Jacobsen LMAC358, LMAC358 / LMAC359 & LMAC390, LMAC359, LMAC390 Instruction Sheet

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RJL 100 May 2011
Fitting Instructions
RANSOMES HR6010 Folding ROPS Kit LMAC358 /
LMAC359 & LMAC390
For use on Product codes: LHAM002, LHAK003 & LHAD003
WARNING: If incorrectly used this machine can cause severe
injury. Those who use and maintain this machine should be
trained in its proper use, warned of its dangers and should
read the entire manual before attempting to set up, operate,
adjust or service the machine.
24875G-GB (rev.1)
© 2009, Ransomes Jacobsen Limited. All Rights Reserved
HR6010 / HR3806
IMPORTANT: This is a precision machine and the service obtained from it depends on the way it is operated
and maintained.
This SAFETY AND OPERATORS MANUAL should be regarded as part of the machine. Suppliers of both new
and second-hand machines are advised to retain documentary evidence that this manual was provided with the
This machine is designed solely for use in customary grass cutting operations. Use in any other way is consid-
ered as contrary to the intended use. Compliance with and strict adherence to the conditions of operation, ser-
vice and repair as specified by the manufacturer, also constitute essential elements of the intended use.
Before attempting to operate this machine, ALL operators MUST read through this manual and make them-
selves thoroughly conversant with Safety Instructions, controls, lubrication and maintenance.
Accident prevention regulations, all other generally recognized regulations on safety and occupational medi-
cine, and all road traffic regulations shall be observed at all times.
Any arbitrary modifications carried out on this machine may relieve the manufacturer of liability for any resulting
damage or injury.
It is important that during the life of the machine wearing and replaceable parts are disposed of in an environ-
mentally responsible way using the resources available in the country where it is used. There are guidelines in
this manual for the eventual decommissioning of the mower once it has no further use.
A Machine Name
BSerial Number
C Year of Manufacture
D Machine Weight
E Engine Power
West Road
Ransomes Europark
Ipswich IP3 9TT
HR6010 / HR3806
Used oil, oil filters and engine coolant are hazard-
ous materials and should be handled in a safe and
environmentally responsible way.
In the event of a fluid leak, contain the spill to pre-
vent it entering the ground or drainage system. Lo-
cal legislation will dictate how such spills are to
Following the maintenance procedures laid out in
this manual will ensure that the impact the machine
has on the local environment is controlled.
When it has been identified that a turf care product
has no further functional value and requires dispos-
al, the following actions should be taken.
These guidelines should be used in conjunction with
applicable Health, Safety and Environmental legis-
lation and use of approved local facilities for waste
disposal and recycling.
Position the machine in a suitable location
for any necessary lifting equipment to be
Use appropriate tools and Personal Pro-
tective Equipment (PPE) and take guid-
ance from the technical manuals
applicable to the machine.
Remove and store appropriately:
1. Batteries
2. Fuel residue
3. Engine coolant
4. Oils
Disassemble the structure of the machine
referring to the technical manuals where
appropriate. Special attention should be
made for dealing with ‘stored energy’ within
pressurised elements of the machine or
tensioned springs.
Any items that still have a useful service
life as second hand components or can be
re-serviced should be separated and
returned to the relevant centre.
Other worn out items should be separated
into material groups for recycling and dis-
posal consistent with available facilities.
More common separation types are as fol-
• Steel
• Non ferrous metals
• Aluminium
• Brass
• Copper
• Recyclable
• Non recyclable
• Not identified
• Rubber
• Electrical & Electronic Components
Items that cannot be separated economi-
cally into different material groups should
be added to the ‘General waste’ area.
Do not incinerate waste.
Finally update machinery records to indicate that
the machine has been taken out of service and
scrapped. Provide this serial number to Jacobsen
Warranty department to close off relevant records.
HR6010 / HR3806
This safety symbol indicates important safety mes-
sages in this manual. When you see this symbol, be
alert to the possibility of injury, carefully read the
message that follows, and inform other operators.
Ensure that the instructions in this book are
read and fully understood.
No person should be allowed to operate this
machine unless they are fully acquainted with
all the controls and the safety procedures.
Never allow children or people unfamiliar with
these instructions to use this machine. Local
regulations may restrict the age of the
It is essential all safety labels are kept legible,
if they are missing or illegible they must be
replaced. If any part of the machine is
replaced and it originally carried a safety label,
a new label must be affixed to the
replacement part. New safety labels are
obtainable from Ransomes dealers.
Stop the engine and make sure all moving
parts are stationary.
Apply brakes and disengage all drives.
Read all the appropriate servicing instructions.
Use only the replacement parts supplied by
the original manufacturer.
When adjusting the cutting cylinders take care
not to get hands and feet trapped when
rotating cylinders.
Make sure that other people are not touching
any cutting units, as rotation of one cylinder
can cause the others to rotate.
To reduce the fire hazard, keep the engine,
silencer and battery compartments free of
grass, leaves or excessive grease.
Replace worn or damaged parts for safety.
When working underneath lifted parts or
machines, make sure adequate support Is
Do not dismantle the machine without
releasing or restraining forces which can
cause parts to move suddenly.
Do not alter engine speed above maximum
quoted in Engine Specification. Do not
change the engine governor settings or
overspeed the engine. Operating the engine
at excessive speed may increase the hazard
of personal injury.
When refuelling, STOP THE ENGINE, DO
NOT SMOKE. Add fuel before starting the
engine, never add fuel while the engine is
Use a funnel when pouring fuel from a can
into the tank.
Do not fill the fuel tank beyond the bottom of
the filler neck.
Replace all fuel tank and container caps
Store fuel in containers specifically designed
for this purpose.
Refuel outdoors only and do not smoke while
If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to start the
engine but move the machine away from the
area of spillage and avoid creating any source
of ignition until fuel vapours have dissipated.
Allow the engine to cool before storing in any
Never store the equipment with fuel in the tank
inside a building where fumes may reach an
open flame or spark.
If the fuel tank has to be drained, this should
be done outdoors.
Do not spill fuel onto hot components.
When servicing batteries, DO NOT SMOKE,
and keep naked lights away.
Do not place any metal objects across the
When Pressure Washing the Mower. Turn the
engine off and remove the starter key.
If the engine has been running, it should be
allowed to cool sufficiently to prevent damage
to the block and exhaust manifold. Never
force water into any electrical components,
HR6010 / HR3806
the air cleaner or exhaust muffler as water
could enter the engine cylinder and cause
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, WILL result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury
and property damage. It may also be used to alert
against unsafe practices.
