Sony DCR-SR42 Owner's manual

Owner's manual

This manual is also suitable for

Digital Video Camera Recorder
=-Lr r- c3r rn
Operating Guide
For delails (m Ihe advanced operations, please refer
to "Handycam Handbook" (PDF).
© 2007 Sony Corporation
To reduce fire or shock hazard, do
not expose the unit to rain or
This symbol is intended to alert
the iiser to the presence of
unhlsulated "dangerous
voltage" within the product's
enchlsure thal lllay be of
sufficient lnagnitude to
constitute a risk of electric
shock to persons.
This symbol is intended to alert
the user 1olhe presence of
important operating and
maintenance (servicing)
instructions in tile lilerature
accompanying the appliance.
For your protection, please read these safety
instructions completely before uperatiug
the appliance, attd keep this manual for
future reference.
Carefully observe all warnings, precautions
and instructions on the appliance, or the uue
described in the operating instructiuus :rod
adhere to lhem.
Tiffs set should be operaled Olfly liom tim type of
power source indicated on the marking labeh It
you are not sure ol the type ol electrical power
supplied to your home, consult your dealer or
local power company. For those sets designed to
operate IrOlll barrel)' power, or otJler sources, rcter
tOthe ol)erating hlstructions.
Tiffs set may be equipped with a polarized ac
power cord plug (a plug having one blade wider
tlmn tim ()tiler),
This plug will fil inlo the power outlet only one
way. This is a salcty limture. If you am unable to
insert the plug flflly into the outlel, try reversing
the plug. If the plug should slill lkdl 1o fit, contact
your eleclrician to have a suitable outlet installed.
Do nol delirat the salcly purpo_ of tim polarized
i?lug by Iorcing it in.
Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords or
convelfiel_cC receptacles beyond their capacity,
since lifts can resull in lirc or eleclric shock.
Ne_er push objects oI any kind into tile set
fln'ough openings as they may touch dangerous
voltage poilas or short oul pairs tllat could result
in a tim or electric shock. Never spill Ik]uid of any
kind on the set.
Do nol use attachtllents llOt reconllllended by the
nlallul_Jcturcr, as lhey nlay cause b_Jzards,
Unplug the set fi'onl tile wall outlet befine
clemling or polishing it. Do not use liqukl clemlers
or aerosol clemlers. U_ acloth lightly dampened
with wnter for cleaning tile exterior of tile set.
long periods of time. unplug it from tile wall
oullel and disconnect lhe antenna or cable system.
This will prevent damage 1o lhe set due to
ligbming and power-line surges.
Do 114)1 use power-]hie operilled _ls lleiff waler
lor example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitcllen
sink. or laundry tub. in a wet basement, or nero a
swimndng pool. etc.
Route tile power cord so that it is not likely lo be
walked on or pinched by items placed upon or
against tllenl, paying particular attention to the
plugs, receptacles, and the point where tile cord
exits lrom the appliance.
Do 114)1place tile set OHilll ilnstable Cgll'l,stilnd,
tripod, brackel, or lable. Tile set may l,dl, causing
serious injury to a child or an adult, and serious
danlage 1otile set. Use only a carl stand, lripod,
bracket, or lable recomnlended by the
ii/anu filcl urcr.
Tile slots and openings in tile cabinet arc pro', ided
14)1"necessary ventilation. To ensure reliable
opertltion of tile set, tllld tO pl'otecl it Ii'Oll/
overllealing, lhese slots alld opellings musl never
be blocked or covered.
Never cover the slots and openings with a cloth
or other lnaterials.
Never block tile slots and openings by placing
tile set 4)11a bed, sola. rug, or other similar
Never place the set in a confined space, such as
a bookcase, or built-in cabinet, unless proper
venlilation is provided.
Do nol place tile set near or over a radialor or
Ileal regislcr, or where it is exposed to direct
For added protection Ior this sel during a lightning
StOlm. or when it is left unattended and unused fi)r
Unplug tile set fi'oln tile wall outlet and rel_r
servicing to quMified service personnel under tile
lollowing conditions:
When tile power cord or plug is d_unaged or
If liquid has been spilled or objects hz,ve lallen
into lhe set.
If lfie set has been exposed to rain or water.
