Ohlins 07440-05 Owner's manual

Owner's manual
Owner’s and Service Manual
Shock Absorber for MINI COUNTRYMAN S2000
Öhlins Racing aB - The sToRy
It was the 1970’s, a young man named Kenth
Öhlin spent most of his spare time pursuing his
favourite sport: motocross. A careful observer,
Kenth’s attention was continually drawn to one
specific detail - motocross bikes had more engine
power than their suspension could handle. It
was not long before Kenth realised that better
performance could be achieved by improved
wheel suspension.
Öhlins Racing was established in 1976, and
just two years later the company won its rst
World Championship title.
Despite being in the business for 30 years, the
search for perfection and new functions is still
the main focus of the company.
Congratulations! You are now the owner of an
Öhlins Shock Absorber. More than three hundred
World Championships and other major world ti-
tles are denitive proof that Öhlins shock ab-
sorbers offer outstanding performance and reli-
Every product has gone through rigorous
testing and engineers have spent thousands of
hours, doing their very best to use every possi-
ble experience from our 30 years within the rac-
ing sport.
By installing this shock absorber on your vehi-
cle you have made a clear statement… you are a
serious driver with a focus on getting the maxi-
mal handling ability and outstanding feedback
from your vehicle. Along comes the fact that
your shock absorber will be a long lasting friend,
delivering the very best of comfort and perform-
ance every time you go for a drive. Go explore!
Safety Precautions 2
Design and Functioning 3
Compression and Rebound 4
Adjust Rebound 5
Adjust Compression 5
Adjustment and Setting Up 6
Inspection and Maintenance
General 7
Service - McPherson Strut 8
Tools 8
Workshop 9
Service Interval 14
in This Manual
safeTy PRecauTions
© Öhlins Racing AB. All rights reserved. Any
reprinting or unauthorized use without the written
permission of Öhlins Racing AB is prohibited.
Printed in Sweden.
Safety Symbols
In this manual, mounting instructions and
other technical documents, important
information concerning safety is distin-
guished by the following symbols:
The Safety Alert Symbol means: Warning!
Your safety is involved.
The Warning Symbol means: Failure to
follow warning instructions can result in
severe or fatal injury to anyone working with,
inspecting or using the shock absorber, or
to bystanders.
The Caution Symbol means: Special
precautions must be taken to avoid damage
to the shock absorber.
The Note Symbol indicates information that
is important regarding procedures.
The shock absorber is a very important part of the
vehicle and will affect the stability.
Read and make sure that you understand the
information in this manual before you use this
product. If you have any questions regarding
installation or maintenance please contact an
authorized Öhlins Service Centre.
Öhlins Racing AB can not be held responsible for
any damage to the shock absorber, vehicle, other
property or injury to persons, if the instructions for
maintenance are not followed exactly.
This product was developed and designed
exclusively for a specific vehicle model and shall
only be installed on the intended vehicle model in
its original condition as delivered from the vehicle
This product contains pressurized nitrogen
gas (N
). Do not open, service or modify this
product without proper education (authorized
Öhlins dealer/distributor) and proper tools.
After installing this product, take a test drive at
low speed to make sure that your vehicle has
maintained its stability.
If the suspension makes an abnormal noise, or the
function is irregular, or if you notice any leakage
from the product, stop the vehicle immediately and
return the product to an Öhlins Service Centre.
When working on this product, always consult your
Vehicle Service Manual.
This Manual shall be considered a part of the
product and shall therefore accompany the
product throughout its life cycle.
The Öhlins TPX44 features patent pending con-
cept with a unique design, that allows for the gas
pressure to always back-up the low-pressure
side of the piston to keep pressure at a control-
led level. This concept enables totally separated
adjusters for compression and rebound damp-
The temperature stability is maintained with a
ow restriction design in the bleed valves that
creates a turbulent ow at very low piston ve-
locities. Also, materials with different thermal
expansion rates are used to compensate for the
viscosity change of the uid caused by changes
in temperature.
The Öhlins shim system offers innite com-
binations of shim stacks with a wide spectrum
of different character using only one piston. The
whole system is pressurized by nitrogen gas be-
hind a oating piston to ensure separation of gas
and uid.
The Öhlins TPX44 shock absorber is a racer
friendly shock absorber, easy to set up, dial in
and rebuild. Support is always available from
Prodrive and the Öhlins distributors worldwide.
Congratulations on choosing the Öhlins TPX44
Rally shock absorber - the most unique and
powerful shock absorber available today.
The TPX44 is a three way adjusted; high and
low speed compression adjuster and a rebound
adjuster, twin piston type shock absorber. It is
equipped with the new updated Progressive
Damping System (PDS).
The TPX44 shock absorber design is the cul-
mination of two decades of Öhlins successful
participation in World Championship events.
The TPX44 shock absorber is designed to
handle the demanding damping characteristics
needed for all types of roads on which the car is
aimed to compete on.