Transport speed is for highway use only. Never se-
lect transport speed on grass areas or uneven or un-
surfaced roads or tracks.
HR6010 / HR3806
Business name and full address of the manufacturer         
Obchodní jméno a plná adresa výrobce  Producentens firmanavn og fulde adresse  Bedrijfsnaam en volledig adres van de fabrikant  Tootja ärinimi ja täielik aadress 
Valmistajan toiminimi ja täydellinen osoite  Nom commercial et adresse complète du fabricant  Firmenname und vollständige Adresse des Herstellers   
    A gyártó üzleti neve és teljes címe  Ragione sociale e indirizzo completo del fabbricante  Uz muma nosaukums un pilna
raotja adrese  Verslo pavadinimas ir pilnas gamintojo adresas  Isem kummerjali u indirizz si tal-fabbrikant  Nazwa firmy i peny adres producenta  Nome da
empresa e endereço completo do fabricante  Denumirea comercial i adresa complet a productorului  Obchodný názov a úplná adresa výrobcu  Naziv podjetja in
polni naslov proizvajalca  Nombre de la empresa y dirección completa del fabricante  Tillverkarens företagsnamn och kompletta adress
Ransomes Jacobsen Limited
West Road, Ransomes Europark,
Ipswich, England, IP3 9TT
Product Code      Kód výrobku  Produktkode  Productcode  Toote kood  Tuotekoodi  Code produit  Produktcode     Termékkód 
Codice prodotto  Produkta kods  Produkto kodas  Kodii tal-Prodott  Kod produktu  Código do Produto  Cod produs  Kód výrobku  Oznaka proizvoda  Código de
producto  Produktkod
Machine Name      Název stroje  Maskinnavn  Machinenaam  Masina nimi  Laitteen nimi  Nom de la machine  Maschinenbezeichnung 
   Gépnév  Denominazione della macchina  Iekrtas nosaukums  Mainos pavadinimas  Isem tal-Magna  Nazwa urzdzenia  Nome da
Máquina  Numele echipamentului  Názov stroja  Naziv stroja  Nombre de la máquina  Maskinens namn
Ransomes HR6010 ROPS Frame
Jacobsen HR6010 ROPS Frame
Jacobsen Euro HR6010 ROPS Frame
Designation    Oznaení  Betegnelse  Benaming  Nimetus  Tyyppimerkintä  Paymjimas
Bezeichnung    Megnevezés  Funzione  Apzmjums  Lithuanian  Denominazzjoni  Oznaczenie 
Designação  Specificaie  Oznaenie  Namen stroja  Descripción  Beteckning
ROPS Frame
Serial Number     Sériové íslo  Serienummer  Serienummer  Seerianumber  Valmistusnumero  Numéro de série  Seriennummer    
Sorozatszám  Numero di serie  Srijas numurs  Serijos numeris  Numru Serjali  Numer seryjny  Número de Série  Numr de serie  Sériové íslo  Serijska tevilka 
Número de serie  Serienummer
Not Applicable
Engine    Motor  Motor  Motor  Mootor  Moottori  Moteur  Motor    Modulnév  Motore  Dzinjs  Variklis  Saa Netta Installata  Silnik  Motor 
Motor  Motor  Motor  Motor  Motor
Not Applicable
Net Installed Power      istý instalovaný výkon  Installeret nettoeffekt  Netto ge ïnstalleerd vermogen  Installeeritud netovõimsus
Asennettu nettoteho  Puissance nominale nette  Installierte Nettoleistung      Nettó beépített teljesítmény  Potenza netta installata 
Paredzt tkla jauda  Grynoji galia  Wisa tal-Qtug  Moc zainstalowana netto  Potência instalada  Puterea instalat net  istý intalovaný výkon  Neto vgrajena mo
 Potencia instalada neta  Nettoeffekt
Not Applicable
Cutting Width      íka ezu  Skærebredde  Maaibreedte  Lõikelaius  Leikkuuleveys  Largeur de coupe  Schnittbreite     Vágási
szélesség  Larghezza di taglio  Grieanas platums  Pjovimo plotis  Tikkonforma mad-Direttivi  Szeroko cicia  Largura de Corte  Limea de tiere  írka záberu 
irina reza  Anchura de corte  Klippbredd
Not Applicable
Conforms to Directives       Spluje podmínky smrnic  Er i overensstemmelse med direktiver  Voldoet aan de richtlijnen  Vastab
direktiividele  Direktiivien mukainen  Conforme aux directives  Entspricht Richtlinien       Megfelel az irányelveknek  Conforme alle
Direttive  Atbilst direktvm  Atitinka direktyv reikalavimus  Valutazzjoni tal-Konformità  Dyrektywy zwizane  Cumpre as Directivas  Respect Directivele  Je v súlade
so smernicami  Skladnost z direktivami  Cumple con las Directivas  Uppfyller direktiv
Conformity Assessment      Hodnocení plnní podmínek  Overensstemmelsesvurdering 
Conformiteitsbeoordeling  Vastavushindamine  Vaatimustenmukaisuuden arviointi  Evaluation de conformité 
Konformitätsbeurteilung     Megfelelség-értékelés  Valutazione della conformit à 
Atbilstbas novrtjums  Atitikties vertinimas  Livell tal-Qawwa tal-oss Imkejjel  Ocena zgodnoci 
Avaliação de Conformidade  Evaluarea conformitii  Vyhodnotenie zhodnosti  Ocena skladnosti 
Evaluación de conformidad  Bedömning av överensstämmelse
2006/42/EC Annex VIII
Measured Sound Power Level        Namený akustický výkon  Målte lydstyrkeniveau  Gemeten geluidsniveau  Mõõdetud
helivõimsuse tase  Mitattu äänitehotaso  Niveau de puissance sonore mesuré  Gemessener Schalldruckpegel       Mért
hangteljesítményszint  Livello di potenza sonora misurato  Izmrtais skaas jaudas lmenis  Imatuotas garso stiprumo lygis  Livell tal-Qawwa tal-oss Iggarantit  Moc
akustyczna mierzona  Nível sonoro medido  Nivelul msurat al puterii acustice  Nameraná hladina akustického výkonu  Izmerjena raven zvone moi  Nivel de
potencia sonora medido  Uppmätt ljudeffektsniv å
Not Applicable
Guaranteed Sound Power Level        Garantovaný akustický výkon  Garanteret lydstyrkeniveau  Gegarandeerd geluidsniveau 
Garanteeritud helivõimsuse tase  Taattu äänitehotaso  Niveau de puissance sonore garanti  Garantierter Schalldruckpegel     
Szavatolt hangteljesítményszint  Livello di potenza sonora garantito  Garanttais skaas jaudas lmenis  Garantuotas garso stiprumo lygis  Livell tal-Qawwa tal-oss
Iggarantit  Moc akustyczna gwarantowana  Nível sonoro farantido  Nivelul garantat al puterii acustice  Garantovaná hladina akustického výkonu  Zajamena raven
zvone moi  Nivel de potencia sonora garantizado  Garanterad ljudeffektsniv å
Not Applicable
Conformity Assessment Procedure (Noise)       ()
Postup hodnocení plnní podmínek (hluk)  Procedure for overensstemmelsesvurdering (St øj) 
Procedure van de conformiteitsbeoordeling (geluid)  Vastavushindamismenetlus (müra) 
Vaatimustenmukaisuuden arviointimenettely (Melu)  Procédure dévaluation de conformité (bruit) 
Konformitätsbeurteilungsverfahren (Geräusch)     ()
Megfelelség-értékelési eljárás (Zaj)  Procedura di valutazione della conformit à (rumore) 
Atbilstbas novrtjuma procedra (troksnis)  Atitikties vertinimo procedra (garsas)
Proedura tal-Valutazzjoni tal-Konformità (oss)  Procedura oceny zgodnoci (poziom haasu) 
Processo de avaliação de conformidade (nível sonoro) Procedura de evaluare a conformit ii (zgomot) 
Postup vyhodnocovania zhodnosti (hluk)  Postopek za ugotavljanje skladnosti (hrup) 
Procedimiento de evaluación de conformidad (ruido)  Procedur för bedömning av överensstämmelse (buller)
Not Applicable
UK Notified Body for 2000/14/EC        2000/14/  Úad certifikovaný podle smrnice .
