English Fig 2 Flg 7 Changing the drive belt
Fur, iong fringes and long pile car- Replace the drive belt onto the plastic Stretched, torn or faulty drive belts
pets should not be cleaned with the rlng of the brush and around the shQ41d be changed
power nozzle Short pile carpets motor spindle Piace the base plate Assembly should be carried OUt as
should be cleaned in the direction of on the houslng, maklng sure that mentioned in the paragraph "Adjust-
the arrow both notches fit into the slots and sec- ment of the rotating brush" , however ,
ure with the screw make sure when inserting the brush
C'eaning and care, .that the position of the markings on
Larger pieces of paper, cigarettes etc Changlng the rotatlng brush the holders has notaccidentally been
can block the nozzle and reduce the If the bristles have eroded so much altered
Before use suction that the brush can not be adjusted,
Read the instructions for use care- then the brush should be replaGed Malfunctions
fully and retain for future reference Fig 3 Assembllng 15 the sa~,e as men- If the power nozzle does not work
When reading the instructions un- The interior of the power nozzle tloned In the paragraph AdJustment satlsfactorlly (reduced suctlon
fold the booklet to compare th~ pic- should be checked and cleaned from of the rotating brush". However, power, unusual noise etc), then the
tures and text time to time Unscrew the fixing when Insertlng the new brush, make suctlon channel, suctlon Inlet or ac-
screw on th.e base plate with the aid I sure that the marklngs (notches) are cessorles of the vacuum cleaner
of a screw driver or coin and remove faclng downwards -to flrst flt these mlght be blocked or malntenance
..it Dirt can now be easily removed ( sldes Into the guJdes mentioned in the instructionsfor use
.Preparatlon of the appllance must be carrled OUt
Fig 1 Fig. 4
Attach the power nozzle onto the If long threads or haìr have wound
vacuum cleaner in the same way as themselves around the brush, cut
any other nozzle Connect the plug them, and they will be sucked intothe
of the power nozzle with the socket dust bag next time it is used
of the vacuum cleaner Fix the supply
cord onto the suction hose and ex- Fig 5
tension tubes with the aid of the en- Adjustment of theJotating brush
closed clips When the cleaning efficiency of the
brush decreases, due to the wearing
of the bristles, this can be corrected
Use by adjusting it
The power nozzle can be switched Loosen the fixing screw and remove
pn and off at the same time as the the base plate Pull the drlve belt
vacuum cleaner sideways from the motor spindle and
remove the rotatìng brush with the
holders OUt of the guides
Using the power nozzle Fig. 6
By means of the motor drivenJotatìng In order to alter the distance between ,
brush, carpets and rugs are the brush and floor, turn the hoiders
thoroughly cleaned Dust, fluff, upwards180oandplaceintheguides
thread and animai hair can be easily so that both markings (notches) are
removed by the SOft spirai brush. visible
This electrical appliances comply with technical and safety regulations.
We are required to advise you for the followlng points
This applaince complies wìth EEC regulation 76/889 concerning radio and TV
The power nozzle should only be plugged into the appliance socket on the
vacuum cleaner
.Before cleaning and maintenance, make sure that the vacuum cleaner is
switched off and unplugged from the mains supply
.Use only on dry surfaces.
.Do not run over the supply cord with the power nozzle.
.Do not allow electrical parts of the appliance to come into contact with
water The producer reserve the right to change
.Do not use the appliance if the ho\Jsing or supply cord are damaged. specifications!
.Do not unplug the appliance by pulling the supply cord.
.The user is liable for the result of damage caused by the ìmproper use or
handlìng and faulty service of the appliance
6 7