when us ng the SELECT DAy
sw tch (i.e. w ih lhe SELECT DAYswtich 0N ond 4 WED
swilch 0N, wolering will occur every 4th doy, noi
every Wed).
Up lo lhree wolering cycle slort limes ore possible
tor eoch doy To set lhe cycle sl0rl limes, depress the
FIRST START Tll\rE button ond hold il down. Sin'rut-
toneously depress the 0ppropriote CHANGE button
lo reoch ihe des red hour Remember, lhe conlrollet
rs bosed on 0 24 ltour clock 0nd the storl times ore
n h0urly increments. (See seclion 6 ol Conkol Descrip-
llons.) lf SECoND ond THIRD START Tll,4ES ore desired,
repeol lhe obove procedure Il no oddil onol storl
times ore desired, sel eoch lo reod -00- in which cose
they ore noclive.
lf 1 is esseniiol thoi o cycle stort on o llme other
lh0n on hourly incremenl, lhls con be occompiished
by s mply seiling ihe curreni lime lo reod eorliet by
fhol omounl of lirne off the hour. Exomple: W lh the
conlao lercufienllime sel l5 rninutes slowond o cycle
slorl lime sel of 6100 0.m., when the cyc e slorls, if
would reolly be 6:15 o.m.
Sel lhe Run Times
Up to 99 rninltes of run (or woler ng) lime moy be
p.ogr0mmed lor eoch of six slot ons per cycle. To set
the sl0l of run iim€s, depress RUN TIIVE L Simu -
l0neously depress the oppropriole CHANGE bullon
lo re0ch llre desired omo!nf ot tlme Repeollhissome
procedure for RUN Tl[,4ES 2 through 6. lf o slotion is
nOi needed, sei lhe run l me 01 '00' n wh ch cose
during o woter ng cycle lhe coniroller would byposs
th0l sloti0n ond immediolely 0dvonce to lhe nett
progrommed stotron. IEEEI
Sei ihe Currenl Time ond Doy
Tosellhec!ffenidoy, depresslheSETDAYondthe
oppropriole CHANGE butlons. Rernemberlhe doys ore
shown numericoily (i.e.I - Sundoy, 2 - ltlondoy, etc )
To set lh€ currenl hour, depress the SET HR ond the
oppropriote CHANGE butions. Remember fhe con
lroller is bos€d on o 24 hour clock (See section 6of
Conlrol Descrlptlons )
To sei the current minute. depress the SET MIN ond
the oppropriote CHANGE butlons
Resel lhe Mode Switch
After steps 2 lhru 5 hove been compleled, set the
mode swrlch Irorn lhe PRoG pos lron bock lo lhe
AUTO pos lion
Checking lhe Progrom
Allhough lhe progrorn moy be checked with the
rnode switch in the PROG posilron, we recommend
tholyou onlycheck ihe funcliof s wilh the modeswrtch
set in fhe AUTO posil on 0s lhis posiiion prevenls
occidenlo progrom chonges.
To check lhe complele progr0m repeot llre obove
sleos 2 thru 5 us ng only lhe funcl on bltlons 0nd not
the CHANGE butlons. The disploy will ndicote wh0t
is n lhe progrommed memory.
To check 0 specificfunction, mere y press thol butlon.
Probl€m Possible Couse Corection
Volv8s Con't oporolo Posilion switch on'RAlN"
Soleno d deiective
Loose W re Conneci on
Proper Doy Sw tch 0ff
Positlon mod€ swllch lo aUTo'
Tesl & reploc€ il necessory
Secur€ wi16 connections. Check
for coniinuity.
Check cufient doy in disploy with
numbsrond lhe swiich posltlon.
I\,loks sure doy swilch on.
Volvos opon ol3lronos
tlm€s Curreni lime of doy ouf of
synchron zol on
F rsl, second or th rd stod
t me needs checking
Check ond resei curr6ni timo.
Check ond res€l firsl. second
ond lhird slort limes.
Progronl won'i dlsploy No power ol woll plug
Tronsformer porl olly
pLrlled oul of woll
receptoc e
ln wrong mode
Conlro ler is n woter ng
Check house curr€nt, fuse, or
circuil breoker.
ll ironsformsr loose jn plug,
spreod blodes slightly, push
tronsformer into receptocle
t rmly.
Posilion switch must bo in €iih8r
-PRoG' mode or -AU10' mods.
Check or chonge progrom when
conlroller is oul ol wotering
Progrom won't Stod
when deprosslng
'MAl{ 0N'
Alreody n progrommed
wolering cycle Push '[.,lAN 0FF' lo disconlinue
presenlwotering cycl€ ond thon
depress '[4AN 0N'io initiote o
new progrqm.
Woters ol o doy whon
nol schsdul€d lnd v dlol doy or se ecl
doy sw ich n 0N
posil on
Either use sele€t doy or individ-
uol doys ol week swiiches. See
Control Description for mor€
Currenl tlme ol doy ls
wrong llmo Power outoge occured
wiih no botleries or
deod botleres used in
the conlroller
Resel currenl time of doy. lf
upon checking wolering tim€s
ond ihey or€ differ8nt thon pre-
viously progrommed, repro-
grom controller. Check ond rs-
ploco bolleries.