Dear Sportsfreund,
You have a Ant Hill pegboard from antworks
in front of you. We hope you will have as
much fun with it as we have. However, based
on our experience we are pretty condent
about that. If you ever happen to have a pro-
blem with your pegboard, if it has a defect or
if there is any other reason for your dissatis-
faction with the Ant Hill, we would like to ask
you (no, actually beg you) to tell us immedi-
ately. We will nd a proper solution for you
as fast as possible so we can make sure you
are having fun with your Ant Hill.
Why are we asking for this? antworks is still
a very young company and we can not afford
disgruntled customers.
So if you are happy with your board, go and
scream it out to the whole world, if not, let us
know so we can solve your problem.
Thank you so much and keep on reading.
We build every Ant Hill ourselves, by hand
and completely without the use of CNC ma-
chinery. They start out as 40mm thick certi-
ed birch plywood. To achieve the best re-
peat accuracy, we had a special jig made.
The wood is procured from a regional dealer
right here. This allows us to select the best
wood which is currently available.
Since plywood is a natural product we have
very limited inuence on color, grain, knots
and discolorations. Therefore it can happen
that your board contains small discolorations
or an uneven grain. Nevertheless, we only
sell boards which conform with our aesthetic
and functional requirements.
The Ant Hill is untreated. With ongoing trai-
ning the wood will stain from sweat and
grime at the spots where the hands usually
touch it. You can sand out the staining with
ne sand paper if necessary. Apart from that
the board requires no further maintenance.
The Ant Hill is a pegboard for climbing en-
thusiasts, pull-up fanatics and everyone who
wants to become one. The board is espe-
cially suited for beginners in pull-up training.
Please make sure you are properly warmed
up before you start your pull-up training. Pull-
ups with „cold“ arms can lead to injuries of
muscles and tendons. And yes, training is
only useful if it is done over a longer period
of time.
Finally we are leaving you with a little, use-
ful advice. Pull-ups are hard, and that is
how it is supposed to be. If you ever get to
the point where you feel you can‘t do another
pull, ask yourself the question if you could
do another if someone would offer you EUR
100 for every additional pull-up. Try it out, it
really works.
So, now bolt that thing to the wall and ...
... torture yourself!
1 Ant Hill
2 Sticks
2 stainless bolts
2 TOX plugs
2 stainless washers
Mark the upper point of the board on the wall
(preferably above a door frame).