
Federal Communications Commission
Radio Frequency Interference Statement
“l-he 12f)\’\u!+ion c,quipnwnt has ht’t’n k-std and found to compl> with [hc linlits I“ma cla5s B digital
cfmicc, pursuant [o Part 15
of”FCC [3u1?s.These limits are cfcsignmi to wmkfc rwsonahl? protmtion
against harm(”ill interf’c, rcn(u, in a lresidmtial ill..’ tallation. This rquifmlmt gmmltes. Llscs ami can r.adi.
:I(C radio I“requcnc,}, rIIe:-~. and,
if not inst.allcciand used in accordance wittl (hc irl.stn]rtiml.s may
rausc tlarnllill irlterf?rcnm to radio
cmmmunirations. However. lhrm is nc guaranter {hat interkencr
will not omllr in a
partirldar installatiorl. If this ?quiprnent dot’s <:lLIscharmful in(erfcrrncc (0 radio or
trlcwisiml. n,hicb (an be cletmmined by turning off and on, thr u!+rris FImouragmi to Iry to corrwt the
intmfrrcmw hy one or mcmfof the follcwringmeasurvs.
[<emimt or rckwatr the rccriving antenna
Incrcasc the srpamtion bclweru Ibc cquipmrnt and rcw,iwr.
Connrrt ill? equifxncnl intn an cn)tlc! ml a rireuit clil’fmt=ntl“ronlthat to wbich the.rrmiwr is con
C’cmsl]lt the cfcakr or an t’x
pericn<wi radio/TV (cchr!iriim for help.
Urlatlthorized moclili(aticms o{ this prmtuc( by (he user will wid his authority to opt’ra{r [bc t,quipnwnt
Link’ss cxprt>sslyapprowd by the party r?sponsibk klr IYmlplianw
For cmnplia,lrc wi[h tb? t’?dmal Noise>Intt’rfcrcmce Standard. tbis equipmrn[ r(,c]uiresa sbit,klrd rahle.
The 220!: XY’rsicmrcp]ipmrnl has bw’n lcstml and t’oumi (o comply witb the Iimi[s f“ora Class A digikd
dmi(c,. pumuant to Pari 15 of lb,, FCC’RUICS.
These limits arc dt’signed to prmid? rrasonabk pmter
lion against Imrmfu]
intrrf’r,-cmm’ W)lC,II lbr cquipmer)t is opcra[cci ill a rommcrcial rrh.imnm(m(. Ttlis
equipmc.n[grnm.at?s. USCS,amt ran radiate radio hcqwrlc.v encr~ aml. ii’rmt inslallrd and usml in
acwmlarlrr with lht, mstru(.tion !II:Inual. may cause harml’,)t irllerfcrcnw 1(]radio (~O1l]n,[,,l],.:ltiorl.~,
Operation of this rc~uipmcntin a resicfcntm] ar?a is
Iikcl} to rausc’ bmll)f’(11inlctfcrcrwr iII whi(.tl C:IW
the,user will he rccluirrd to roImcrt tbc intrrrmtmc? at bis OWI ?xpensc.
For rompliancr with thr Federal ?JoisrInt?rferenc? Standarct. this cc]uipmt’nt rrqllirt>sa shiekfcd cahlr.
The choLY, Slalerm>nl applies OIII!I [o pri, tters mcukelwi in the U.S.A
Statement of The Canadian Department of Communications Radio Interference
1,<,p,-~sentapparril num[.ri(p]c r]”t+nctpas cl<>hmits r->)ciioFl?(tiqllc.s<l~passanl Ics Iir?,itc-sapplicahles
au.xapp, areilsnumwiqu’?s cfc la classe B prcsrrites dams
k. R@mlltmt sllr k hrouilkig<,radioelcrtriquc.
edirtc paI. 1{,Minist?rr d<%C.olllrll~llli(,tllic)llsdu Canada.
The abmw statenwnl applies OFII!I10prinlws mclrk$>t<,dill [’(I,I<zd<I.
Trademark acknowledgments
NX-2480 Rainbow/Colour,NX-2420Rainbow/Colour,NX-2420,SF-1ODW,SPC-SK: Star Mi(r(llli(s
co. Ltd.
L9S50, L9S60, LQ105O, L9106O: Seiko EIMmI Corpora(im,
Froprfnter X24E,IBM Pmprinter XL24E,IBMProprinter X24,
IBM Proprinter XL24:internationalBusiness Machines Cmporatiorl.
TrueTypeMacintosh:Appk. Computer Inc.
PostScript: AdobeS@t’rnslnco~orated
MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, Windows 3.1: Microsoft Corporation
rights rwwnrct. Reproduction of any pa!l of this man[ml in any kwm u,tla@n?\vr.without
STt\R’smprt’ss pwmissicm is strictly forbktckm
Tbc ([),ltrnts
11( [bis ,llarlua
1arc,suhjmt (o rhang? witboul notim.
All rf’forls tlaw Ixwt madr (c>ensure [ht. acrurary o[”the
cmlmts of’ this man,lal at the (imr of’
prin[inq. IIcmewr, S11OCIMany crmrs be founci. STAR would grcatlv appreciate Ixing infmmcd of’
The ahc)w rlOILL-illlsl:!llcli,lg. STAR can assllnl? no rlW(l,lsit~ilitY (Ora~y ,7rl-Orsi,, this 1ll:lrlll:ll.
~,Copyigbt 1993 Star Mim(mics Cm I.td