ONKYO HT-S7700 Owner's manual

Owner's manual

ONKYO HT-S7700 is a powerful 5.1-channel home theater system that delivers an immersive and dynamic audio experience for your movies, music, and games. With its sleek and stylish design, it seamlessly blends into your living space, complementing your TV and other entertainment devices. Enjoy crystal-clear sound with a total power output of 500 watts, ensuring every detail is heard. The system includes five satellite speakers strategically placed around the room and a powerful subwoofer that adds depth and impact to your audio.

ONKYO HT-S7700 is a powerful 5.1-channel home theater system that delivers an immersive and dynamic audio experience for your movies, music, and games. With its sleek and stylish design, it seamlessly blends into your living space, complementing your TV and other entertainment devices. Enjoy crystal-clear sound with a total power output of 500 watts, ensuring every detail is heard. The system includes five satellite speakers strategically placed around the room and a powerful subwoofer that adds depth and impact to your audio.

Firmware Update for the TX-NR636, HT-R693 (HT-S7700) & HT-RC660
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Limitation of liability
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Firmware Update for the TX-NR636, HT-R693 (HT-S7700) & HT-RC660
We are pleased to offer this firmware update for the best possible performance of your AV Receiver.
To check the firmware version, press the “Home” button on the front panel or remote control. Highlight “Hardware
Setup” and press enter. Highlight “Firmware Update” and press enter. The current firmware version will be
displayed on the Firmware Update page.
A firmware update is now available through the Network or USB connections.
Latest Firmware Version: 2020-9110-2001-0502-0203
The 1/29/2015 update will address the following:
W? D.%-"3 )7#" %) -'(," 6#" +#=%" (,+5#@" 6 6) 2(?#
The 11/04/2014 update will address the following:
G? 0&&7#7$%%"-(#"+#=%"(,+5#@"66)2(^#
The 9/29/2014 update will address the following: (Update for only TX-NR636)
1. 0&&7#7$%%"-(#"+#N"8A5#0(."7
The 9/10/2014 update will address the following: (Update for only TX-NR636)
1. 0%%8,)7#.,6"-#A$9#+,B)7
Firmware Update for the TX-NR636, HT-R693 (HT-S7700) & HT-RC660
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Firmware Update for the TX-NR636, HT-R693 (HT-S7700) & HT-RC660
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The product that you are using may have unexpected issue which will be addressed by this F/W update
Please check your FW version below and proceed for the FW update.
Firmware Update for the TX-NR636, HT-R693 (HT-S7700) & HT-RC660
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ONKYO HT-S7700 Owner's manual

Owner's manual

ONKYO HT-S7700 is a powerful 5.1-channel home theater system that delivers an immersive and dynamic audio experience for your movies, music, and games. With its sleek and stylish design, it seamlessly blends into your living space, complementing your TV and other entertainment devices. Enjoy crystal-clear sound with a total power output of 500 watts, ensuring every detail is heard. The system includes five satellite speakers strategically placed around the room and a powerful subwoofer that adds depth and impact to your audio.

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