The TPX44 for the MINI is designed in coop-
eration with Prodrive and the result is probably
the lightest but strongest Mcpherson strut ever
made for a rally application.
For best performance, the shock absorber
must be adjusted to different conditions; from
the smooth and fast roads seen in some rallies
to the more bumpy and rocky seen in others.
Design anD funcTioning
coMPRession anD ReBounD
Compression damping controls the energy
absorption when the shock absorber is being
compressed, thus controls how easy the shock
absorber compresses when you hit a bump.
Rebound damping controls the energy absorption
when the shock absorber is being extended and
controls how fast the shock absorber returns to its
normal position after being compressed.
Compression Damping Adjuster
Low speed compression is mainly used to con-
trol chassis movements and response but it also
affects the traction. It affects how the car be-
haves during breaking, turn in and acceleration.
Less low speed compression gives more
chassis movement but in many cases it can im-
prove traction and grip. Therefore it is possible
to balance the car by adjusting the low speed
High speed compression mainly affects how
the car absorbs bumps and jumps. In rough-
er conditions or with a lot of jumps more high
speed damping is often necessary to control the
big chassis movements.
Rebound Damping Adjuster
Rebound adjuster affects chassis movement in
a similar way as the low speed compression but
has even more inuence on traction. Use this ad-
juster to control chassis movements over crests
or after jumps. More rebound gives less move-
ment and better stability but too much will cause
a loss of traction. It is therefore a powerful bal-
ance tool together with the low speed compres-
sion adjuster.
For slippery conditions when grip levels are
low, a softer set up on both rebound and low
speed compression is a way to gain more trac-
coMPRession anD ReBounD
Adjust Rebound
To adjust:
Use 01822-03 adjustment tool delivered with the
1. Turn the adjuster clockwise to fully closed
position (position zero [0]).
2. Turn counter clockwise to set the adjuster to
recommended number of clicks.
If you want to change setting, adjust in steps of
2-3 clicks at a time.
Useful adjustment range 5-45 clicks
Do not use force, delicate sealing surfaces can be
damaged. Handtighten only.
Adjust Compression
To adjust:
High speed compression adjuster;
Use a 12 mm wrench
Low speed compression adjuster;
Use a 3 mm Allen key
1. Turn the adjuster clockwise to fully closed
position (position zero [0]).
2. Turn counter clockwise to set the adjuster to
recommended number of clicks.
If you want to change setting,
High speed compression; adjust in steps of
3-5clicks to ne tune the set up.
Low speed compression; adjust in steps of
2-3clicks at a time.
Useful adjustment range
Low speed 2-40 clicks
High speed 0-50 clicks
Do not use force, delicate sealing surfaces can be
damaged. Handtighten only.
High speed compression adjuster
Low speed compression adjuster
aDjusTMenT anD seTTing uP
Always start with the settings recommended by
There are different settings available to suit all
different conditions. If you need support to nd
your own optimal set-up, please contact Pro-
drive or an authorized Öhlins Service Centre.
Setting up your vehicle
After installing the dampers, do a complete set
up check of the car according to Prodrive set up
Perform the following steps and always take
notes before using the shock absorber;
1. Check ride height, front and rear. Adjust if
2. Check corner weight, front and rear (if scales
are available). Adjust if necessary.
Always consult Prodrive or Öhlins Service Centre
if you have any questions regarding settings of the
shock absorber/strut.
Making adjustments
Suspension settings depend on your vehicles
weight, your driving style, road conditions etc.
If you are not happy with our recommended set-
tings, here are a few guidelines and ground rules
how to make adjustments.
To make improvements, it is important to un-
derstand the function of the shock absorbers
and through testing learn how they affect the
handling of your vehicle.
We recommend to try keeping damper clicks
around the recommended set up. If you need to
make changes, we recommend to explore the
alternative set up options as well as keeping
damping levels low to gain maximum grip.
For example; bottoming problems, a couple of
clicks stiffer high speed compression together
with 5mm higher ride height probably gives a
better end result compared to solving everything
by changing damper clicks.
Higher click numbers give less damping force.
When making adjustments
• Take notes, make the adjustments in small
steps (2-3 at a time) and stay within the rec-
ommended adjustment range.
• When you think you have made an improve-
ment, go back to what you started with and
double check to be sure.
• Pay attention to changes in conditions like
tires or temperature, etc. In general, com-
pression damping changes should be used
to inuence the vehicle’s response and bal-
ance while rebound damping changes should
be used to inuence traction and stability.
insPecTion anD MainTenance
Preventive maintenance and regular inspection
reduces the risk of functional disturbance. If there
is any need for additional service, please contact
Prodrive or an authorized Öhlins Service Centre.
Clean the shock absorber externally with a soft
detergent. Use compressed air. Be careful that
all dirt is removed. Keep the shock absorber
clean and spray it with oil (WD40, CRC 5-56 or
equivalent) after washing. Wipe off excessive oil
with a cloth. For top mount or spring seat service
please contact Prodrive.
