The NBD Up and Running Service is provided in good faith and every
effort will be made to ensure a loan laptop is available the next day. Howe-
ver, due to circumstances beyond our control (including, but not limited to,
Act of God, extreme weather conditions, war), this may not be possible.
In the unlikely event that this occurs you will be given a date when a loan
unit is expected to be available to you.
Once the laptop is returned to our workshop the problem will be diagno-
sed and an estimated repair time provided if required.
Once your laptop is repaired and ready to be returned you will be con-
tacted to arrange a suitable date and location for our technician to visit
with your laptop.
When our technician arrives onsite they will:
• Agree with you that both the loan unit and your laptop are in the same
physical condition as at the start of the warranty event.
• Swap your hard disk drive from the loan unit and place it into your
repaired laptop. If it is a hard drive failure, a new drive will be fitted.
• Power on your laptop to verify it is working.
• Leave the site with the loan laptop.
Toshiba will endeavour to loan you a laptop of the same or similar speci-
fication to your own. This means that the core hardware will be the same
to ensure that the operating system will work without issue, although we
cannot guarantee that elements such as memory size, processor speed,
3G communication capability or screen size/resolution will match, as
these have no bearing on the operating system.
In circumstances where your hard disk drive will not work in the loan unit,
and a new hard disk drive will not work in your laptop it will be neces-
sary for our technician to remove both your laptop and hard disk drive
for diagnosis and repair, leaving you with a loan laptop until the repair is
Customer responsibilities
By using this warranty service you agree and acknowledge that Toshiba,
their agents or representatives do not accept any responsibility, nor liability,
for the loss of data howsoever caused.
Please ensure that all data on your Toshiba laptop has been fully backed
up before the NBD Up and Running repair has been performed or before
returning your computer to your Toshiba Authorised Service Provider in
connection with a warranty claim. Remove any confidential, proprietary or
personal data and information. Toshiba shall be under no liability for loss
of profits or any consequential loss, loss of data, loss of software or the
cost of software reconfiguration.
Please ensure you remove from your laptop any peripherals such as, but
not limited to, 3G SIM cards, memory cards (e.g. SD Cards) or PC Card
adapters. Toshiba does not accept responsibility for these items.
If the telephone diagnosis call suggests that the hard disk drive has failed,
then our technician will replace the drive in your laptop with a new one
and ensure that it powers on and functions. Our technician will not be
responsible for the installation of the operating system. Once the hard disk
drive has been replaced our technician will leave you with your original fully
working laptop so that no further visits will be necessary. Our technician is
not responsible for the data transfer and recovery. It is your responsibility
to ensure data on your hard disk drive is regularly backed-up.
General information
This Next Business Day Up and Running Service is a hardware repair
service only. A technical courier will be despatched to your location
with a suitable loan laptop and will swap over the hard drives to enable
immediate and further use. Once your laptop is repaired and ready
to be returned you will be contacted to arrange a suitable date and
location for our technician to visit with your laptop.
The NBD Up and Running service can only be purchased and used when
the laptop in question is covered by the standard Carry-in warranty, which
the customer needs to register as per the instructions provided with the
laptop. These terms and conditions therefore apply in addition to the stan-
dard warranty terms and conditions and shall prevail in case of conflict.
This service does not affect your statutory rights.
This service is only valid for the Toshiba laptop for which it is registered.
obtain serviCe
To obtain service, please contact the Toshiba Global Support Centre on
the following number:
0844 472 5199
The Toshiba Global Support Centre telephone number is active
between 09:00hrs and 17:00hrs, Monday to Friday excluding pu-
blic holidays. Call the Toshiba Global Support Centre on 0844 472
5199 before 15:00hrs on a business day to provide the best chance of
having a technician onsite on the next business day.
When you call the Toshiba Global Support Centre, we will first perform
telephone diagnosis and if the fault is believed to be hardware in nature, a
request will be put forward for the NBD Up and Running Service. If your
call was placed and accepted before 15:00hrs you will then be contacted
before 17:00hrs on the same day to arrange a suitable date and location
for our technician to visit you. However, should your call be placed and
accepted after 15:00hrs you may not receive a call back until 10:00hrs on
the following business day.
When calling, please also ensure that you have access to your Toshiba
system and be ready to provide the serial number and model number
found at the bottom of your Toshiba laptop.
Our Support Centre Agents might also choose to send you parts that you
can easily replace on your own. In this case, they will provide you the ne-
cessary instructions in order for you to make the replacement.
serviCe DesCription
If during telephone diagnosis, it is believed that the fault is hardware in
nature then when our technician arrives onsite they will:
• Require signatures to verify the physical condition of both your laptop and
our loan laptop before any loan can take place. If a signed agreement is
not made then the exchange as detailed above will not take place and our
technician may have to leave you with your original faulty unit; and
• Swap your working hard disk drive into a replacement loan laptop,
which will be left in your care whilst your laptop is returned to our part-
ner workshop for repair.
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