Mid-Range TweeterWoofer
75 30 20
Mounting Diameter(mm)
140 74
Net Mass(g)
1541 247 102
Mounting Depth(mm)
75 37 30
Frequency Range
Nominal lmpedance(Ω)
Voice Coil
KSV 35mm
KSV 25mm
ASV 25mm
Magnet Mass(Oz)
20 6.5 -
8. MID-Range’s 3M Sticker 91x41.5mmx1.5T (x2);
9. MID-Range’s 3M Sticker 91x41.5mmx4.5T (x2);
10. Tweeter (x2);
11. Tweeter’s Back Cover (x2);
12. Tweeter’s Label (x2);
13. Tweeter’s 3M Sticker 33.5x10.5mmx0.5T (x2);
14. Tweeter’s 3M Sticker 54x25mmx1.5T (x2);
1. Installation Manual (x2);
2. Woofer (x2);
3. Woofer’s Grille Net + Frame (x2);
4. MID-Range (x2);
5. MID-Range’s Grille Net+Frame (x2);
6. MID-Range’s Back Cover (x2);
7. MID-Range’s Label (x2);
Check and identify the contents of your package:
15. Network (x2);
16. 2.5mm “L” Type Wrench (x1);
17. 3.0mm “L” Type Wrench (x1);
18. Mounting Screw M3x10mm (tweeter) (x6);
19. Mounting Screw M4x30mm(x24);
20. “8” Type Mounting Bracket
Fig.3 Fig.4
Y ou can mou n t the woof er s on the f r ont /r ear door of you r car .
Option 1 : Mount the woofer on door (front or rear)
M ake s ure that nothi ng obstructs around the mounti ng l ocation of the door.
A hol e for mounti ng may already be cut out of the i nner panel of the door(front or rear). I n thi s care, y ou need to modi fy the board onl y.
E ns ure that the s peaker termi nal s, frame or magnet do not i nterfer
e wi th any i nner parts, s uch as the wi ndow) , etc. A l s o ens ure
that the speaker gri l l e does not touch any i nner fi tti ngs , s uch as the wi ndow cranks, door handl es , arm res ts etc.
1. Tu r n off the car ign it ion key.
★ I f the power i s on, the cl i ck noi se generated by the connecti on may damage the s peakers .
2. Cu t ou t the moun tin g t emplate f r om t he packing box.
3. P aste t he template on the location
select ed f or mou ntin g the speaker.
4. M ar k th e cu t- of f hol e an d th e 4 bolt hol es. (Fi g.1)
5. Cu t ou t the mar ked ar ea an d dr il l t he bolt h oles. (F ig.2)
6. R emove th e gr il le n et . (Fi g.3)
7. Con nect t he woof er s to th e n etwor k or car au di o.
(See ’How t o complete th e wir ing.’)
8. M oun t on th e speaker as sh own below. (Fig.4)
9. P r ess an d in ser t the edges of the gr ille n et.
★ T he s peaker gri l l e can be m ounted wi thout the gri l l e net, i f y ou l i ke.