20/69 2895AK_002-984e-11.23
KiBox2 System, Type 2895AK
55Measurements Measurement manager organizes your previous measurements as a database. The
data filter is based on ownership. The created captures/snapshots (*.MDF4) are
bundled in a Measurement file. Delete, share files or save complete measurements in
another path.
66Save log files If any major problem occurs, create a log file which will be saved automatically on the
desktop with the collected information.
77Global`s Notification: View information, errors and warnings. The system informs when a new
software release is available. Download the update first and execute it afterwards.
Configuration: This menu item opens a dialog box with four tabs. The register
“localization” changes the software language immediately, "units" includes settings
for unit selection for calculations and displays. The tab "Miscellaneous" includes
settings to active the audio feedback. Set the options for the remote control.
Help: opens the manual
88Device Information DHCP server dynamically assigns an IP address and other network configuration
parameters to each device on the network. Alternatively, the KiBox IP address can be
set individually and confirmed by the enter button.
Current state: Displays the current status of the KiBox2 device.
Status: Indicates the connection status of the device.
DHCP Server: Automatically assigns IP addresses and network configuration parame-
ters to connected devices.
Manual IP Address: Allows individual setting of the KiBox IP address with confirmation
by the enter button. Alternatively, the KiBox IP address can be set individually and
confirmed by the enter button.
Clock state: Shows synchronization status with other devices.
Storage: Indicates the allocated memory on the KiBox hard drive, with a maximum
capacity of 200 GB. Clean up disk by pressing the corresponding button.
99Licensing A connection to the internet is needed to activate / renew your acquired licenses.
Version A problem will occur if the firmware version is not matching your current software
Wireless Access Point KiBox supports 2 wireless modes: Direct WLAN connection and acting as a hotspot.
PTP Synchronization Mainly used in cascaded mode: According to IEEE 1588: If necessary, the clock can be
synchronized with a third-party device clock that supports the Precision Time Protocol.
Primary is using the KiBox as the slave clock in the PTP environment. Secondary
switches the KiBox clock to master and from TAI to UTC timing.
2.6.1 Global`s detailed
77Notification Status: Status information about the KiBox
Message: Message of triggered monitors
Log: descripted Kibox logs
System update: connected to the internet the latest software version can be
downloaded and afterwards installed over the current installation.
77Configuration Localization: Change the language according to your preference. Please contact
kibox@kistler.com for any other wording recommendation.
Units: change the default units for the results
Miscellaneous: receive audio feedback on the Kibox actions
Active to load the configuration from the Kibox by default when connected.
Protect your configuration with a password.
Select your preferred signal domain: if connecting an input signal to a calculator on
calculator chain page and the input has domain 'Any', you have to choose if you want
to select AD or TD. This currently applies only to user calculators as other calculators
have ports with specific domain (either TD or AD).
77Help Opens the instruction manual document.