Your safety and that of your passengers
and fellow boaters is YOUR responsibil-
ity. Before launching your boat, you
should completely read and understand
this Operator’s Guide, product warnings
and labels, the Safety Videocassette
and other information provided with
your boat or by your dealer. Heed and
follow all warnings, safety precautions
and operating procedures.
BRP strongly recommends that you
take an approved boating safety course.
Always operate your boat in compliance
with safe boating rules, and with consid-
eration, courtesy and common sense.
Failure to do so could result in injury, in-
cluding the possibility of death, to you,
your passengers, others you lend your
boat to, or other water users.
Safe Boating Checklist
When leaving on a cruise, whether for
an hour or for several days, go through
the following SAFE BOATING Check-
Reminders Regarding
– The performance of this boat may
significantly exceed that of other
boats you may have operated. Be-
come completely familiar with the
controls and operation of this boat
before embarking on your first trip or
taking on a passenger(s). If you have
not had the opportunity to do so, prac-
tice driving solo in a suitable traffic-
free area and feel the response of
each control. Be fully familiar with all
controls before accelerating above
idle speed. Do not assume that all
boats handle identically. Each model
differs, often substantially.
– Always keep in mind that as the
throttle lever is returned to the idle
position, less directional control is
available. To turn the boat , both
steering and throttle are necessary.
– Like any other boat, this boat has no
brake. Stopping distance will vary de-
pending on initial speed, load, wind,
and water conditions. Practice stop-
ping and docking in a safe, traffic-free
area to have an idea of how long it
will take to stop the boat under vary-
ing conditions. Do not release the
throttle when trying to steer away
from objects. You need throttle to
steer. Do not use the boat's reverse
to stop.
– Do not start or operate the boat if any
person is not properly seated in a seat
intended for use when underway (not
the sun deck or swim platform) or if a
person is nearby in the water.
– The boat's jet thrust can cause inju-
ry. Always accelerate slowly, and de-
celerate in a controlled fashion.
– Observe the instructions on all safe-
ty labels. They are there to help as-
sure that you have a safe and enjoy-
able outing.
– Riding with passenger(s) or pulling
other boats, tubes, a skier or a
wakeboarder makes the boat han-
dle differently and requires greater
– Certain boats may come equipped
with tow eyelets, a ski pole or a
wakeboard tower which can be used
to attach a tow rope for a skier, tube
or wakeboarder. Do not use these at-
tachment points or any other portion
of the boat to tow a parasail or anoth-
er craft. Personal injury or severe
damage may occur.
– In shallow water, proceed with cau-
tion and at very low speeds. Ground-
ing or abrupt stops may result in in-
jury to you, your passengers or
others. The jet pump may pick up
debris and throw it rearward causing
a risk of injuring people or damaging
the jet pump or other property.
lmo2005_002a.book Page 10 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 3:44 PM