Idea-fly IFLY4 Multi-Copter User manual

Remote controlled toys
User manual
1. IFLY-4 Installation and Setup ................................................................................................................ 2
2. IFLY-4 Installation .................................................................................................................................. 2
3. IFLY-4 Radio Transmitter Configuration (Recommended) .................................................................... 4
4. IFLY-4 Radio Transmitter Configuration (Alternative) ........................................................................... 6
5. Get Ready For Flying ............................................................................................................................. 7
5.1 Propeller Installation ........................................................................................................................ 7
5.2 Power ON ......................................................................................................................................... 7
5.3 Reset the IFLY-C4 IMU sensor. (Level Calibration) ............................................................................ 8
5.4 ARM (active) Mode .......................................................................................................................... 8
5.5 DIS-ARM (safe) Mode ....................................................................................................................... 8
5.6 Power OFF ........................................................................................................................................ 8
6. IdeaFlyTools Software .......................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 IdeaFlyTools Installation ................................................................................................................... 9
7. State ................................................................................................................................................... 10
8. Gyroscopes ......................................................................................................................................... 11
9. Control settings .................................................................................................................................. 12
10. CameraMount ................................................................................................................................ 13
11. Joystick ........................................................................................................................................... 14
12. Firmware ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Update firmware ................................................................................................................................ 15
1. IFLY-4 Installation and Setup
Before flying the IFLY-4 it is necessary to install and setup your radio transmitter and receiver so
that the IFLY-C4 Flight Controller (FC) can respond correctly to your flight commands. These
instructions will take you through the initial installation and setup of the IFLY-4.
2. IFLY-4 Installation
2.1 Connect your chosen receiver to the IFLY-4C Flight Controller according to the
schematic below;
A Connect to the AILERON channel of the receiver
E Connect to the ELEVATOR channel of the receiver
T Connect to the THROTTLE channel of the receiver
R Connect to the RUDDER channel of the receiver
F Connect to a spare channel of the receiver (eg. GEAR). 2 position switch to change
flight mode Balanced (auto-stabilised) and Manual (non-stabilised)
S1 Connect a spare channel of the receiver for manual Camera PITCH control
S2 Connect a spare channel of the receiver for manual Camera ROLL control
P1 Connect the Camera PITCH (Tilt) servo to this port (optional).
P2 Connect the Camera ROLL servo to this port (optional).
Observe the polarity. The signal wire is uppermost and closest to the FC label.
2.2 Securely fasten your receiver onto the IFLY-4 frame using double sided foam tape.
2.3 Set your radio transmitter to Airplane mode.
2.4 All settings within the radio transmitter programming e.g. DR/EXPO etc. are still
functional and can be used to tune the IFLY-4 characteristics.
2.5 If you are using 2.4G- BIND your receiver to your transmitter (refer to your
transmitters manual).
2.6 Loosen the 4 finger bolts from the underside of the IFLY-4 and unfold the 4 frame arms
into their flying position.
2.7 Tighten the 4 finger bolts to secure the frame arms into the flying ‘X’ configuration.
2.8 Note: The bolts only need to be finger tight. Use of additional tooling may over-tighten
the bolts and lead to damage.
2.9 Clip on the two landing gear struts to the underside of the IFLY-4.
2.10 Note: It is recommended to install each side of the landing gears strut one after
the other to avoid overstressing the gear.
2.11 Push the two landing gear skids through the landing gear struts to complete the
Completed installation
Finger Bolt x4
Landing Gear Mount x4
3. IFLY-4 Radio Transmitter Configuration (Recommended)
The recommended method for setting and configuring the IFLY-4 is by connecting to the
IdeaFlyTools software on a computer. If you have not already done so, pls go to Section 3.0 to
install the IdeaFlyTools software onto the Windows PC.
An alternative method is shown in section 1.3.
3.1 Using a standard mini USB cable (not supplied), connect IFLY-C4 Flight Controller to a
computer. The IFLY-C4 mini USB port can be found on the side of the unit.
