Please heed the following
In this “Installation and Adjustment Manual”, to ensure the safe and prop-
er use of the product, prevent harm to yourself and others and damage
to property, various symbols are used. The symbols and meanings are
as follows. Please read this manual after ensuring the contents are well
Improper handling and ignoring this in-
dication may result in bodily harm such
as death, serious injury and so on.
Improper handling and ignoring this in-
dication may result in bodily injury and
damage to surrounding contents.
Examples of symbols:
Symbol alerts you to cautions (including warnings)
Concrete cautions are specified in figures.
Symbol expresses prohibited actions
Concrete prohibitions are specified in figures.
Symbol expresses compulsory actions.
Concrete instructions are specified in figures.
• Besuretoinstallandadjusttheprojectorbasedonthismanu-
al. Wrong mounting and installation may result in the mounting
unit for table projection (hereinafter known as this Product in
short) and the projector falling over or dropping, causing inju-
ries in the process.
• Wheninstallingonatable,usetheenclosedtablesecuring
bracket to prevent the projector from falling over or dropping
to securely fix the projector to a tabletop of sufficient strength.
Check the table securing bracket periodically to see whether it
is loose. If the bracket is loose, it may result in this Product or
the projector falling over or dropping.
• Donotinstallthisinalocationthatisexposedtoconstantvi-
bration. Prolonged vibration may cause the screws to become
loose and this Product to fall over, resulting in injuries. In addi-
tion, it may also cause the projector to break down.
• Fullytightentheboltsandscrewstoensuresafety.Ifthe
bracket is loose, it may result in this Product or the projector
falling over or dropping.
• Donotmodifytheparts.Ifthebracketisloose,itmayresultin
this Product or the projector falling over or dropping.
• Donotusebrokenparts.Ifthebracketisloose,itmayresultin
this Product or the projector falling over or dropping. Consult
your distributor if the parts are broken.
• Use an outlet for the power sourceoftheprojector. Do not
directly connect to the lamp line because this is dangerous.
Also, use an accessible outlet so that you can connect and
disconnect the power plug.
• Donotlookintotheprojectionwindow,mirrororlenswhenthe
• BecarefulnottoallowchildrentocarrythisProduct.Theymay
fall down and get injured.
• Donot usescrewlocking adhesives, lubricants,oil,etc.,on
this Product. The material of this Product may be degraded,
resulting in the projector dropping down and causing injuries.
• Donotobstructtheprojector’sventilationholes.Doingsowill
prevent the dissipation of heat and may result in fire. In particu-
lar, do not use the projector in the following ways:
installing the projector in a place such as wall and so on where
ventilation is poor, covering it, etc.
• Donotinstalltheprojectorinfrontoftheoutletsofanaircon-
ditioner or heater or in a place exposed to significant vibra-
• Donotinstalltheprojectorinhumidordustyplacesorthose
exposed to greasy smoke or steam (such as near cooking
• Wheninstallingtheprojector,leavesufficientspacebetweenit
and surrounding objects. Failure to do so will prevent the dis-
sipation of heat and may result in fires.
• Install this Productinaflat,stablelocationwithnoslope.If
installed in an unstable location such as a carpet with a long
pile length, this Product may fall over and cause injuries. To
prevent falls, there is a floor securing bolt hole in the U-shaped
bracket of this Product. Use this in conjunction with the instal-
lation environment.
• Thetable securingbracket isa securing bracket for project-
ing from the top of a table. When projecting from the rear of a
table (for tables that come with translucent screens), this Prod-
uct cannot be mounted upside down to the tabletop. In this
case, install it on a floor. If not, this Product or the projector
may fall down and cause injuries.
• Pleaseavoid rooms with a lot ofcigarettesmoke and lamp soot, as
well as dust and moisture.
lowering of the image quality.
• Avoidplacesinwhichthescreenisexposedtodirectsunlightorillumi-
nated light.
When surrounding light directly hits the screen, the image appears
washed out and is difficult to view.
• Avoidlocationsexposedtoparticularlyhighorlowtemperatures.
Doingsomay resultinbreakdown.(Fortheambient operating tem-
• Besuretopassthepowercableandsignalcablesthroughthecable
wiring port at the bottom of the slide arm and lay the cables so that
people do not trip over them.