Specifications are subject to alteration without notice. 1
BASIC Instructions
BCRWR Fans, Sizes 004–027
1. General
The BCRWR Basic Wing is a belt-driven fan of axi-centrifugal
design. The fan offers excellent power efficiency, low and
uniform outlet air velocity, low sound emission and has a short
overall length.
The BCRWR is available for the size 004–027 BASIC units.
The velocity inside the outlet duct is low (max. 6 m/s) and
uniform. This means minimal system losses. The low dynamic
pressure (max. 22 Pa) also enables a lower total pressure
drop in the system of ducting compared with a conventional
centrifugal fan.
Less space is required in the fan room since functional sections
and sharp duct bends can be fitted directly to the fan outlet
without appreciable pressure loss. This also means savings on
energy since no pressure is needlessly lost.
The fans have, as standard, integrated flow measuring equip-
ment. The measuring inaccuracy is ± 5%.
The size 004-014 fans can be installed for a vertical air flow.
1.1 Specification
The version, size and other particulars are specified in the
delivery documents.
System losses are minimised thanks to the low air veloc-
ity and uniform air distribution pattern at the fan outlet.
Sharp duct bends can therefore be directly fitted to the
fan outlet with only marginal pressure losses.
1.2 Design
The fan is designed without any fan casing.
The fan support is a construction of profiled sections and the
entire fan insert is withdrawable from the casing of the size
014 and smaller units. The design with rubber anti-vibration
mountings and flexible connections provides highly effective
vibration isolation from the unit casing. The flexible connec-
tion is available in two variants: standard plastic fabric or glass
fibre coated with aluminium. The Basic Wing fan is patent
1.3 Motors
Standard single-speed or two-speed motors can be selected
for operating the BCRWR fans. If the need arises, the BCRWR
can also be equipped with double motors. For effective motor
cooling, the ambient air temperature must not exceed 40 ºC.
The fans as well as the motors have bush-type belt pulleys for
fast belt replacement if, for example, a fan speed adjustment
is necessary.
The bearings are sized for 40,000 hours of operation.
1.4 Belt Drive
The belt drives are available in two variants:
– Standard, V-belt drives
– Poly-V belt drives
1.4.1 V-belts
The efficiency of a correctly sized and installed V-belt drive is
between 90% and 96%, depending on the output consumed
to drive the fan (94–96% at outputs above 3 kW).
They have an estimated useful life of 25,000 hours, which is equiva-
lent to 2.5 years operating around the clock, provided that the trans-
mission has been optimally sized and correctly installed.
Their greatest advantages: Their cost price is low and they are
universally available on the market.
They can be utilized on all the sizes.
1.4.2 Poly-V belts
The estimated useful life of poly-V belts is about twice as long
as that of narrow V-belts.
Smaller belt pulleys and larger transmission ratios can be used,
the bearing sizes limit our application.
Greatest benefit: Better efficiency, 96–97%.
They can be utilized on all the sizes.