2000/14/EC  Det britiske
bemyndigede organ for 2001/14/EF
 Engels adviesorgaan voor 2000/14/EG  Ühendkuningriigi teavitatud asutus direktiivi 2000/14/EÜ m
õistes  Direktiivin 2000/14/EY
mukainen ilmoitettu tarkastuslaitos Isossa-Britanniassa  Organisme notifié concernant la directive 2000/14/CE  Britische benannte Stelle für 2000/14/EG 
     2000/14/  2000/14/EK  egyesült királyságbeli bejelentett szervezet  Organismo Notificato in GB per
2000/14/CE  2000/14/EK AK reistrt organizcija  JK notifikuotosios staigos 2000/14/EC  Korp Notifikat tar-Renju Unit gal 2000/14/KE  Dopuszczona jednostka
badawcza w Wielkiej Brytanii wg 2000/14/WE  Entidade notificada no Reino Unido para 2000/14/CE  Organism notificat în Marea Britanie pentru 2000/14/CE 
Notifikovaný orgán Spojeného kráovstva pre smernicu 2000/14/ES  Britanski priglaeni organ za 2000/14/ES  Cuerpo notificado en el Reino Unido para 2000/14/CE 
Anmält organ för 2000/14/EG i Storbritannien
Number: 1088
Sound Research Laboratories Limited
Holbrook House, Little Waldingfield
Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 0TH
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY      PROHLÁENÍ O SHOD 
HR6010 / HR3806
Operator Ear Noise Level         
Hladina hluku v oblasti uí operátora  Støjniveau i førers ørehøjde
Geluidsniveau oor bestuurder  Müratase operaatori kõrvas
Melutaso käyttäjän korvan kohdalla  Niveau de bruit à hauteur des oreilles de lopérateur
Schallpegel am Bedienerohr     
A kezel fülénél mért zajszint  Livello di potenza sonora allorecchio delloperatore 
Troka lmenis pie operatora auss  Dirbaniojo su maina patiriamo triukmo lygis 
Livell tal-oss fil-Widna tal-Operatur  Dopuszczalny poziom haasu dla operatora 
Nível sonoro nos ouvidos do operador  Nivelul zgomotului la urechea operatorului 
Hladina hluku pôsobiaca na sluch operátora  Raven hrupa pri uesu upravljavca 
Nivel sonoro en el oído del operador  Ljudnivå vid förarens öra
Not Applicable
Harmonised standards used      Pouité harmonizované normy  Brugte harmoniserede standarder  Gebruikte geharmoniseerde
standaards  Kasutatud ühtlustatud standardid  Käytetyt yhdenmukaistetut standardit  Normes harmonisées utilisées  Angewandte harmonisierte Normen 
     Harmonizált szabványok  Standard armonizzati applicati  Izmantotie saska otie standarti  Panaudoti suderinti
standartai  Standards armonizzati uati  Normy spójne powizane  Normas harmonizadas usadas  Standardele armonizate utilizate  Pouité harmonizované normy 
Uporabljeni usklajeni standardi  Estándares armonizados utilizados  Harmoniserade standarder som används
EN 836:1987
Technical standards and specifications used      
Pouité technické normy a specifikace  Brugte tekniske standarder og specifikationer 
Gebruikte technische standaards en specificaties  Kasutatud tehnilised standardid ja spetsifikatsioonid 
Käytetyt tekniset standardit ja eritelmät  Spécifications et normes techniques utilisées 
Angewandte technische Normen und Spezifikationen         Mszaki szabványok és specifikációk  Standard
tecnici e specifiche applicati
Izmantotie tehniskie standarti un specifikcijas  Panaudoti techniniai standartai ir technin informacija
Standards u speifikazzjonijiet teknii uati  Normy i specyfikacje techniczne powizane 
Normas técnicas e especificações usadas  Standardele tehnice i specificaiile utilizate 
Pouité technické normy a pecifikácie  Uporabljeni tehnini standardi in specifikacije 
Estándares y especificaciones técnicas utilizadas  Tekniska standarder och specifikationer som används
The place and date of the declaration        Místo a datum prohláení  Sted og dato for erklæringen  Plaats en datum van de verklaring 
Deklaratsiooni väljastamise koht ja kuupäev  Vakuutuksen paikka ja päivämäärä  Lieu et date de la déclaration  Ort und Datum der Erklärung    
  A nyilatkozat kelte (hely és id)  Luogo e data della dichiarazione  Deklar cijas vieta un datums  Deklaracijos vieta ir data  Il-post u d-data tad-dikjarazzjoni 
Miejsce i data wystawienia deklaracji  Local e data da declaração  Locul i data declaraiei  Miesto a dátum vyhlásenia  Kraj in datum izjave  Lugar y fecha de la
declaración  Plats och datum för deklarationen
Ransomes Jacobsen Limited
West Road, Ransomes Europark,
Ipswich, England, IP3 9TT
1st November.2009
Signature of the person empowered to draw up the declaration on behalf of the manufacturer, holds the technical documentation and is authorised to compile the technical
file, and who is established in the Community.
