Reminders R egarding
Gasoline v a pors can explode, result-
ing in in jury or death. Alw ays use
blower for a minimum of 5 m inutes
before s tarting engine, then turn it
OFF above idle speed. Use of the
bilge blower s hould nev er replace
“smell ing” for ga s oli ne v a pors .
If a t a ny time, gas oline leaks/ odors
are found, do not sta r t the engine.
Have the bo at serviced by an autho-
rized S ea -Doo S port Boats dealer.
Always keep in mind that as the
throttle lever is returned to the idle
position, less directi ona l control is
available. To turn th e boat, b oth
steering a nd throttle are necessary.
Like any other boa t, this boat has no
brake. Stopping distance will vary
depe nding on initial sp eed, load,
wind, and water condi tions . P rac-
tice stopping a nd docking in a safe,
traffic-free area to have an i dea of
how long it will take to s t op the boa t
unde r v a rying c onditions. Do not
release the throttle w hen trying to
steer a way from objects . You need
throttle to steer. D o no t use the
boat's reverse to st op.
Do not start or opera te the boat if
any pers on is not properly seated
in a sea t intended for use when un-
derwa y (not the sun deck o r s wim
platform) or if a person is nearby in
the water.
The boat's j et thrust can cause in-
jury. Always accelerate slowly, and
decele rate in a controlle d fashion.
Observe the instructions on all safe-
tylabels. Theyaretheretohelpas-
sure that you have a safe and enjoy-
able outing.
Riding with passenger(s) or pulling
other boats, tubes , a sk ier or a wake
boarder ma k es th e boa t han dle dif-
ferently and requi res greater sk ill.
Certain boats may come equipped
with tow eyelets, a ski pole or a
wakeboard tower w hich can be
used to attach a tow rope for a s k i-
er, tube or wakeb oa r der. Do not
use these attachment p oints or any
other portion of the boat to t ow a
parasail or another craft. P ersona l
injury or severe damag e may occur.
In sha llow water, proceed with
caution and at v ery low speeds.
Grounding or ab ru pt st ops may re-
sult in injury to you, your passengers
or others. Th e jet pump ma y pick up
debris and throw it rea rward causi ng
a risk of injuring people or damaging
the jet pump or other property.
Engine exhaust contains carbon
monoxide (CO), which c a n caus e
injury or death if i nha led in su fficient
quantities. Do not operate the boat
in a confined area or allow CO to ac-
cumulate in or around the boat, or in
enclosed or sheltered a reas. Such
as whe n doc k ed, or when rafting.
Be aw are of risk of CO from exhaust
of other boats .
Educate all occupa nts about the
risks and symptoms of CO accumu-
lation and CO poisonin g, particular-
ly from engine and generator ex -
haust. E duc a t e them about where
engine exhaust outlets (and gen-
erator outlets if so equi pped) a re
located. Regularly inspe ct exhaust
and g enerator system and outlets
for com ponent failures or obstruc-
Combus tion engines need air t o
operate; consequently th is boa t
can not be tota lly wa tertight. Any
maneuvers such as figure eights
that c a us e the upp er deck to be un-
der water may cause severe en-
gine problems due to water inges-
tion. Refer to the
contained in this Opera tor's Guide.