If the _t has been subject to excessive shock by
being dropped, or the cabinet has been
If tile set does not operate normally when
lollowing tile operating instructions. Adjust
only lhose controls that are specified in lhe
operating instruclions, hnproper adjustment of
other controls may result in damage and will
often require exlensive work by a qualified
teclmician to restore the set lo norlnal operalion.
When lbe sel exhibits a distinct change in
perlormance this indicg,tes a need lot service.
Do 114)1alIenlpl to service tile sel yourselI as
openillg or rClllovhlg covers ill_ly expose you lo
dallgerous _,oltilge or other h_lzilrds.
Refer all selwicing to quidilied serx ice personnel.
When replacement parts are required, be sllre tile
service technician has used mplacemcnl parts
specified by tile tnanufilclurcr lhat b_,ve file sanle
characleristics as the original parts.
Unautllorized subslitufions may resull in fir(,
electric shock, or other hazards.
Upon conlpletion 4)1any sel"_ice or repairs to tile
set, ask tile selwice tccllnician to perfi)ru/ ro/llille
salcty checks (as specified by tile manuli,cmrcr)
to detcrnline thal lhe set is in salP operaling
Readthis first
Before operating the unit, please rend this
manual thoroughly, and retain it for future
Replace the battery with the
specified type only. Otherwise, fire
or injury may result.
Lithiun>lon batteries are rccydable,
Voll can ]lelp pre_rve ollr
envirOlllnen[ by relllrning your
used reclmrgeable batteries to the
collection and recycling Iocatknl
nearest you.
For more inlbnnatkm regarding
recycling of rechargeable baueries, call loll flee 1-
800-822- 8837, or visit hup://
Caution: Do not handle damaged or leaking
Lithiun>lon baueries.
The model and serkd lmmbers are located on the
bonom. Record the serial lmlnber in tim space
provided below. RelPr to these lmlnbers whene_ er
you call your Sony dealer regarding Ibis product.
Model No. DCR-
Serkd No.
Model No. AC-
Sel'iM No,
If you have any questions about this
product, you may call:
Sony Customer hfformation Center 1-800-
222-SONY (7669).
The number below is for the FCC related
matters only.
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY
Model No.: DCR-SR42
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics lnc.
Address: 16530 Via Esprillo, San Diego, CA
92127 U.S.A
Telephone number: 858-942-223t)
This device complies with Part 15 of tile FCC
Operation is subject to the lollowing two
condit k>ns:
/1 ) Tiffs device may not cause harmfl_l
interlPrcnce, and /2) this device must accept any
interlPrcnce received, inchlding interlcrcnce
tbat may cau_ undesired operation.
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY
Model No.: DCR-SR62
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics lnc.
Address: 16531) Via Esprillo. San Diego. CA
92127 U.S.A
Telephone number: 858-942-223t)
This device complies with Part 15 of lhe FCC
Operation is subject to the following lwo
(1) Tiffs device may not cause harmflfi
interlPmnce, and (2) this device must accept any
intcrlPmnce received, including interl)rcnce
tbi]l nmy cau_ undesired operation,
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY
Model NO,: DCR-SRS2
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics Inc.
Address: 16530 Via Esprillo, San Diego, CA
92127 U.S.A
Telephone number: 858-942-2230
This device complies with Part 15 of file FCC
Operation is subject to the lollowing two
(1) This device may not cause tlarmlul
interlemnce, and (2) this device must accept any
intcrlemnce received, including interlcrence
tllat may cau_ undesired operatkm.
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY
Model NO.: DCR-SR200
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics Inc.
Address: 16530 Via Esprillo, San Diego. CA
92127 U.S.A
Telephone nunlber: 858-942-2230
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
Operation is subject to the lollowing two
(1) This device may not cause harmhd
intcrlemnce, and (2) Ibis device must accept any
interlemnce received, including interlkrence
lhat may cau_ undesired operalion.
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Nanle: SONY
Model Nix: DCR-SR300
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics Inc.