  ,        ,  
             .
Podpis osoby oprávnné sestavit prohláení jménem výrobce, dret technickou dokumentaci a osoby oprávnné
sestavit technické soubory a zaloené v rámci Evropského spoleenství.
Underskrift af personen, der har fuldmagt til at udarbejde erklæringen på vegne af producenten, der er indehaver
af dokumentationen og er bemyndiget til at udarbejde den tekniske journal, og som er baseret i nærområdet.
Handtekening van de persoon die bevoegd is de verklaring namens de fabrikant te tekenen, de technische
documentatie bewaart en bevoegd is om het technische bestand samen te stellen, en die is gevestigd in het Woongebied.
Ühenduse registrisse kantud isiku allkiri, kes on volitatud tootja nimel deklaratsiooni koostama, kes omab tehnilist
dokumentatsiooni ja kellel on õigus koostada tehniline toimik.
Sen henkilön allekirjoitus, jolla on valmistajan valtuutus vakuutuksen laadintaan, jolla on hallussaan tekniset
asiakirjat, joka on valtuutettu laatimaan tekniset asiakirjat ja joka on sijoittautunut yhteisöön.
Signature de la personne habilitée à rédiger la déclaration au nom du fabricant, à détenir la documentation
technique, à compiler les fichiers techniques et qui est implantée dans la Communauté.
Unterschrift der Person, die berechtigt ist, die Erklärung im Namen des Herstellers abzugeben, die die
technischen Unterlagen aufbewahrt und berechtigt ist, die technischen Unterlagen zusammenzustellen,
und die in der Gemeinschaft niedergelassen ist.
           ,  
                
  .
A gyártó nevében meghatalmazott személy, akinek jogában áll módosítania a nyilatkozatot, a mszaki
dokumentációt rzi, engedéllyel rendelkezik a mszaki fájl összeállításához, és aki a közösségben
letelepedett személy.
Firma della persona autorizzata a redigere la dichiarazione a nome del fabbricante, in possesso Della
documentazione tecnica ed autorizzata a costituire il fascicolo tecnico, che deve essere stabilita nella Comunità.
Ts personas paraksts, kura ir pilnvarota deklarcijas sastdanai raotja vrd, kurai ir tehnisk
dokumentcija, kura ir pilnvarota sagatavot tehnisko reistru un kura ir apstiprinta Kopien.
Asmuo, kuris yra gana inomas, kuriam gamintojas suteik galiojimus sudaryti i deklaracij, ir kuris j
pasira, turi vis technin informacij ir yra galiotas sudaryti technins informacijos dokument.
Il-firma tal-persuna awtorizzata li tfassal id-dikjarazzjoni fisem il-fabbrikant, g andha d-dokumentazzjoni
teknika u hija awtorizzata li tikkompila l-fajl tekniku u li hija stabbilita fil-Komunità.
Podpis osoby upowanionej do sporzdzenia deklaracji w imieniu producenta, przechowujcej dokumentacj
techniczn, upowanion do stworzenia dokumentacji technicznej oraz wyznaczonej ds. wspólnotowych.
Assinatura da pessoa com poderes para emitir a declaração em nome do fabricante, que possui a documentação
técnica, que está autorizada a compilar o processo técnico e que está estabelecida na Comunidade.
Semntura persoanei împuternicite s elaboreze declaraia în numele productorului, care deine documentaia
tehnic, este autorizat s compileze dosarul tehnic i este stabilit în Comunitate.
Podpis osoby poverenej vystavením vyhlásenia v mene výrobcu, ktorá má technickú dokumentáciu a je
oprávnená spracova technické podklady a ktorá je umiestnená v Spoloenstve.
Podpis osebe, pooblaene za izdelavo izjave v imenu proizvajalca, ki ima tehnino dokumentacijo in lahko
sestavlja spis tehnine dokumentacije, ter ima sede v Skupnosti.
Firma de la persona responsable de la declaración en nombre del fabricante, que posee la documentación técnica
y está autorizada para recopilar el archivo técnico y que está establecido en la Comunidad.
Undertecknas av den som bemyndigad att upprätta deklarationen å tillverkarens vägnar, innehar den tekniska
dokumentationen och är bemyndigad att sammanställa den tekniska informationen och som är etablerad i
Tim Lansdell
Technical Director
1st November.2009
Ransomes Jacobsen Limited
West Road, Ransomes Europark,
Ipswich, England, IP3 9TT
Certificate Number      íslo osvdení  Certifikatnummer  Certificaatnummer  Sertifikaadi number  Hyväksyntänumero  Numéro de certificat 
Bescheinigungsnummer     Hitelesítési szám  Numero del certificato  Sertifik ta numurs  Sertifikato numeris  Numru ta-ertifikat  Numer
certyfikatu  Número do Certificado  Numr certificat  íslo osvedenia  tevilka certifikata  Número de certificado  Certifikatsnummer
4223200 (Rev.0)
HR6010 / HR3806
Business name and full address of the manufacturer         
Obchodní jméno a plná adresa výrobce  Producentens firmanavn og fulde adresse  Bedrijfsnaam en volledig adres van de fabrikant  Tootja ärinimi ja täielik aadress 
Valmistajan toiminimi ja täydellinen osoite  Nom commercial et adresse complète du fabricant  Firmenname und vollständige Adresse des Herstellers   
    A gyártó üzleti neve és teljes címe  Ragione sociale e indirizzo completo del fabbricante  Uz muma nosaukums un pilna
raotja adrese  Verslo pavadinimas ir pilnas gamintojo adresas  Isem kummerjali u indirizz si tal-fabbrikant  Nazwa firmy i peny adres producenta  Nome da
empresa e endereço completo do fabricante  Denumirea comercial i adresa complet a productorului  Obchodný názov a úplná adresa výrobcu  Naziv podjetja in
polni naslov proizvajalca  Nombre de la empresa y dirección completa del fabricante  Tillverkarens företagsnamn och kompletta adress
Ransomes Jacobsen Limited
West Road, Ransomes Europark,
Ipswich, England, IP3 9TT
Product Code      Kód výrobku  Produktkode  Productcode  Toote kood  Tuotekoodi  Code produit  Produktcode     Termékkód 
Codice prodotto  Produkta kods  Produkto kodas  Kodii tal-Prodott  Kod produktu  Código do Produto  Cod produs  Kód výrobku  Oznaka proizvoda  Código de
