Yourproducthasbeenmanufactured and tested with your safety in mind. However, improper use can resuLt in potential
eLectricaL shock or fire hazards. To avoid defeating the safeguards that have been built into your new product, please read
and observe the foLLowingsafety points when instaLLing and using your new product, and save them for future reference.
Observing the simpLe precautions discussed in this booklet can heLpyou get many years of enjoyment and safe operation
that are built into your new product.
This product complies with at[ appLicabLeU.S. Federal safety requirements, and those of the Canadian Standards Association.
1. Read InstrucUons
ALLthe safety and operatinginstructions shouLdbe read
beforethe productis operated.
E. FoLLow Instructions
ALLoperatingand useinstructions shouLdbe fu[towed.
3. Retain Instructions
The safety and operatinginstructions shouLdbe retained
for future reference.
4.Heed Warnings
ALlwarningson the productand in the operatinginstruc-
tions shouldbe adheredto.
5. CLeaning
UnpLugthis productfrom the waLLoutlet beforecleaning.
Do not useLiquidcleanersor aerosolcleaners.Usea damp
cLothfor cleaning.
6. Water and Moisture
Do not usethis productnear waterfor exampLe,near a
bath tub, washbowL,kitchen sink,or Laundrytub, in a
wet basement,or neara swimmingpool
Do not placethis producton an unstabLecart, stand,tri-
pod, bracket,or table. The productmayfaLL,causingseri-
ousinjury to a child or adult, and seriousdamageto the
product.Useonlywith a cart, stand,tripod, bracket,or
table recommendedbythe manufacturer,or soldwith the
product.Any mounting of the productshouldfu[Lowthe
manufacturer's instructions, andshouldusea mounting
accessoryrecommendedby the manufacturer.
8. Transporting Product
A productand cart combinationshouldbe movedwith
care. Quickstops,excessiveforce, and unevensurfaces
may causethe productand cart combinationto overturn.
9. Attachments
Do not useattachmentsnot recommendedbythe product
manufacturer asthey may causehazards.
10. Venti|aUon
SLotsand openingsin the cabinetareprovidedfor ventiLa-
tion andto ensurereLiabLeoperationof the productandto
protectit fromoverheating,andthese openingsmustnot
be blockedor covered.The openingsshouLdneverbe
bLockedby placingthe producton a bed, sofa,rug, or
other similarsurface.Thisproductshouldnot be pLacedin
a buiLt-ininstaLLationsuchas a bookcaseor rack unless
properventiLationis providedor the manufacturer's
instructions havebeen adheredto.
11. Power Sources
Thisproductshouldbe operatedonlyfrom the type of
powersourceindicatedon the marking LabeL.If you are
not sureofthe type of powersupplyto yourhome,con-
suLtyourproductdealeror Localpowercompany. Forprod-
uctsintendedto operatefrom battery power,or other
sources,referto the operatinginstructions.
12. Line-Cord PotarizaUon
Thisproductis equippedwith a polarizedaLternating-cur-
rent Lineplug (a plug havingone bladewider than the
other). ThispLugwiLt fit into the poweroutLetonly one
way.Thisis a safety feature.If you are unabLeto insert
the plugfuLLyinto the outlet, try reversingthe plug.If
the plugshouldstiLLfail to fit, contactyourelectricianto
replaceyourobsoleteoutLet.Donot defeatthe safetypur-
poseof the polarizedplug.
13. Power-Cord Protection
Power-suppLycordsshouldbe routedsothat they are not
LikeLyto be waLkedon or pinchedbyitemsplaceduponor
againstthem, payingparticularattention to cordsat
plugs,conveniencereceptacles, and the point wherethey
exit from the product.
(Continuedon next page)
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