3.2 RUN IdeaFlyTools on the computer.
3.3 Switch ON your radio transmitter.
3.4 Install the flight battery and plug into the IFLY-4.
3.5 You should be presented with the following screen on your computer;
3.6 Click the ‘joystick’ tab to calibrate your transmitter.
3.7 Click the ‘Calibrate joystick’ button to start calibration of your transmitter.
3.8 Move all sticks of your transmitter from its MIN to MAX positions several times,
including cycling the switches.
3.9 Observe the final positions of the bars when you are MID-stick. It should be
showing at mid position of the slider bars.
3.10 Click the “Complete Calibrate” button to complete calibration of the transmitter
3.11 Now move each axes of your transmitter stick separately and observe the direction
that the slider bar moves is in accordance with the indication on the screen (eg.
TX Aileron LEFT, moves the slider bar LEFT etc). If the slide bar does not move in
the correct direction: REVERSE the direction of that channel on your
3.12 Repeat step 12, until all directions have been set correctly. Note: the MODE
channel will correspond to the channel which you connected the ‘F’ wire to.
Always set the MODE to a default position of BALANCE, so auto-stabilisation is
3.13 When you have finished, click the “Write” button to transfer the settings back to
the IFLY-C4. The IFLY-C4 will beep.
Your IFLY-4 is now fully configured. Install the propellers back on and you are ready to fly!
4. IFLY-4 Radio Transmitter Configuration (Alternative)
If you do not have access to a computer, it is possible to setup your radio transmitter manually.
However, this should only be done by an experienced person. The propellers MUST be
removed during this setup.
1. Unfold and position the IFLY-4 in a stable horizontal position without the landing gear
2. Set your radio transmitter THROTTLE to LOWEST position DO NOT CHANGE FROM THIS
3. Switch ON your radio transmitter.
4. Install the flight battery and plug into the IFLY-4.
5. With THROTTLE LOW, move the RUDDER stick to the LEFT. Observe if the motors start to
spin slowly? If YES, your THROTTLE and RUDDER directions are correct. Go to step 8.
6. If the motors did not start, move your RUDDER stick to the RIGHT. Observe if the motors
start to spin slowly? If YES, your THROTTLE direction is correct, but your RUDDER direction
is reversed. REVERSE the RUDDER direction on your radio transmitter. Go to step 8.
7. If the motor did not start at all during step 5 or 6. Your THROTTLE direction is reversed.
REVERSE the THROTTLE direction on your radio transmitter and repeat from step 5.
8. You can stop the motors spinning at any time by moving the RUDDER in the opposite
direction to which turned the motors ON.
9. The next steps require the IFLY-4 to be in an ARMED state. To go into ARMED state, move
the THROTTLE to LOW (should be at that position already) and move the RUDDER LEFT
(momentarily), then return RUDDER to neutral.
10. Now move the ELEVATOR stick FORWARD. Observe if the REAR motors speed up? If YES,
your ELEVATOR direction is correct. If the front motors speed up instead, you need to
REVERSE the ELEVATOR direction on your radio transmitter.
11. Now move the AILERON stick LEFT. Observe if the RIGHT motors speed up? If YES, your
AILERON direction is correct. If the RIGHT motors speed up instead, you need to REVERSE
the AILERON direction on your radio transmitter.
12. Finally, you can only set the Flight Mode switch direction by carefully testing out during
initial flying.
Update Firmware version v3.17 or higher
If your IFLY-C4 has been updated with firmware v3.17 or higher. You can check the flight mode
you are flying by watching the flashing LED lights below the motors.
Single flash Manual mode (non-stabilised) mode,
Double flash Balanced mode (stabilised) mode.
5. Get Ready For Flying
It is recommended that before you commence your first flight, you should check the rotation of
all the motors and the direction and security of the propellers.
