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Pe rm is s io nsPe rm is s io ns
A XenDesktop controller must exist with permissions for the current user.
vCenter, SCVMM, and XenServer minimum permissions must be configured.
A Provisioning Services Console user account must be configured as a XenDesktop administrator and must have
been added to a PVS SiteAdmin group or higher.
If you are using Provisioning Services with XenDesktop, the SOAP Server user account must have XenDesktop Full
administrator privileges.
When creating new accounts in the Console, the user needs the Active Directory Create Accounts permission. To
use existing accounts, Active Directory accounts have to already exist in a known OU for selection.
When creating a machine catalog in XenDesktop, the boot device file is created automatically (eliminating the need
to boot using PXE) and an unformatted write cache disk is automatically attached and formatted on first boot.
When updating the Virtual Desktop Agent (VDA) on the vDisk image, you must also set the appropriate functional
level for the XenDesktop catalog using the XenDesktop Console. See the XenDesktop upgrade topics for more
If you are importing an Active Directory .csv file, use the following format: <name>,<type>,<des cription><name>,<type>,<des cription> . T he
CSV file must contain the column header. For example, the csv file contents are as follows:
Nam e,T ype ,De s criptio n,Nam e,T ype ,De s criptio n,
PVSPC01,Co m pute r,,PVSPC01,Co m pute r,,
The trailing comma must be present to signify three values, even if there is no description. This is the same
formatting used by Active Directory Users and Computers MMC when exporting the contents of an organizational
If you are using Personal vDisks with XenDesktop, the SOAP Server user account must have XenDesktop full
administrator privileges.
SCVMM servers require that PowerShell 2.0 is installed and configured for the number of connections. The number
of required connections for an SCVMM server should be greater than or equal to the number of hosted
hypervisors used by the setup wizard for virtual machine cloning. For example: to set connections to 25 from a
Powershell prompt, run: winrm set winrm/config/winrs @{MaxShellsPerUser="25"}winrm set winrm/config/winrs
For Microsoft SCVMM to work with XenDesktop, the user must run the following PowerShell command; set-
ExecutionPolicy unrestricted on SCVMM.
For Microsoft SCVMM, please verify that the MAC address for the template is not 00-00-00-00-00-00 before
attempting to clone the template. If necessary, use the template properties dialog to assign a MAC address.
Additiona lAdditio nal
If running a vCenter server on alternate ports, the following registry modifications must be made in order to
connect to it from Provisioning Services:
Create a new key HKLM\Software\Citrix\ProvisioningServices\PlatformEsx
Create a new string in the PlatformEsx key named ServerConnectionString and set it to http://{0}:PORT#/sdk
NoteNote : If using port 300, ServerConnectionString= http://{0}:300/sdk
If using multiple NICs, the XenDesktop wizard assumes that the first NIC is the Provisioning Services NIC, and
therefore changes it in accordance with the virtual machine network in the Domain Controller. This is the first NIC
listed in the virtual machines properties.
To use the Synthetic switch-over feature, both the first legacy NIC and the synthetic NIC must be on the same
network. If the Provisioning Services XenDesktop Set Up Wizard is used with SCVMM, both the first legacy and the
synthetic NICs' network will change according to the network resource set by XenDesktop, or by the user if SCVMM
host has multiple network resources.
Multi-NIC support for XenDesktop private virtual machine desktops.
Legacy XenDesktop Virtual Desktop Agents are supported on VMs. For details, refer to VDA requirements in the
XenDesktop documentation.