Address: 16530 Via Esprillo, San Diego. CA
92127 U.S.A
Telephone nunlber: 858-942-2230
This device complies with Part 15 of file FCC
Operation is subject to the lollowing two
(1) This device may not cause harmhd
interlcmnce, and (2) Ibis device nmst accept any
interlemnce received, including interlcrence
that may cau_ undesired operation.
and DCR-SR300 arc to be used with the Handycam
Station Model DCRA-C 171 and AC Adaptor
Model AC- L200/L200B,
You are cautioned fllat any changes or
modilications not expressly approved ill this
manual couM void your mlthority to operate this
This equipment has been lcstcd and lbund to
conlp]y wifll tile linlits lor a Class B digital
de_ice, pursuam to Part 15 olflle FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against hal"nlflfl interlerence in a
residential inskdlafion. This equipment generates,
uses, andcan radiate radio fiequency energy and,
if llOt installed and/ised ill accordance with tile
instructions, may cause barml/d illtcrlPrcnce to
radio colnlllunications,
However, there is no guarantee that interlPrence
will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmflfl intcllerence to
radio or televiskm reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment oll and on,
tile user is encouraged to try to correct tile
interlPrcnce by one or more of file lbllowing
Reorient or relocate the receiving anlenna.
Increase file separation between the equipment
and receiver.
Connect the equipnlent into an outlet on a
circuit ditlcmnt lrom that to which the receiver
is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician lot help.
The supplied interlace cable t/lusl be used with the
equipmem illorder to comply with file limits lot a
digital device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of
FCC Rules.
Forthe State ofCalifornia, USAonly
Pcrchlorate M_Jterial - special bundling may
apply. See
Ww w.dt, go'_,/llazar douswaste/percbl orate
Percldorate Material: Litbiuln battery contains
This device complies with Parl 15 ol the FCC
Rules. Operation is subject to tile following lwo
(1) This device may nol cause harmlul
interlhrence, and (2) this device nmst accept any
interlhrence received, including inlcrlhrcnce thai
may cause ilndesJred operation.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with
Canadian ICES-0(/3.
Tile camcorder is not dustprooli:d, dripproolPd or
waterprooled. See "Precautions" (p.34).
To prevent the bard disk fiom being broken or
recorded bnages hom being lost, do not do tbe
Iollowing when eitber of tbe respective lamps of
tbe POWER switch (p. 13) or tbe access lamp* is
to remove tile battery pack or AC Adaptor fFOII]
lbe cam(order,
to apply mechanical shock or vibration to tile
Betore stilrlblg to rccord_ test the recordblg
flmction to make sum lbe image and sound am
recorded wbboul any problems.
Compensation lor tbe contents of recordings
cannot be provided, even if recording or playback
is not possible due to a malhlnction of the
cumcorder, recording media, etc.
TV color systelns differ depending on tbe
countries/regbms. To view your recordings on a
TV. you need a NTSC system-based TV.
Television programs, fihns, videotapes, and otber
materials may be copyrighted. Unauthori/cd
recording of sucll materials may be contrury to
tbe copyrigbt laws.
Saveall yourrecordedimagedata
To pre_ent your image data Irom being lost, save
all your recorded images on externul media. It is
rcconnnended lbaI you save tile ilnilge dilta on it
disc sucb as DVD-R using your computer*. Also.
you cml s+tveyour image data using a VCR, or a
DVD/HDD recorder*.
It is recommended tbat you save your bnage data
periodicully, after recording.
Tile bard disk of the cam(order may not be
recognized, or recording or playb+tck nluy not be
To protect tile intern+d h+,d disk fi+omtile shock
by droppblg, tile cam(order has tile drop sensor
hllICliOII*. _Vtlell il drop occtlrs, or/inder _t 114)11-
grax ity condition, tile block noise to protect tile
camcorder may also be recorded. If the drop
sensor cutcbes a drop repeatedly, recording/play
back may be stopped.
When tile tenlper+llure of tile cain(order beconles
extremely high or extremely low, you may not be
able to record or play back on the camcorder, due
to tile protectbm l_glturcs (if file cain(order being
activated in such situations. Ill tbis case, an
indicator appears on tbe LCD screen (p.32).
using a C4)lllputer. It you do SO_ your Call/corder
11lay not opel'_tle con+ectly.
Do IIOI turn 4)11 tbe calncorder in a low-pr_ssure
mva, wbere tbe altitude is nlorc tban 3.000 meters
(9,800 leer). Doing so may dam+tge tile b+u'ddisk
drive of yotlr canlcorder.
Note ondisposal/transfer
bard dNk of tile cam(order, you may not delete
data fi+omthe bard disk completely. Wben you
trglnslcr the canlcordel\ it is rccomnlended tbat
you per%rm [{_ EMPTYI* to prevent tbe
recovery of your data.