5.1 Propeller Installation
5.2 Power ON
1. Unfold the IFLY-4 and position it in a stable level horizontal position.
2. Set your radio transmitter THROTTLE to the LOWEST position.
3. Switch ON your radio transmitter.
4. Install the flight battery and plug into the IFLY-4.
5. Reset the IFLY-C4 Flight Control IMU sensor (see section 2.3)
6. ARM the IFLY-4. (When you first power up, the IFLY-4 will default to DIS-ARM mode for
7. Your IFLY-4 is ready to fly!
8. For your first flight, keep the IFLY-4 to a height of less than 1m to check out your controls
Motor position #1 and #3 Clockwise rotating propellers
Motor position #2 and #4 Anti-clockwise rotating propellers
If any of the motors are found to be rotating in the wrong
direction, you can change it by swapping any two wires going
from the motor into the ESC.
and get familiar with its handling. At this time you can also test out the BALANCED and
MANUAL flight modes.
5.3 Reset the IFLY-C4 IMU sensor. (Level Calibration)
This step is will calibrate the IMU sensors to a level position. Ensure that the IFLY-4 is in a
level position before carrying out this step.
1. Move the THROTTLE stick up to the HIGHEST position
2. Move the RUDDER stick to the RIGHT.
3. The IFLY-C4 will beep twice to indicate that the IMU has been reset.
4. Return the THROTTLE stick down to the LOWEST position
5. Note: Although not entirely necessary, for safety reasons, it is recommended to reset the
IMU sensors every time before each flight.
5.4 ARM (active) Mode
WARNING When the IFLY-4 is in ARM mode, the motors will automatically start up with low
rpm. This indicates it is in ARM mode. Any subsequent movement of the transmitter sticks OR
movement of the IFLY-4 will instantly result in a response by the IFLY-4.
Beware of rotating propellers!
1. Move the THROTTLE stick down to the LOWEST position
2. Move the RUDDER stick to the LEFT momentarily. The motors will spin up slowly.
3. The IFLY-4 is ready for flight!
5.5 DIS-ARM (safe) Mode
When you first power ON the IFLY-4 it will default to DIS-ARM mode, you can only enter level
calibration, or ARM the IFLY-4 from DIS-ARM mode. It is safe to pick up the IFLY-4 and connect/
disconnect the flight batteries in this mode.
1. Move the THROTTLE stick down to the LOWEST position.
2. Move the RUDDER stick to the RIGHT momentarily. The motors will stop.
5.6 Power OFF
When you have completed your flight. Land the IFLY-4 on the ground.
1. Move the THROTTLE stick down to the LOWEST position.
2. Move the RUDDER stick to the RIGHT momentarily. The motors will stop. (DIS-ARM mode)
3. Unplug and remove the flight batteries from the IFLY-4
4. Switch OFF your radio transmitter.
6. IdeaFlyTools Software
The IdeaFlyTools is a software which allows you to finely tune and customize your IFLY-4. As well
as allowing you to update the firmware of the IFLY-C4 Flight Controller. IdeaFlyTools require a
Windows based PC to run from.
6.1 IdeaFlyTools Installation
IdeaFlyTools require Microsoft .NET framework 4 to be installed in order to run properly.
Download and install the latest version from
1. Download the latest version of ‘Ifly4Tools’ from
2. Unzip the ”Ifly4Tools.rar” to any location on the PC
3. Connect the IFLY-C4 Flight Controller to the PC using a standard mini USB cable
4. Unless you intend running the motors, it is not necessary to connect the flight batteries
5. The USB cable will be sufficient to power the IFLY-C4 and the LEDS
6. Run the “Ifly4Tools.exe” found in the “iflytools” folder
7. The interface will show like this after opening the software
There are four buttons on the bottom of all the screens. The actions of these buttons are:
READ - The software will read the current setting of the IFLY-C4 and display them.
IMPORT This button imports a previously saved configuration file.
EXPORT This button will export the current settings as a configuration file for later
WRITE This button will write the current settings from the IdeaFlyTools into the IFLY-C4
flight controller. You must click this button to save any changes made.
