Versatile Exchange Protocol
The protocol is based on XML fragments that are sent from a source to one or many destinations.
Each fragment contains of attributes and child elements. The order of attributes is not fixed and they
may also be omitted. Same is true for child elements.
Each fragment contains at least the following information:
<FragmentName Source=”OptiC3NET” Generated=”2016-08-01T12:30:33.456+0:00” Version=”1” />
timestamp in
Version of the
protocol used
Heat Start
This fragment is sent whenever a heat is started.
<HeatStart IsFalseStart=”False” EventId=”1” HeatId=”2” Time=”12:30:22.2124” />
Heat Intermediate
This fragment is sent whenever a heat is at an intermediate
<HeatIntermediate EventId=”1” HeatId=”2” Time=”12:30:22.2124” Runtime=”12.34” />