Ill addition to tbe above, wben you dispose of the
cam(order, it is recommended tbat you destroy
tile actual body of tile canlcorder.
Aboutlanguage setting
Tile on-screen displays ill eacb local language are
used lot illustrating the operating procedures.
Change the screen language betorc using your
cam(order if necessal T (p. 13).
Aboutthis manual
Tile LCD screens and indicators shown ill Ibis
manual were taken witb a digit+d still cmnera, and
may look dilt_lvnl fi'om what you actu+dly see.
Design and specilicutions oI recording media and
other accessories iJre subjec110 cbiulge wilbout
Unless otberwise specially bldicated.illustrations
ill this manual am based on DCR-SR3t)0.
The screensbots are fi+om Windows XP. The
scenes may vaW depending on the operating
systenl of file conlputer.
* RelEr to "Handycam Handbook" (PDF), 7
IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS ................................................................... 2
Read this first ............................................................................................ 4
Notes on use ............................................................................................. 7
Step 1: Checking supplied items ............................................................... 9
Step 2: Charging the battery pack .......................................................... 11
Step 3: Turning the power on, and setting the date and time ................. 13
Changing the language setting ................................................................... 13
Step 4: Preparing for recording ............................................................... 14
Recording ................................................................................................ 15
Playback ................................................................................................. 17
Parts and functions used for the camcorder ........................................... 19
Indicators displayed during recording/playback ...................................... 22
Saving images ........................................................................................ 24
Deleting images ...................................................................................... 24
Playing the image on a TV ...................................................................... 25
Performing with a computer .................................................................... 26
Performing various functions - "_t_ HOME" and "?_= OPTION". ............. 28
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................... 31
Warning indicators .................................................................................. 32
Precautions ............................................................................................. 34
Specifications .......................................................................................... 35
Step1: Checkingsupplieditems
Make sure tbat you have tile l\_llo'_ ing items
supplied with your camcorder.
The number in tile parentheses indicates tile
nutuber of tbat item supplied.
AC Adaptor (1) (p.11)
Power cord (1) (p.11)
Handycam Station (1) (p, 11 )
AN connecting cable (1) (p.25)
Wireless Remote Commander (1)
(except for DCR-SR42)
A button-type lithium batle W is already installed.
Rechargeable battery pack
NP-FH40 (1) (p.11 ) (DCR-SR42/SR62/ =
NP-FH60 (1) (p.11) (DCR-SR200/SR300)
CD-ROM "Handycam Application
Software" (1) (p,26)
Picture Motion Browser (Software)
Handycam Handbook IPDF)
"Operating Guide" (This manual) (1)
USB cable (1) (p.27)
Power supply
You can use yotlr Call,corder ill _uly COUlltl'le_/
regions using tile AC Adaptor supplied with your
c+unColder within tile A<+"100 V to 240 V, 50/(,0 Hz
Use a commercially available AC plug adaptor [a],
if necessary, depending on the design of the wall
outlet [b],
AC-L200/L200B [a] [b]
When tile lithium battery becomes weak, lhe
operating distance of the Relnote Comtmmder
may shorten, or the Renlote ('olnnlander may nol
function properly. In this case, replace the batlery
with a Sony CR2025 lilhium ballery. Use of
another battely may presenl a risk of fire or
Usingthe Remote Commander for the
Removetheinsulationsheet beforeusingthe
Remote Commander.
Tochangethe batteryof the Remote
(_) While pressing on the tab, inset .,,our
fingernail into the slit to pull out the battery
(_) Place a new batte U with the + side l]Jcing up.
(_) Insert the battery case back into the Remote
Commander until it clicks.
Bailer/may ex I 1( de if mistrealed. Dcnt l
recharge, disassemble or dispose of in fire. I
Step2: Chargingthe batterypack
You can charge the "InfoLITHIUM"
battery pack (H series) after attaching
it to your camcorder.
Your Call/corder operates ollly "_vJtll all
"lnloLITHIUM" battery pack (H series).
/ Attach the battery pack by sliding
it in the direction of the arrow until
it clicks.
2 Turn the POWER switch in the
direction ofthearrowto OFF(CHG)
(The default setting).
3 Connect the AC Adaptor to the DC
IN jack on the Handycam Station.
Be sure Ihal the mark on Ihe DC plug
is facing up.
4 Connect the power cord to the AC
Adaptor and the wall outlet.
