Water Coils
A wide range of choices leads to the best coil selection for each
particular job. Select water cooling coils from 4, 5, 6, or 8 row
coil depth options. Select water heating coils from 1, 2, or 3 row
coil depth options. All water coils offer five fin densities (6, 8, 10,
12, or 14 FPI). Specify either 1/2" (Type A) or 5/8" (Type 5) tube
diameters. Heatcraft optimizes circuit design from the header into
the coil and delivers high internal heat transfer coefficients for each
application’s conditions. This is done without resorting to internal
devices which increase pressure drop or restrict draining. All circuit
designs avoid trapped circuits, so the coil is drainable. There are
vent and drain connections on both supply and return headers on
coils of 3 or more rows. All coil connections terminate outside the
air handler coil section cabinet. Design working pressure is 250
PSIG. Design fluid temperature for heating coils is 300°F.
Heat Reclaim Coils
Refrigerant Heat Reclaim (RHR) coils with multiple circuits
handle applications where a number of refrigeration compressors
are connected to a single coil. Each circuit has heavy wall
copper, sweat type, hot gas inlet and liquid or cooled gas outlet
connections. Heatcraft's custom coil circuiting maintains an internal
coil pressure drop below 5 PSIG for each system. Depending upon
job requirements select 1/2" (Type A) or 5/8" (Type 5) tube coils,
select one of five fin densities (6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 FPI), and select
from coil row depths of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, an 8 rows.
Air Handler Coils
Direct Expansion Coils
Select direct expansion coils from 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 row coil depth
options. All direct expansion coils offer five fin densities (6, 8, 10,
12, or 14 FPI). Specify either 1/2" (Type A) or 5/8" (Type 5) tube
diameters. Each coil has a brass, sweat connection type distributor
and copper suction header. Distributor leads of equal length work
for equal refrigerant distribution to all the circuits. Working with
Heatcraft software or your representative, select from a among
variety of circuit designs. Heatcraft has an optimum design to
deliver the proper refrigerant pressure drop for your conditions.
Specify multiple distributors for face split or row split control of
the coil.
Steam Coils
Nonfreeze Steam (NFS) coils have internal steam distributing
tubes which are directionally lanced for high performance and
good condensate removal. The coils are also pitched in the coil
casing. The design working pressure and temperature of standard
copper tube coils are 150 PSIG and 366ºF. respectively. Depending
upon job requirements, select the 5/8" (Type 5) tube diameter coil
at an optimum fin spacing and a one or two row coil depth for air
handler model sizes 03 through 50. For models 65 and 75, select
the 1" (Type 8) tube diameter coil with one row at an optimum fin
There are a wide variety of coil types to meet the load requirements of conditioned spaces. Heatcraft’s four coil types are: water, direct
expansion, heat reclaim and steam coils. All standard coils have copper tubes and aluminum fins and a heavy gauge mill galvanized steel
casing. Staggered tube designs increase air turbulence and improve coil performance. The plate type, die formed, corrugated fin design
provides optimum strength. The fin design also enhances air turbulence for peak performance. Each fin has die formed, self-spacing fin
collars which completely surround the tubes. Heatcraft mechanically expands the tubes into the fins to provide maximum heat transfer.
Fin spacing selections of six to fourteen fins per inch insure that an optimum coil is offered to meet specific design needs.