When you dock VISTA in a USB Base connected to Evidence Library software:
l VISTA's battery begins to charge, if needed
l VISTA's time and date synchronize with the Evidence Library system, if needed (VISTA without
Wi-Fi® and GPS only)
Important! VISTA cameras without Wi-Fi and GPS set their internal
date and time from the date and time on your Evidence Library software's
computer. If the computer's date and time is set incorrectly, VISTA's date
and time will be set incorrectly, and your video evidence will be marked
with the incorrect date and time.
VISTA WiFi (VISTA with Wi-Fi and GPS) sets its own date and time.
l VISTA's firmware updates, if a firmware update has been staged on the camera
l VISTA communicates to the Evidence Library software that it has recorded events to upload, if
l Recorded events are uploaded to the Evidence Library software
l Evidence Library software sends commands and/or requests to VISTA:
Mark any imported recorded events as import confirmed
The events confirmed as imported are no longer protected once VISTA is undocked.
Update the configuration, if applicable
The configuration is updated after VISTA is undocked.
Stage a firmware update, if applicable
The firmware update is staged on VISTA immediately, and then updated the next time
VISTA is docked.
Generate an RATF event, if applicable
The RATF event is generated after VISTA is undocked.
Generate a state capture, if applicable
The state capture is generated after VISTA is undocked.
When you undock VISTA from the USB Base, it processes any Evidence Library software
commands and requests before it is ready for normal operation.
Undocking VISTA from the USB Base
When VISTA is docked in the USB Base, Evidence Library software commands and requests are
not applied until VISTA is undocked. When you undock VISTA, it processes the Evidence Library
software's commands and requests in the following order, as applicable:
1. Performs a state capture.
The LCD Display reads STATE CAPTURE.
2. Updates the configuration.
The LCD Display reads CONFIG. The configuration update alert sounds when the update is
VISTA Wearable Camera
WGD00120 Revision E