producto  Produktkod
Machine Name      Název stroje  Maskinnavn  Machinenaam  Masina nimi  Laitteen nimi  Nom de la machine  Maschinenbezeichnung 
   Gépnév  Denominazione della macchina  Iekrtas nosaukums  Mainos pavadinimas  Isem tal-Magna  Nazwa urzdzenia  Nome da
Máquina  Numele echipamentului  Názov stroja  Naziv stroja  Nombre de la máquina  Maskinens namn
Ransomes HR3806 ROPS Frame
Designation    Oznaení  Betegnelse  Benaming  Nimetus  Tyyppimerkintä  Paymjimas
Bezeichnung    Megnevezés  Funzione  Apzmjums  Lithuanian  Denominazzjoni  Oznaczenie 
Designação  Specificaie  Oznaenie  Namen stroja  Descripción  Beteckning
ROPS Frame
Serial Number     Sériové íslo  Serienummer  Serienummer  Seerianumber  Valmistusnumero  Numéro de série  Seriennummer    
Sorozatszám  Numero di serie  Srijas numurs  Serijos numeris  Numru Serjali  Numer seryjny  Número de Série  Numr de serie  Sériové íslo  Serijska tevilka 
Número de serie  Serienummer
Not Applicable
Engine    Motor  Motor  Motor  Mootor  Moottori  Moteur  Motor    Modulnév  Motore  Dzinjs  Variklis  Saa Netta Installata  Silnik  Motor 
Motor  Motor  Motor  Motor  Motor
Not Applicable
Net Installed Power      istý instalovaný výkon  Installeret nettoeffekt  Netto ge ïnstalleerd vermogen  Installeeritud netovõimsus
Asennettu nettoteho  Puissance nominale nette  Installierte Nettoleistung      Nettó beépített teljesítmény  Potenza netta installata 
Paredzt tkla jauda  Grynoji galia  Wisa tal-Qtug  Moc zainstalowana netto  Potência instalada  Puterea instalat net  istý intalovaný výkon  Neto vgrajena mo
 Potencia instalada neta  Nettoeffekt
Not Applicable
Cutting Width      íka ezu  Skærebredde  Maaibreedte  Lõikelaius  Leikkuuleveys  Largeur de coupe  Schnittbreite     Vágási
szélesség  Larghezza di taglio  Grieanas platums  Pjovimo plotis  Tikkonforma mad-Direttivi  Szeroko cicia  Largura de Corte  Limea de tiere  írka záberu 
irina reza  Anchura de corte  Klippbredd
Not Applicable
Conforms to Directives       Spluje podmínky smrnic  Er i overensstemmelse med direktiver  Voldoet aan de richtlijnen  Vastab
direktiividele  Direktiivien mukainen  Conforme aux directives  Entspricht Richtlinien       Megfelel az irányelveknek  Conforme alle
Direttive  Atbilst direktvm  Atitinka direktyv reikalavimus  Valutazzjoni tal-Konformità  Dyrektywy zwizane  Cumpre as Directivas  Respect Directivele  Je v súlade
so smernicami  Skladnost z direktivami  Cumple con las Directivas  Uppfyller direktiv
Conformity Assessment      Hodnocení plnní podmínek  Overensstemmelsesvurdering 
Conformiteitsbeoordeling  Vastavushindamine  Vaatimustenmukaisuuden arviointi  Evaluation de conformité 
Konformitätsbeurteilung     Megfelelség-értékelés  Valutazione della conformit à 
Atbilstbas novrtjums  Atitikties vertinimas  Livell tal-Qawwa tal-oss Imkejjel  Ocena zgodnoci 
Avaliação de Conformidade  Evaluarea conformitii  Vyhodnotenie zhodnosti  Ocena skladnosti 
Evaluación de conformidad  Bedömning av överensstämmelse
2006/42/EC Annex VIII
Measured Sound Power Level        Namený akustický výkon  M ålte lydstyrkeniveau Gemeten geluidsniveau  Mõõdetud
helivõimsuse tase  Mitattu äänitehotaso  Niveau de puissance sonore mesuré  Gemessener Schalldruckpegel       Mért
hangteljesítményszint  Livello di potenza sonora misurato  Izmrtais skaas jaudas lmenis  Imatuotas garso stiprumo lygis  Livell tal-Qawwa tal-oss Iggarantit  Moc
akustyczna mierzona  Nível sonoro medido  Nivelul msurat al puterii acustice  Nameraná hladina akustického výkonu  Izmerjena raven zvone moi  Nivel de
potencia sonora medido  Uppmätt ljudeffektsniv å
Not Applicable
Guaranteed Sound Power Level        Garantovaný akustický výkon  Garanteret lydstyrkeniveau  Gegarandeerd geluidsniveau 
Garanteeritud helivõimsuse tase  Taattu äänitehotaso  Niveau de puissance sonore garanti  Garantierter Schalldruckpegel     
Szavatolt hangteljesítményszint  Livello di potenza sonora garantito  Garanttais skaas jaudas lmenis  Garantuotas garso stiprumo lygis  Livell tal-Qawwa tal-oss
Iggarantit  Moc akustyczna gwarantowana  Nível sonoro farantido  Nivelul garantat al puterii acustice  Garantovaná hladina akustického výkonu  Zajamena raven
zvone moi  Nivel de potencia sonora garantizado  Garanterad ljudeffektsniv å
Not Applicable
Conformity Assessment Procedure (Noise)       ()
Postup hodnocení plnní podmínek (hluk)  Procedure for overensstemmelsesvurdering (St øj) 
Procedure van de conformiteitsbeoordeling (geluid)  Vastavushindamismenetlus (müra) 
Vaatimustenmukaisuuden arviointimenettely (Melu)  Procédure dévaluation de conformité (bruit) 
Konformitätsbeurteilungsverfahren (Geräusch)     ()
Megfelelség-értékelési eljárás (Zaj)  Procedura di valutazione della conformit à (rumore) 
Atbilstbas novrtjuma procedra (troksnis)  Atitikties vertinimo procedra (garsas)
Proedura tal-Valutazzjoni tal-Konformità (oss)  Procedura oceny zgodnoci (poziom haasu) 
Processo de avaliação de conformidade (nível sonoro) Procedura de evaluare a conformit ii (zgomot) 
Postup vyhodnocovania zhodnosti (hluk)  Postopek za ugotavljanje skladnosti (hrup) 
Procedimiento de evaluación de conformidad (ruido)  Procedur för bedömning av överensstämmelse (buller)
Not Applicable
UK Notified Body for 2000/14/EC        2000/14/  Úad certifikovaný podle smrnice . 2000/14/EC  Det britiske
bemyndigede organ for 2001/14/EF  Engels adviesorgaan voor 2000/14/EG  Ühendkuningriigi teavitatud asutus direktiivi 2000/14/
EÜ m õistes  Direktiivin 2000/14/EY
mukainen ilmoitettu tarkastuslaitos Isossa-Britanniassa
 Organisme notifié concernant la directive 2000/14/CE  Britische benannte Stelle für 2000/14/EG 