To the
wall outlet
Power cord
5 Set the camcorder onto the
Handycam Station securely.
The CHG (charge) lamp lights up and
charging starts. The CHG (charge) lamp
turns off when the battery pack is fully
charged. Remove the camcorder from the
Haudycam Statiuu.
To remove the battery pack
Turn the POWER switch to OFF (CHC).
Slide the BATT (battery) release lever and
remuve the battery pack.
When you remove the battery pack orthe AC
Adaptor. make sure thal the_ (Movie) lamp/
(Still) lamp/p-13) is lurnedoil.
To charge the battery pack using only
the AC Adaptor
Turn the POWER switch to OFF (CH(;), then
connect the AC Adaptor directly to tile DC
IN jack on the camcorder.
DC plug -
DC IN jack
Charging time:
Approximate time (min.) required when you
fully charge a completely exhausted battery
Recording/Playback time:
Approximate time (min.) available when you
use a fully charged battery pack.
NP-FH40: (Unit:rain.)
Charging time 125 125
Recording time .1
Continuous 90*2
recording time 105 100.3
%,pical 50 45 *2
recording time*4 50*3
Playback time 120 110*2
NP-FH60: (Unit:min.)
Charging time 135 135
Recording time .1
Continuous 115"2 95"2
recording time 120*3 100*3
Typical 55*2 45*2
recording time*4 60*3 50*3
Playback time .2 165 160
.1 When [REC MODEl is _et to [SP].
*2When lhe LCD backlight turns on.
*3When the LCD backlight turns olE
*4Typical recording lime shows the lime when you
repeat recording sl all/Sl(}p, ltlrnJng tile power on/
off and zooming.
On the battery pack
BeR)re changing tile battery pack, turn tile
POWER switch to OFF (CHG) and turn off the
/Movie) lamp/_ (Still) lamp/pA 3).
The power will nol be supplied h'om the battery
as long as the AC Adaptor is connecled Iv}file DC
IN jack of your canlcorder or the Hzmdycam
Slatkm,even wllen file power cord isdisconnected
]1o111the wall outlet.
On the charging/recording/playback time
Tinles lneasllrcd when ilsing tile canlcorder al
25°C (77°F) (10°C to 30°C (50°F to 86°F) is
The available recording and playback time will
be shorter when you rise your canlcorder ill low
The available recording and playback time will
be shorter depending on lbe conditions under
which yoll IISe your camcorder,
On the AC Adaptor
Use tile nearby wall outlet when using the AC
Adaptor. Disconnect tile AC Adaptor fi'om tile
wall outlet innnediately iDmy maltunction occurs
while using your camcorder.
Do not use the AC Adaptor placed in a narrow
space, such as between a wall and furniture.
Do not sholl-circuil the DC plug of tile AC
Adaptor or ballery lcrminal with any metallic
objects. This may cause a malhmdion.
Even if your camcorder is turned off, AC power
(house cuncnt) is still supplied 1o it while
connected to the wall outlet via file AC Adaptor.
Touchthe button onthe
LCD screen.
POWER switch
When using the
camcorder for the
first time, the
screen appears on
the LCD screen.
1While pressing the green button,
turn the POWER switch repeatedly
in the direction of the arrow until
the respective lamp lights up.
When tou record or play back ml image,
turn tile POWER switch in the directien
of tile arrow repeatedly until the
respective lamp lights up.
(Movie): To record nlovies
O (Still): To record still images
When you turn on _ !Still) lamp, the screen
aspect ratio is changed to 4:3 automatically.
2 Select the desired geographical
area with hdv, then touch [NEXT].
[Y] [year), [M] [month), [D] (day),
hour and minute.
The date and time does not appear during
recording, but they am automatically recorded on
the hard disc, and can be displayed during
Toresetthe dateandtime
Touch_ (HOME)-+ _/SETTIN(-;S/--*
set the date and lime.
You can change the on-screen displays to
show messages in a specified language.
Touch _ (HOME)--+ _/SETTINGS)--+
SET], then select the desired language.
The clock starts.
Step4: Preparingfor recording
(g) 180 degrees (max.)
(_ 90 degree
to the
Q90 degrees
16:9 (wide) 4:3
* Except for DCR-SR42.
1Adjust the LCD panel.
Open the LCD panel 90 degrees to the
camcerder (O), then rotate it to the best
angle te record or play (Q).
