The Mode Swilch
The mode swilch is used whenever fhe progrom
needs io be sel checked, chonqed or overridd;n. ll
hos lt'Fe se inqs AUro roJrono'rc, PQOC (pro
Orom) ond RAIN
ln ihe AUTO mode, the coniroller wolers ouiomot!
colly occording lo the progrommed schedule. The
prog'o'r nov r0r be cionged, oui tne p.og'omned
'imes lo. tle v0lloJs lLrci915 6q1 be cr;cked by
siflrply presslng the oppropriote button. Semi-
outon'rolic operolion 0nd true monuol onlolf con be
conducted tn lhis mode.
ln lhe PRoG mode, the contro let moy be checked
or chongeo Prog on clonges nov oe l ode o,tty I
'his node o^d wl_e. t_e corto le' ts -oi wo,e, rg
Alllo-gl or. lor"Ts o'ooero or 1or_toro.rc .cri
0JroFo'ic ond 'ror uo,) con oe conduc_ed n tl s
mode, ii is recommended thol this pos t on be used
only lo chonge the progrom ond then relurned to lhe
AUT0 posilion.
ln lhe RAIN mod€, ony progr0mmed w0te|ng cycles
ore overridden ond will not slort The currenl lime
keepsru.rr gororrep og.on -lo.notto-tsreioired
bLi Tov -ol oe clo tged Wfe t ll-e 'orr,ot s.ops re-
lurr ll'e node sw tch to AJTo 010 te progroT will
conlnue wih no loss of |me
The Doy Swilches
to(l' doy or lle weet rs oss anpo o luToered
SWI'cn (COlo codeO O'Orgpr Wr'ei I l_e Swilcn 'or ony
chosen doy ls in ihe -0FF- position, lhe controller wiil
nolwoler o t ng'lo'24 hour per,od.Wler t4e .wtlcl
s i'r the 0N pos ttor tF" controt,e worers occo.dtng
to the progrommed storltimes ond run limes.
Ai the bottom of the DAY sw tches ts o SELECT DAy
swlcl_ T1ls sw 'cn \/1er used ir contu-clio1 wtth o
DAv sw lcl- olows ouronotic w0lerlb eve.y cerlorn
number of d0ys. Example:with the SELEcT DAyswitch
in the '0N- position ond oll DAY swllches -0FF' except
+4 Wed, fhe conholler wlli woJer every 4lh doy. The
number in lronl of lhe DAY swilch corresponds to lhe
nLTber o' lna olle nole 0o! -l 0r wotellg wt I to.e
olore (3* eve'v j ooov 4: eve v 4lf ooy. 5 .- every
5'h d0y el", W1e1.le SLtl CT DA' swr'cl. s-0\;
only one DAY swilch moy be used. ll more thon one
DAY switch is set to -0N; the SELECT DAY progrom wiI
g0 by the smollest number doy swilch ond disregord
The Chonge + / Chonge - Bufions
The chonge plus ond chonge minus buiions (color
codewhile) oreusedinconjunclionwithlhethreesels
ol functlon butlons lo sel the slol on run iimes, lhe
cycle slort iimes, ond lhe currenl lirne. Eoch builon
hos two "speed of chonge'sloges. For lhe firsl couple
ol seconds thol eilher bullon s pressed, lhe function
lirre disployed chonges ol o rote of 2 digits per
second. As pTessure on the bulfon s conlinued, ihe
funcl on I me dlsployed chonges ol on increosed rote
of speed (6 digits persec.) ond wiilconlinue to chqnge
ol lhis role for os long os ihe bulton ls pressed. Wiih
eilher button, topplng li lightly chonges lhe function
time disployed by I digil