     2000/14/
 2000/14/EK  egyesült királyságbeli bejelentett szervezet  Organismo Notificato in GB per
2000/14/CE  2000/14/EK AK reistrt organizcija  JK notifikuotosios staigos 2000/14/EC  Korp Notifikat tar-Renju Unit gal 2000/14/KE  Dopuszczona jednostka
badawcza w Wielkiej Brytanii wg 2000/14/WE  Entidade notificada no Reino Unido para 2000/14/CE  Organism notificat în Marea Britanie pentru 2000/14/CE 
Notifikovaný orgán Spojeného kráovstva pre smernicu 2000/14/ES  Britanski priglaeni organ za 2000/14/ES  Cuerpo notificado en el Reino Unido para 2000/14/CE 
Anmält organ för 2000/14/EG i Storbritannien
Number: 1088
Sound Research Laboratories Limited
Holbrook House, Little Waldingfield
Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 0TH
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY      PROHLÁENÍ O SHOD 
HR6010 / HR3806
Operator Ear Noise Level         
Hladina hluku v oblasti uí operátora  Støjniveau i førers ørehøjde
Geluidsniveau oor bestuurder  Müratase operaatori kõrvas
Melutaso käyttäjän korvan kohdalla  Niveau de bruit à hauteur des oreilles de lopérateur
Schallpegel am Bedienerohr     
A kezel fülénél mért zajszint  Livello di potenza sonora allorecchio delloperatore 
Troka lmenis pie operatora auss  Dirbaniojo su maina patiriamo triukmo lygis 
Livell tal-oss fil-Widna tal-Operatur  Dopuszczalny poziom haasu dla operatora 
Nível sonoro nos ouvidos do operador  Nivelul zgomotului la urechea operatorului 
Hladina hluku pôsobiaca na sluch operátora  Raven hrupa pri uesu upravljavca 
Nivel sonoro en el oído del operador  Ljudnivå vid förarens öra
Not Applicable
Harmonised standards used      Pouité harmonizované normy  Brugte harmoniserede standarder  Gebruikte geharmoniseerde
standaards  Kasutatud ühtlustatud standardid  Käytetyt yhdenmukaistetut standardit  Normes harmonisées utilisées  Angewandte harmonisierte Normen 
     Harmonizált szabványok  Standard armonizzati applicati  Izmantotie saska otie standarti  Panaudoti suderinti
standartai  Standards armonizzati uati  Normy spójne powizane  Normas harmonizadas usadas  Standardele armonizate utilizate  Pouité harmonizované normy 
Uporabljeni usklajeni standardi  Estándares armonizados utilizados  Harmoniserade standarder som används
EN 836:1987
Technical standards and specifications used      
Pouité technické normy a specifikace  Brugte tekniske standarder og specifikationer 
Gebruikte technische standaards en specificaties  Kasutatud tehnilised standardid ja spetsifikatsioonid 
Käytetyt tekniset standardit ja eritelmät  Spécifications et normes techniques utilisées 
Angewandte technische Normen und Spezifikationen         Mszaki szabványok és specifikációk  Standard
tecnici e specifiche applicati
Izmantotie tehniskie standarti un specifikcijas  Panaudoti techniniai standartai ir technin informacija
Standards u speifikazzjonijiet teknii uati  Normy i specyfikacje techniczne powizane 
Normas técnicas e especificações usadas  Standardele tehnice i specificaiile utilizate 
Pouité technické normy a pecifikácie  Uporabljeni tehnini standardi in specifikacije 
Estándares y especificaciones técnicas utilizadas  Tekniska standarder och specifikationer som används
The place and date of the declaration        Místo a datum prohláení  Sted og dato for erklæringen  Plaats en datum van de verklaring 
Deklaratsiooni väljastamise koht ja kuupäev  Vakuutuksen paikka ja päivämäärä  Lieu et date de la déclaration  Ort und Datum der Erklärung    
  A nyilatkozat kelte (hely és id)  Luogo e data della dichiarazione  Deklar cijas vieta un datums  Deklaracijos vieta ir data  Il-post u d-data tad-dikjarazzjoni 
Miejsce i data wystawienia deklaracji  Local e data da declaração  Locul i data declaraiei  Miesto a dátum vyhlásenia  Kraj in datum izjave  Lugar y fecha de la
declaración  Plats och datum för deklarationen
Ransomes Jacobsen Limited
West Road, Ransomes Europark,
Ipswich, England, IP3 9TT
1st November.2009
Signature of the person empowered to draw up the declaration on behalf of the manufacturer, holds the technical documentation and is authorised to compile the technical
file, and who is established in the Community.
  ,        ,  
             .
Podpis osoby oprávnné sestavit prohláení jménem výrobce, dret technickou dokumentaci a osoby oprávnné
sestavit technické soubory a zaloené v rámci Evropského spoleenství.
Underskrift af personen, der har fuldmagt til at udarbejde erklæringen på vegne af producenten, der er indehaver
af dokumentationen og er bemyndiget til at udarbejde den tekniske journal, og som er baseret i nærområdet.
Handtekening van de persoon die bevoegd is de verklaring namens de fabrikant te tekenen, de technische
documentatie bewaart en bevoegd is om het technische bestand samen te stellen, en die is gevestigd in het Woongebied.
Ühenduse registrisse kantud isiku allkiri, kes on volitatud tootja nimel deklaratsiooni koostama, kes omab tehnilist
dokumentatsiooni ja kellel on õigus koostada tehniline toimik.
Sen henkilön allekirjoitus, jolla on valmistajan valtuutus vakuutuksen laadintaan, jolla on hallussaan tekniset
asiakirjat, joka on valtuutettu laatimaan tekniset asiakirjat ja joka on sijoittautunut yhteisöön.
Signature de la personne habilitée à rédiger la déclaration au nom du fabricant, à détenir la documentation
technique, à compiler les fichiers techniques et qui est implantée dans la Communauté.
Unterschrift der Person, die berechtigt ist, die Erklärung im Namen des Herstellers abzugeben, die die
technischen Unterlagen aufbewahrt und berechtigt ist, die technischen Unterlagen zusammenzustellen,
und die in der Gemeinschaft niedergelassen ist.
           ,  
                
  .
