Package Contents e. To click" My computer" Icon, there are two new disks
.0 USB d d --- removable disk is added into your systems.
ne car rea er
. One Software Driver CD-ROM 2. MAC
. This Manual Please run the MAC driver file --- USB2IDE_2_0a9
I t d f installer which located at MAC directory of CD-ROM to
n ro uc Ion your MAC computer.
USB dual port card reader has two kinds of
socket. One is CompactFlash(CF) socket and the other is
SmartMedia(SM) socket.
You can simply remove the CompactFlash or System Features
SmartMedia card from your camera, insert it into the . Use your computer (PC or MAC) to swap files
Reader and access the card like a disk drive. back and forth between Com pactFlash,
SmartMedla card or hard drives In few
Digital cameras, handheld PC's and MP3 seconds.
players might always use the different type of memory . Run high-Speed USB interface to card reader
. up to 12Mbps.
cards. The dual port card reader allows you to write and
erase data from two of the most popular cards without . ~~~g~~ self power, no extra power adapter
having to buy separate readers. . Faster DQwnload Speed- The dual port card
reader contains a powerful ASIC hardware
Operation interface, generating th.e faster transf~r rate
than your camera's serial port connection.
1 PC Windows . Extend the battery life of your camera for
a. Click" START "+ Select" RUN" button taking pictures, handheld PC for downloading
+ty th d . . t II h files or the other equipments' application.
pe e river name to Ins ate . .
program into your program directory. . Plug and play simplicity.
b. Plug the type A cable of this card reader to your . Support operation systems including:
computer . Windows 98/SE/ME, Windows2000
c. This bring up the found new hardware wizard -- . MAC OS8.6-9.04 or later versions
searching for the software drivers. Select [NEXT] to
point the wizard to search" Programs" path for
installing software drivers. Enclosure Views
d. After installed the drivers, you can check the card
reader device exists in your systems to use right click" USB Cable
My Computer" icon The dual port card reader accompanied with a USB type A
+ "properties" + Select" Device Manager" lu
+ Select" Universal Serial Bus Controller" p g.
+ " USB Mass Storage device"
11 2