Beko DFN38450W User manual

User manual
tüm siyah yazılar matbaaya giderken
Atılım rması basıyor
Instruction Manual
tüm siyah yazılar matbaaya giderken
Atılım rması basıyor
This product was manufactured using the latest technology in environmentally friendly conditions.
Please read ths user manual frst!
Dear Customer,
We hope that you get the best results from the product whch has been
manufactured n state-of-the-art plants and passed through a strct qualty
control procedure.
Therefore, please read the entre user manual carefully before usng the
product and keep t as a reference for future use. In case of transferrng the
product to someone else, gve the manual as well.
The user manual wll help you use your product n a fast and safe way.
• Read the user manual before nstallng and startng your product.
• Always follow the safety nstructons.
• Keep ths user manual wthn easy reach for future reference.
• Read also the other documents suppled wth the product.
Remember that ths user manual s also applcable for several other models.
Derences between models wll be dentfed n the manual.
Explanaton of symbols
Throughout ths User Manual the followng symbols are used:
Important nformaton or useful hnts about usage
Warnng for hazardous stuatons wth regard to lfe and property
Warnng for electrc shock
Packagng materals of the product are manufactured
from recyclable materals n accordance wth our Natonal
Envronment Regulatons.
Do not dspose of the packagng materals together wth the domestc or other
wastes. Take them to the packagng materal collecton ponts desgnated by
the local authortes.
1. Dshwasher 3
Techncal specfcatons 4
2. Important safety
nstructons 5
General safety 5
Intended use 6
Chldren’s safety 6
3. Installaton 7
Approprate nstallaton locaton 7
Connectng water supply 7
Connecton to the dran 8
Adjustng the feet 9
Aquasafe+ 9
Electrcal connecton 9
Intal use 9
Dsposng of packagng materal 10
Transportaton of the product 10
Complance wth the WEEE Drectve and
Dsposng of the Waste Product: 10
Complance wth RoHS Drectve: 10
4. Prewashng 11
Tps for energy savng 11
Detergent 11
Addng detergent 11
Rnse ad 12
Slverware basket 15
Slverware basket pece 15
Movable slverware basket 15
Collapsble lower
basket wres (2 peces) 16
Collapsble lower
basket wres (4 peces) 16
Collapsble lower
basket wres (6 peces) 17
Collapsble lower
basket wres (4 & 8 peces) 18
Lower basket multpurpose / heght
adjustable servce rack 19
Lower Basket Glass Holder 20
SoftTouch Accessory 20
Lower basket bottle wre 20
Upper basket heght adjustable rack 21
Upper basket drawer 21
Upper basket glass support pece 21
Collapsble upper basket wres 22
Collapsble upper basket wres 23
Adjustng the heght of loaded
upper basket 24
Adjustng the heght of
loaded upper basket 25
Adjustng the heght of
empty upper basket 26
Celng slverware basket 27
5. Operatng the product 28
Keys 29
Preparng the machne 29
Programme selecton 29
Auxlary functons 31
Programmng the washng tme 32
Startng the programme 33
Chld (Key) Lock 34
Cancellng the programme 34
Salt ndcator ( ) 34
Rnse Ad ndcator ( ) 34
End of programme 34
Water cut-o warnng 35
Overowng warnng 35
6. Mantenance and cleanng 36
Cleanng the outer surface of the
product 36
Cleanng the nteror of the machne 36
Cleanng the flters 36
Cleanng the hose flter 37
Cleanng the mpellers 37
7. Troubleshootng 39
1.Upper basket wth rack
2.Upper mpeller
3.Lower mpeller
5.Lower basket
6.Control panel
8.Detergent dspenser
9.Slverware basket
10.Lower mpeller slot
11.Salt reservor ld
12.Upper basket ral
13.Celng slverware basket
14.Tabletop (depends on the model)
15.Celng mpeller
16.Fan dryng system (depends on the model)
Techncal specfcatons
Ths product comples wth the followng EU drectves:
Development, producton and sales stages of ths product comply
wth the safety rules ncluded n all pertanng European Communty
2006/95/EC, 2004/108/EC, 93/68/EEC, IEC 60436, EN 50242
Power nput 220-240 V, 50 Hz
Total power consumpton 1800-2100 W
Heater power
1800 W
Total current
(depends on the model)
10 A (see type plate)
Dran pump power
30 W
Water pressure 0.3 –10 bar (= 3 – 100 N/cm = 0.03-1.0 Mpa)
C Techncal specfcatons may be changed wthout pror notce to mprove
the qualty of the product.
C Fgures n ths manual are schematc and may not match the product
C Values stated on the product labels or n the documentaton accompanyng
t are obtaned n laboratory condtons n accordance wth the relevant
standards. Dependng on operatonal and envronmental condtons of the
product, these values may vary.
Note for test nsttutons:
Data requred for performance tests shall be provded upon request. Requests
can be e-maled to the followng address:
Do not forget to provde the code, stock and seral numbers of the product to be
tested n your request e-mal along wth your contact nformaton. Code, stock
and seral numbers of the product s located on the type label attached to the
sde of the door.
Important safety nstructons
Ths secton contans safety
nstructons that wll help to
get protected from rsk of
personal njury or property
damage Falure to follow
these nstructons shall vod
all warrantes.
General safety
• Never place the product
on a carpet-covered oor;
otherwse, lack of arow
beneath the product wll
cause electrcal parts
to overheat. Ths wll
cause problems wth your
• Do not operate the
product f the power
cable / plug s damaged!