7. State
This screen allows the user to observe the basic 3D orientation of the quad and to test the
motors. The pictorial view of the quad is updated in real-time with the physical movement of
the IFLY-4.
This button will bring up a second screen which will allow to you run each motor
individually to test. You must install the flight batteries into the IFLY-4 order to run this test.
It is not necessary to switch on your radio transmitter.
Select the motor you want to test and move the slider to the right to start the motor and
vary the speed. Alternatively, you can select a fixed speed with the slider and then select the
motor you would like to test.
3D Model shows the flight attitude.
8. Gyroscopes
This IFLY-C4 uses a 3 axes gyro and 3 axes accelerometer for control and flight stabilization. This
screen allows the user to customize the responsiveness of the gyros and accelerometers.
Moving the gyros settings to the right will increase the stabilising response. However, if it is too
far right, the setting may be too strong and the IFLY-4 may shake or oscillate in flight, if too far
left, the setting may be too weak and the IFLY-4 difficult to control.
Click the READ button to get the current settings from the IFLY-C4
Gyro Advanced PID-
This screen allows the user full control over the settings of the Gyros using individual PID
(ProportionalIntegralDerivative) settings. However, we do not recommend you do changes
these unless you have a full understanding about PID. The range of the PID data is 1-1000. More
information on PID can be found on the internet
When you are complete click the WRITE button to transfer your new settings to the IFLY-C4
9. Control settings
This screen allows the user to customise the control sensitivity of the IFLY-4 a directional and
rotational sense. Similar settings are also available to customise the sensitivity of the camera
mount control in pitch and roll direction.
Moving the slider to the right will increase (more) sensitivity to the control inputs from the
transmitter. Moving the slider to the left will reduce (less) sensitivity to the control inputs from
the transmitter.
Click the READ button to get the current settings from the IFLY-C4
DIRECTION Controls the sensitivity of forward/backward, left/right during the flight.
ROTATION Controls the sensitivity of rotational change during the flight
Control Controls the sensitivity of altitude hold system.
MinGas- MaxGas when MinGas< THROTTLE<MaxGas The vehicle will automatically
maintain a high level.
In here you can set balance systems PI parameter.
When you are complete click the WRITE button to transfer your new settings to the IFLY-C4
10. CameraMount
This screen allows the user to customise the sensitivity of the camera mount control in pitch
and roll direction.
Click the READ button to get the current settings from the IFLY-C4
PITCH Controls the amount of compensation to the camera mount for forward/backward
movements, during the flight.
ROLL Controls the amount of compensation to the camera mount for left/right
movements, during the flight.
Min/Max sevo travel limits,adjust them to avoid mechanical binding.
Middle adjust the value to make the camera mount to your desired angle-to-ground.
Speed Controls the camera mount rotation speed.
11. Joystick
This screen allows the user to calibrate observe the real-time control signals received by the
IFLY-C4 from the radio transmitter. You have to have the flight batteries installed and the
transmitter ON and linked to the receiver in order to see the data.
See Section 1.2 of this manual for additional information on calibration of the radio transmitter.
12. Firmware
This screen allows the user to check the current firmware version the IFLY-C4 is running and also
update to a new firmware version.
Idea Fly are continuously updating and improving the firmware. New firmware versions for the
IFLY-C4 can be downloaded from
After downloading a new version of the firmware, unzip the .rar file to any directory on your PC.
NOTE: When the major version number is not the same, Do not update. Example: if the current
version is 1.2.1, you will cannot update to 3.x.x .
Update firmware
1. Click the “Click select firmware file” button and choose the firmware file (from your
previously saved folder)
2. Click the ”Update” button to install the new firmware.
3. After the firmware has been updated the flight controller will reboot. It is normal for the
software to report a loss in USB connection.
4. Wait to allow the flight controller to reconnect to the PC. You will see the updated firmware
version under the ‘FW Information’ section of the screen.
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Idea-fly IFLY4 Multi-Copter User manual

Remote controlled toys
User manual

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