2 Turn the POWER switch to turn on
your camcorder.
3 Press WIDE SELECT repeatedlyto
select the desired screen aspect
ratio (except for DCR-SR42).
4 Fasten the grip belt and hold your
camcorder correctly.
1 Lens cover switch
(DCR-SR42/SR62/ 3
2 POWER switch --
EASY button
_?'_ I ODD
[STBY] _ [REC]
Flashing _ Lights up
/ Slide the lens cover switch to open (DCR-SR42/SR62/SR82).
For DCR-SR2OO/SR300, tile lens cover opens _uldcloses autolnatically.
2 Turn the POWER switch until the respective lamp lights up.
Press tile green button only when Ilae POWER switch is in tbe OFF (CHG) posilion.
_ (Movie): To record movies
_ (Still): To record still images
3 Start recording.
Press START/STOP [] (or _).
To stop recording, press START/STOP
Press PHOTO lightly to adjust the
focus O (a beepsounds), then press
it fully O (a shutter click sounds).
Wben UlIMdis_q:)pears, tbe image b_Js been
Still images are recorded on the hard disk in the
delault selting.
You can check tile fi'ce hard disk space by
louching _ (HOME/----+ _ (MANAGE
If the ACCESS lamp is lil or flashing al)er
recording is finished, it means data is still being
wfllten onto the hard disk or "Memory Stick
Duo." Do not apply shock or vibration to your
c_lnlcordel\ _llld do nol rell/O_,'e tile battery or AC
You can capture up to 3 still images by pressing
PHOTO during movie recording (DCR-SR200/
The ll]_lxi[llllfll COlltill/IO/IS record_lb]e lilne is
approxinlatcly 13 houp,.
When a movie file exceeds 2 GB, the next movie
file is created autonlatically.
The maximum rccordable time are lollowings
(wilh recording mode [SP]);
approx, 10 hours and 50 nlinules
approx, 21 hours and 40 nlinules
approx, 14 hours and 30 minules
Torecordstillimagesona "Memory
You c:m oh:rage tile recording media of still
images to a "Memory Stick Duo."
You can use only a "Memory Stick Duo"
marked with MEr_ORY5TJEKBUg or
Open tile LCD panel, then insert tile
"Memory Stick Duo" into the Memory
Stick Duo slot in tile right direction until
it clicks.
ACCESS lanlp
("MenloU Stick Duo")
To eject a "Memory Stick Duo," open the
LCD panel, lightly push the "Memory
Stick Duo" in once.
When tile ACCESS lamp is lit or flashing, your
cmncorder is reading/wriflng dala. Do not shake
or knock your camcorder, turn the power o11,eject
tile "Melnory Stick Duo," or remove tile battery
pack, Olherwise, image data may be damaged.
If you insert tile "Me mol_' Stick Duo" into lhe slot
in tile wrong direction, file _Menlory Stick Duo,"
lhe "Memory Stick Duo" slol, or inlage dala ii/ay
be dmnaged.
Tile numbers of rccordable still inlages on lhe
"Memory Slick Duo" (1GB )am k)llowings (wilh
lhe delimll seuing of the inlage size as shown ill
( )h
DCR-SR42:5,900 ([VGA (0.3M)])
DCR-SR62/SR82: 1,g0t) ([ 1.0M])
DCR-SR200:480 ([4.0M])
DCR-SR300:315 ([6.1M])
All numbers measured when using a "Memory
Stick Duo" made by Sony Corporation. Tile
number ofrecordable images varies depending on
tile lvcording environment.
The number of mcordable images varies
depending on the image quality or the image size.
For details, see '+Handycam Handbook '+(PDF).
still images
(_) Touch _ (OPTION/-"+ _ tab -...+
@ Select tile media in which you want to
save still images, then touch [_.
Your camcorder returns to recording
standby mode.
By pressing the EASY battoll, nearly all
settings on the camcorder will be
automatically operated so that you can
perform recording or playing back operation
without detailed settings. During Easy
Handycam operation, _ appears on the
LCD screen. To cancel Easy Handycam
operation, press EASY again.
YOU c_tnnol ilse SOllle bultons/l/lllCtiOllS during
Easy Handycam operation.
2 [] (VIEW IMAGES) breton
(_) Returns to tile recording screen
(_) Previous 6 images
(_) Nexl 6 images
(_) Returns to the recording screen
(_) Displays movies
(_) Displays still images on tile hard disk
@ Displays still images on a "Menlory Stick Duo"
(_) Searches lor images by date
1Turn the POWER switch to turn on your camcorder.