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dokumentációt rzi, engedéllyel rendelkezik a mszaki fájl összeállításához, és aki a közösségben
letelepedett személy.
Firma della persona autorizzata a redigere la dichiarazione a nome del fabbricante, in possesso Della
documentazione tecnica ed autorizzata a costituire il fascicolo tecnico, che deve essere stabilita nella Comunità.
Ts personas paraksts, kura ir pilnvarota deklarcijas sastdanai raotja vrd, kurai ir tehnisk
dokumentcija, kura ir pilnvarota sagatavot tehnisko reistru un kura ir apstiprinta Kopien.
Asmuo, kuris yra gana inomas, kuriam gamintojas suteik galiojimus sudaryti i deklaracij, ir kuris j
pasira, turi vis technin informacij ir yra galiotas sudaryti technins informacijos dokument.
Il-firma tal-persuna awtorizzata li tfassal id-dikjarazzjoni fisem il-fabbrikant, g andha d-dokumentazzjoni
teknika u hija awtorizzata li tikkompila l-fajl tekniku u li hija stabbilita fil-Komunità.
Podpis osoby upowanionej do sporzdzenia deklaracji w imieniu producenta, przechowujcej dokumentacj
techniczn, upowanion do stworzenia dokumentacji technicznej oraz wyznaczonej ds. wspólnotowych.
Assinatura da pessoa com poderes para emitir a declaração em nome do fabricante, que possui a documentação
técnica, que está autorizada a compilar o processo técnico e que está estabelecida na Comunidade.
Semntura persoanei împuternicite s elaboreze declaraia în numele productorului, care deine documentaia
tehnic, este autorizat s compileze dosarul tehnic i este stabilit în Comunitate.
Podpis osoby poverenej vystavením vyhlásenia v mene výrobcu, ktorá má technickú dokumentáciu a je
oprávnená spracova technické podklady a ktorá je umiestnená v Spoloenstve.
Podpis osebe, pooblaene za izdelavo izjave v imenu proizvajalca, ki ima tehnino dokumentacijo in lahko
sestavlja spis tehnine dokumentacije, ter ima sede v Skupnosti.
Firma de la persona responsable de la declaración en nombre del fabricante, que posee la documentación técnica
y está autorizada para recopilar el archivo técnico y que está establecido en la Comunidad.
Undertecknas av den som bemyndigad att upprätta deklarationen å tillverkarens vägnar, innehar den tekniska
dokumentationen och är bemyndigad att sammanställa den tekniska informationen och som är etablerad i
Tim Lansdell
Technical Director
1st November.2009
Ransomes Jacobsen Limited
West Road, Ransomes Europark,
Ipswich, England, IP3 9TT
Certificate Number      íslo osvdení  Certifikatnummer  Certificaatnummer  Sertifikaadi number  Hyväksyntänumero  Numéro de certificat 
Bescheinigungsnummer     Hitelesítési szám  Numero del certificato  Sertifik ta numurs  Sertifikato numeris  Numru ta-ertifikat  Numer
certyfikatu  Número do Certificado  Numr certificat  íslo osvedenia  tevilka certifikata  Número de certificado  Certifikatsnummer
4223201 (Rev.0)
HR6010 / HR3806
CAUTION: Read the rotary mower’s manual and
become familiar with the rotary mower, the controls
and proper use of the equipment.
Stay alert for potential hazards and follow all
safety precautions. Read all instructions
completely and make sure you understand them
before proceeding with the assembly
1. Park the rotary mower on a flat and level
surface, fully lower the implements to the
ground, engage parking brake, stop the engine
and remove key from ignition switch.
2. Wait for all movement to stop before making
any adjustments or modifications.
3. Take this opportunity to thoroughly inspect the
equipment and perform other maintenance.
The “Right” and “Left”, “Front” and “Rear” of the
machine are referenced from the operator’s right
and left when seated in the operator’s seat facing
the direction of forward travel.
Care should be taken when handling
heavy weights. When handling such
items assistance may be required.
Use a rigid platform when working above
the machine. Do not stand on the seat.
The following instruction details the process of install-
ing the ROPS Kit LMAC358 / 359 to a HR6010 and
LMAC390 to a HR3806 machine.
Note - The illustrations in this fitting instruction show
the seat removed from the machine for clarity only. It
is not necessary to remove the seat in order to fit the
IMPORTANT - Before beginning, read through these
instructions and familiarise yourself with all the parts
in the ROPS Frame kit and the steps for proper
When the machine is being used off
road, whether cutting grass or not, the
seat belt should only be worn when a
ROPS frame is in place and deployed.
This rationale is based on the fact that a
seat belt must be worn with a ROPS to
comply with The Machinery Directive
98/37/EC sections 3.2.2, Seating &
3.4.3, Rollover.
Ransomes Jacobsen Limited
recommends that a local risk
assessment is completed by the owner/
user of the machine to determine any
exceptions to this seat belt wearing rule.
e.g. use of the machine next to water or
on the highway.
HR6010 / HR3806
1. Remove the 4 retaining bolts retaining the wing
deck mounting frame to the chassis rails.
2. Position the left hand ROPS Support weldment
against the Wing Deck Mounting Frame.
Secure in place with M12x65 Hex.Hd bolts and
washers (flat and spring). Tightening
Torque:126Nm (Photo2).
3. Repeat this process for the right hand side.
1. Place the ROPS Pivot onto the left hand side
ROPS Support.
2. Retain the weldment in place on the ROPS
Support Leg with 4 off M12x45 Hex.Hd bolts
with flat washers passed through the assembly
and 4 off M12 Nyloc Nuts and flat washers on
the underneath face.
3. Ensure that the orientation of the ROPS Pivot
is correct. (Photo 3)
4. Tighten the bolts until the assembly is retained
in place but is still free to move.
5. Repeat the sequence for the right hand side.
1. Place the ROPS Frame Hoop into the ROPS
Pivot and secure in place using the four pins
supplied in the Kit (Photo 4)
2. The pins with the tabs attached go in the rear
most holes and should be secured in place with
M10x20 Hex.Hd screws and hardware,
tightened to 52Nm.
3. The shouldered pins are located in the front
most holes and held in place with snap pins,
(Orientation of pins shown in photo 5).
4. Align the ROPS frame so it sits correctly on the
vehicle and is not at an angle
5. Tighten the 8 Bolts securing the ROPS Pivot to
the ROPS Support, Tightening Torque 126Nm.
HR6010 / HR3806
1. Place the supplied branding (Ransomes/
Jacobsen) and coloured backing centrally onto
the Front Hard Point, the holes in all 3
components will align.