Never spray water directly into the adjuster knobs
and/or seals and scraper.
Inspection points TPX - Normal use
• Check that the scraper sits in its position, has
the pre load spring around the scraper lip and
that it is not damaged.
• Check the external reservoir for damage that
can restrict the oating piston from moving
• Check the shock absorber body for external
• Check the attachment of the shock absorber
to the vehicle.
We recommend to change the bushing lubrication
oil in the strut casings and clean the scraper/seal
every 400km. This will ensure that the friction levels
are kept at a minimum and will also prolong the
lives of the bushings and the strut casing.
Although this manual includes the most up-to-date
information available at the time of printing, minor
updates may occur. To find the latest information
regarding wear parts and part numbers please
contact Prodrive.
Part No Tool Description
00146-01 Assembly lubricant - Red grease
01804-23 Mounting sleeve
01804-24 Seal remover tool
01804-21 Bushing removal tool
01804-22 Bushing removal tool
01804-20 Seal mount tool
Vice with soft jaws
Heat gun
seRvice - McPheRson sTRuT
Inspection points TPX44 - Every 400 km (McPherson Strut)
1 - Cleaning
Remove the Nuts (8x)
Pour out all oil.
1. 3
Remove the Strut casing.
1. 4
Clean the Damper and Lower bushing from oil.
Use soft detergent. Inspect the Lower bushing
for wear or damages, replace if necessary.
1. 5
Clean the Strut casing. Use soft detergent. Be
careful around the Scraper and Seal. Inspect the
Upper bushing. If the Bushing, Scraper or Seal
are worn, replace.
To replace Bushing, Scraper and/or Seal. Go
to Chapter 2.
1. 6
Check the O-ring on the Reservoir bracket. Re-
place if damaged.
1. 7
Use tool 01804-23. Mount the Strut casing on
the Damper.
1. 8
Pour 40ml oil in the Strut casing.
Only use Öhlins High Performance fluid.
1. 9
Tighten the 8 Nuts.
Tightening torque 10Nm
Tighten in cross pattern.
seRvice - McPheRson sTRuT
Remove the Scraper. First use a large screw-
driver to loosen the Scraper from the Strut cas-
ing. Then, use a small screwdriver to remove the
Remove the Circlip.
Mount tool 01804-24 around the Strut casing.
We recommend to grind off the sharp edges of
the screwdriver. Use a large screwdriver and
pull out the Seal.
Remove the Bushing holder.
If you can not remove the bushing holder by hand,
use appropriate tool and gently tap it out from the
bottom of the strut casing.
Use a heat gun. Heat the Bushing holder.
Mount tool 01804-21 on top of the Bushing
holder. Mount tool 01804-21 with the Bushing
holder on tool 01804-22.
seRvice - McPheRson sTRuT
2 - Replace Upper Bushing, Scraper and/or Seal
Mount the whole unit in a vice. Press until the
Bushing comes out.
Replace the Bushing.
Put tool 01804-21 on the Bushing. Put the tool
and the Bushing on top of the Bushing holder.
Mount the whole unit in a vice. Press the Bush-
ing into the Bushing holder.
Mount the Bushing holder into the Strut casing.
If you notice any play between the Bushing hold-
er and the Strut casing, use Loctite 603.
Use tool 01804-23. Mount the Strut casing on
the Damper. Tighten two [2] of the lower Nuts.
seRvice - McPheRson sTRuT
Mount the Seal. Use tool 01804-20. Use as-
sembly lubricant on the outer diameter of the
Seal and a layer between the Seal lips. Mount
the Seal by hitting it hard with the tool until the
groove for the Circlip is visible.
Mount the Circlip.
Use tool 01840-23. Mount the Scraper. Put a
layer of assembly lubricant below the Scraper lip
and on the upper part (ca 50mm) of the Chrome
tube. Use tool 01804-20 to hit the Scraper in
Remove the two [2] lower Nuts.
seRvice - McPheRson sTRuT
13 14
seRvice - McPheRson sTRuT
Check the O-ring on the Reservoir bracket. Re-
place if damaged.
Pour 40ml oil in the Strut casing.
Only use Öhlins High Performance fluid.
Tighten the 8 Nuts.
Tightening torque 10Nm
Tighten in cross pattern.
Service Interval
Every 800-1000km
Service your damper(s) at an authorized Öhlins
Service Centre. If the dampers are used under
rough conditions, maintenance is required more
Never alter the gas pressure. Special purpose
charging equipment and access to nitrogen is
required. The gas pressure should normally never
be altered.
insPecTion anD MainTenance
Your Öhlins retailer:
Öhlins Owner’s Manual MNRXL0X | Part No. 07440-05_0 | Issued 2011-05-17 | © 2011 Öhlins Racing AB
Phone: +46 (0)8 590 025 00
Fax: +46 (0)8 590 025 80
Öhlins Racing AB
Box 722
SE-194 27, Upplands Väsby
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Ohlins 07440-05 Owner's manual

Owner's manual

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