2 Press [] (VIEW IMAGES) [] (or [_) button.
Tile VISUAL INDEX screen appears on the LCD screen. (It may take some time to display
the thumbnails.)
3 Start playback.
Touch the _ tab, and the movie to
be played back.
Beginning of tile Toggles Play
SCClle/pl'cvi()us or Pauseitsyou Nexl
scene touch scene
I '°+-°°°' J
Stop (gotothe V[SUAL Reverse/Forward
lNDEX screen)
Touch the _, or _ tab, and the still
image to be played back.
Slide show button
Go to tile VISUAL Previous/
INDEX screen Next
Toadjust the soundvolume ofmovies
When playing back a movie, touch
(OPTION)-+ _ tab-+ [VOLUME], then
adjust the vohnne with _/[_.
When playback tiom tile _lected movie reaches
tile last movie, tile screen returns l_)tile VISUAL
INDEX screen.
Touch [_/[_ dtlrhlg pause to play back
movie slowly.
One touch oI_ nlakes tile rever_/htst
Iorward approximz_tely 5 times li_ster, 2 touches
makes it approximately 10 times laster, 3 touc]les
makes it approximately 30 times taster, and 4
touches makes it approximately 60 times l_ster.
lll,-t appears witll the inlage on each oDlle tab tllat
was lastly played back/recorded (11_lot tile still
image) last time. When youtouchamovie nmrked
with I]_l, you can play it back fl'om tile point you
have stopped previously.
Partsandfunctionsusedfor the camcorder
DCR-SR42/SR62/SR82 DCR-SR200/SR300
[] Powerzoomlever
To/1se zoom, move [he _3ower zoom leveF.
Move tile power zoom lever slightly for a
slower zoom. Move it further for a faster
To record in dark places, set Ihe
NIGHTSHOT PLUS switch lo ON. ([]
[] Built-in microphone
Records sound.
Sound picked up by the built-in microphone
is converted to 5. Ich surround sound and
recorded. .2
[] Remotesensor.3
Receive the signal from tile Remote
[] Flash .2
Flashes _hen using tile flash.
[] LeDscreen
To recoM in mirror mode, upeu tile LCD
screen 90 degrees to tile camcorder (@), then
rutate it 18(1degrees to the lens side (@).
[] Zoombuttons
Press fur zo()ming in/out.
[] BACK LIGHT button.4
To at!just tile exposure for backlit subjects,
press BACK LIGHT to display I_ Tocancel
the back light fuuctiun, press BACK LIGHT
[] DISP/BATT INFO button
You can s'_xitch tile screen display when you
press while the power is set tu on.
When you press while the power is set to OFF
(CHG h you can check the remaining battery.
[] EASYbutton
See page 16.
[] _ (flash) button .2
You can select tile settings fur tile flash.
[] Shoulderbelthook
Attach tile shoulder belt (uptiuual).
[] NIGHTSHOT switch .2
To record in dark places, set the
NIGHTSHOT switch to ON. 1{_ appears.)
[] Tripod receptacle (Bottom surface)
Attach tile tripod (optiunnl: tile length uf tile
screw must be less than 5.5 mm (7/32 in.)) to
the tripod receptacle using a tripod screw.
[] RESET button
To initialize tile settings (Reset), press
RESET tu initialize all the settings, including
settings lk_rdate and time.
[] Powerzoomlever
[] Zoombuttons
You can magnify still images lbom about I. 1
tu 5 times the original size (Playback zouml.
When you louchlhe screen during playback
zoom, the poinlyou louchedwillbe displayed in
the center of the displayed 1tame.
[] EASYbutton
See page 16.
[] Speaker
Suuud comes out from tile speaker while
playing back.
[] A/VOUTjack
Connect with tile A/V connecting cable.
[] REMOTE jack .3
Connect other uptional accessories.
[] Active Interface Shoe .a ....... 3JJI Hterfa_eSh_e
Tile Active Iuterlbce Shoe supplies power to
optional accessories such its a video light, a
flash, or a micruphoue. The accessory can be
turned on or off as you uperate the POWER
switch un your camcorder.
[] DC IN jack
[] Interface connector
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Sony DCR-SR42 Owner's manual

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