2. Secure the branding to the Front Hard Point
with M6x 25 screws and hard ware (Photo )
1. Remove the front left wheel arch from the
2. Remove the bolts securing the chassis rail to
the front axle on the left hand side of the
3. Position and align the Operator platform
Stiffeners with these bolt holes and secure in
place using hex Hd.Bolts
4. Remount the front left wheel arch (Photo)
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for the Right hand side
6. Raise the Front Hard Point centralising it
around the Operator Platform (sandwiching the
stiffener plate between the Operator platform
and the Front Hard point).
7. Secure the 3 components together by using
the 4off M8x40 Hex.Hd Screw and hardware
and 2off M10x40 screws and hardware.
Tightening Torques:M10: 52Nm, M8:25Nm
1. Attach the ‘Fasten Seatbelt’ decal to the
machine. This needs to be placed on the inside
of the vertical tube on the Right Hand Side of
the ROPS Frame. (Photo)
2. Attach the Slope decal supplied in the kit to the
machine over the existing Maximum
permissible Slop Decal. This can be found on
the left hand side of the front axle below the
seat plate (Photo)
Note: HR6010 Slope Decal:18 Deg and HR3806
Slope Decal:13 Deg (HR6010 pictured)
HR6010 / HR3806
When fitting the ROPS to a vehicle with a Serial
number of EA000816 or Greater and EB000587 or
Greater reverse the latch handle direction (Photo).
If you are fitting the ROPS to a vehicle with a serial
numbers below those stated, you will require latch
upgrade kit LMAC370- Available through Sales.
HR6010 / HR3806
The illustrations in this manual detail fitting of the
seat belt to the MSG85 seat. Note that fitting the
seat belt to the MSG75 and MSG95 seat is similar.
1. Unclip and remove the cover from the rear
LHS of the seat (Fig. 11).
2. Use a pair of side cutters or similar to remove
the break out tab from the cover. Note that it
will be necessary to extend the length of the
front of the cut out by approx 15mm (Fig. 12).
3. Bolt the seatbelt reel into position using one
7/16” x 1” Hex.Hd screw and the M12 washers
in the kit. Note that one washer should go
under the head of the screw, and one should
go between the seatbelt reel and the seat
(Fig. 13).
A Seat
B Seat Belt
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
HR6010 / HR3806
4. The seatbelt reel should be attached at
approximately a 45° angle (Fig. 14).
5. Replace the cover removed in Step 5.9.1.
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
1. To make installation easier it is recommended
that the tie wrap on the seat belt socket is
trimmed back to the buckle. Note however that
the tie wrap should not be removed altogether
(Fig. 15).
HR6010 / HR3806
3. Remove the screw from the RHS Multi-
Function Armrest bracket and discard the two
spacers on the inside that this screw was
holding in place (Fig. 17).
4. Bolt the seat belt socket into position using the
screw that was removed in Step 5.10.3 and the
spacer supplied in the kit (Fig. 18).
The orientation of the screw, seat belt socket
and spacer can be seen in (Fig. 19).
A Seat
B Seat Belt Socket
CMFA Bracket
Fig. 17
Fig. 18
Fig. 19
HR6010 / HR3806
In order to reduce the height of the machine when it
has a ROPS Frame fitted, such as when wanting to
transport the machine on a trailer or store it in a low
building, it is possible to fold the ROPS Frame
1. Remove the snap pins and shouldered pins
from the front of both sides of the ROPS
Frame (Fig. 20).
2. Fold the ROPS Frame towards the rear of the
machine until the forward pin tubes on the
pivot come into line with the upper most holes
on the pivot side plates (Fig. 21).
3. Put the pins removed in Step 5.12.1 into the
uppermost holes in the pivot side plates and
secure into place with the snap pins (Fig. 22).
Once a seat belt and ROPS frame is fitted
to the machine it must never be operated
with the ROPS frame in the lowered
Do not let the ROPS frame drop. It must
be supported at all times whilst being
folded down.
6.1 Parts list
HR6010 / HR3806
1 1490740 Pin-quick 3/16 X 1.62 2
2 2921120 Sprg-disc 20.4 X 31.7 X 0.4 12
3 2952633 End Cap-rhs 50x50x5 2
4 9114380 Decal: Fasten Seat Belt 1
5 4157505 Pin-rops Pivot 1
6 4158127 Plate-rops Pivot Pin 1
7 450214 Screw-hex M10 X 25 1
8 4245590 Av Wshr-10.7 X 16.6 X 2.5 2
9 280556100 50x50xgd50 Rhs X 610 Long 1
10 4189283 Front Hardpoint Mtg Bracket 1
11 4189284 Front Hardpoint Side Support 2
12 4157940 Tie Down Tube 1
13 4189560 Weldmounted Rops Frame 1
14 4198040 Scrw-hex M12 X 45 (Grade 10.9) 8
15 4198043 Bolt-hex M12 X 65 (Grade 10.9) 8
16 4198044 Nut-hex M12 Nyloc (Grade 10) 16
17 450195 Screw-hex M8 X 40 4
18 450213 Screw-hex M10 X 20 2
19 450217 Scrw-hex M10 X 40 2
20 450377 Nut-hex M6 Nyloc 2
21 450378 Nut-hex M8 Nyloc 4
22 450379 Nut-hex M10 Nyloc 2
23 450389 Washer-m6 X 12.5 X 1.8 4
24 450390 Washer-m8 X 17 X 1.8 8
25 450391 Washer-m10 X 21 X 2.2 10
26 450392 Washer-m12 X 24 X 2.7 24
27 450412 Lockwasher-m10 X 15.9 X 2.5 6
28 450543 Scrw-pan Hd M6 X 25 2
29 Mbf1817 Pin-shear, Rops Frame 2
30 4158720 Stiffener-cab Support 2
31 450411 Lockwshr-m8 X 12.75 X 2 4
32 450016 Bolt-hex M8 X 40 10
33 452438 Nut-hex M12 Flng Nyloc 10
34 450048 Bolt-hex M12 X 40 10
35 4236564 Rops Stop Bracket 2
36 4179841 Reverse Stop, Traction Pedal 2
37 450214 Screw-hex M10 X 25 4
38 450324 Nut-hex M8 4
39 4190745 Jacobsen Logo 1
40 4201804 Lower Leg Section 2
41 4201806 Wldmt Rops Hoop Pivot 2
Ransomes Jacobsen Limited
West Road, Ransomes Europark, Ipswich, IP3 9TT
English Company Registration No. 1070731
Jacobsen, A Textron Company
11108 Quality Drive, Charlotte,
NC 28273, USA