Step 3:
Insert wood dowels(1)into
predrilled holes on holes on
edges of parts(C,D,J) and fit
into corresponding holes on
right side panel(H).Insert
T-bolts(6) into the holes on
parts(C,D,J) and tighten large
machine screw(5) through
predrilled holes on right side
panel(H) into T-bolts(6).
Please note that if screws do
not tighten, rotate T-bolts(6) so
that threads of T-bolt are
facing screw as shown.
Step 4:
Insert wood dowels (1) into
predrilled holes on large
shelf(E) and fit into
corresponding holes on back
panel(F). Insert T-bolt(6) into
predrilled hole on underside of
large shelf(E), and tighten
large machine screw(5)
through predrilled hole on
back panel(F) into T-bolt(6).
Please note that if screw does
not tighten, rotate T-bolt(6) so
that thread of T-bolt are facing
screw as show.
Attach cam bolt (2) to large
shelf (E). Insert wood
dowels(1)into predrilled holes
on large shelf(E), and fit into
corresponding holes on
bottom front stretcher(L)