The Lo/Mid and Mid/High X-Overs, and the Mid/Side, Pan and Volume parameters for each
of the three bands.
Audio I/O — The routing in Splitter works in one of two different ways:
Pre-split mode (active if only the Main L/R audio inputs are connected):
A conventional band splitter ( X-Over -> Effects ), where the incoming audio is split
across up to 3 different outputs. This works by having the audio enter the signal chain
via the Main In L/R audio inputs, which then gets split up according to which bands are
active and their corresponding frequency X-Over controls. The separate output of each
band then gets sent to its respective Out L/R stereo outputs.
Note: In addition to this, the output of each band gets summed and sent to the Main Out
L/R stereo outputs, allowing you to use Splitter as a self-contained multiband stereo
imager, panner and volume control. Which is quite Lovely.
Post-split mode (active once any one of the Low, Mid or High L/R stereo inputs gets
connected to a virtual cable):
The second way allows Splitter to work in a similar fashion to the ( Effects -> X-Over )
mode in our Mutagen and Relapse plugins, whereby audio from up to 3 different sources
can be brought in and filtered according to the values specified by the X-Over controls.
As stated above, it works by receiving audio input from up to 3 different sources via the
Low, Mid and High audio inputs. These incoming audio signals then undergo mid/side
stereo imaging, panning and volume control via their respective band’s controls, and are
finally summed together and sent to the Main L/R audio outputs.
Note: In this mode, the Low, Mid and High Outputs are entirely deactivated, and will
output nothing but silence.