Call the Authorsed
Servce Agent.
• Connect the product
to a grounded outlet
protected by a fuse
complyng wth the
values n the “Techncal
specfcatons” table. Do
not neglect to have the
groundng nstallaton
made by a qualfed
electrcan. Manufacturer
shall not be lable for any
damages that wll arse
when the product s used
wthout groundng n
accordance wth the local
• The water supply and
dranng hoses must be
securely fastened and
reman undamaged.
• Unplug the product when
not n use.
• Never wash the product
by spreadng or pourng
water onto t! There s the
rsk of electrc shock!
• Never touch the plug
wth wet hands! Never
unplug by pullng on the
cable, always pull out by
grabbng the plug.
• The product must
be unplugged
durng nstallaton,
mantenance, cleanng
and reparng procedures.
• Always have the
nstallaton and reparng
procedures carred out by
the Authorsed Servce
Agent. Manufacturer
shall not be held lable for
damages that may arse
from procedures carred
out by unauthorsed
• Never use chemcal
solvents n the product.
They brng forth rsk of
• When you pull the upper
and lower baskets out
completely, the door
of the product wll bear
all the weght of the
baskets. Do not put
other loads on the door;
otherwse, the product
may tlt.
• Never leave the door
of the product open
apart from loadng and
unloadng procedures.
• Do not to open the door
of the product when t s
runnng unless necessary.
Be careful for the rush of
hot steam when you need
to open the door.
Intended use
Ths applance s ntended
to be used n household and
smlar applcatons such as:
• sta ktchen areas n
shops, oces and other
workng envronments;
• farm houses;
• by clents n hotels,
motels and other
resdental type
• bed and breakfast type
• Only dshwasher safe
detergents, rnse ads and
addtves must be used.
• The manufacturer waves
any responsblty arsen
from ncorrect usage or
• The servce lfe of your
product s 10 years.
Durng ths perod,
orgnal spare parts wll
be avalable to operate
the applance properly.
• Ths product should
not be used by persons
wth physcal, sensory
or mental dsorders
or unlearned or
nexperenced people
(ncludng chldren)
unless they are attended
by a person who wll be
responsble for ther
safety or who wll nstruct
them accordngly for use
of the product.
Chldren’s safety
• Electrcal products
are dangerous for the
chldren. Keep chldren
away from the product
when t s n use. Do not
let them to tamper wth
the product.
• Do not forget to close the
door of the product when
leavng the room where t
s located.
• Store all detergents and
addtves n a safe place
away from the reach of
the chldren.
Refer to the nearest Authorsed
Servce Agent for nstallaton of your
product. To make the product ready
for use, make sure that the electrcty,
tap water supply and water dranage
systems are approprate before
callng the Authorsed Servce
Agent. If they are not, call a qualfed
techncan and plumber to have any
necessary arrangements carred out.
C Preparation of the location and
electrical, tap water and waste
water installations at the place of
installation is under customer's
B Installation and electrical
connections must be carried out
by the Authorised Service Agent.
Manufacturer shall not be held
liable for damages that may arise
from procedures carried out by
unauthorised persons.
B Prior to installation, visually check
if the product has any defects on
it. If so, do not have it installed.
Damaged products cause risks for
your safety.
A Make sure that the water inlet
and discharge hoses are not
folded, pinched or crushed while
pushing the product into its place
after installation or cleaning
When placing the product, pay
attention not to damage the floor,
walls, piping, etc. Do not hold the
product from its door or panel to
move it.
Approprate nstallaton
· Place the product on a sold and
at oor that has sucent load
carryng capacty! The product
must be nstalled on a at surface
n order for the door to be closed
comfortably and securely.
· Do not nstall the product at
places where temperature may
fall below 0ºC.
· Place the product at least 1 cm
away from the edges of other
· Place the product on a rgd oor.
Do not place t on a long ple rug
or smlar surfaces.
A Do not place the product on the
power cable.
· Make sure that you select a
locaton that wll allow you to
load and unload the dshes n a
fast and comfortable manner.
· Install the product n a place close
to the tap and the dran hole.
Select the nstallaton locaton
by consderng that t wll not be
changed after the connectons
are made.
Connectng water supply
C We recommend attaching a filter
on the house/apartment supply
water inlet to protect the machine
from damages that may arise
from impurities (sand, dirt, rust,
etc.) coming from the urban water
supply system or from your own
water system as well as to prevent
complaints such as yellowing or
Connecton to the dran
Water dscharge hose can drectly
be connected to the dran hole or
snk’s dranage. The length of ths
connecton must be mn. 50 cm and
max. 100 cm from the oor.
A dscharge hose longer than 4
meters causes drty washng.
Attach the water dscharge hose to
the dranppe wthout bendng t.
Tghtly fx the water dscharge hose
to the dranppe n order to prevent
any dslocaton of the water dscharge
hose durng operaton of the product.
C Dranppe must be connected to
the sewage system and t should
not be connected to any surface
sludge accumulation at the end of
Permtted water temperature: up
to 25°C
The dshwasher may not be
connected to open warm water
devces or ow-through water
• Do not use old or used water nlet
hose on the new product. Use the
new water nlet hose suppled
wth the product.
• Connect the water nlet hose
drectly to the water tap.
Pressure comng from the tap
should be mnmum 0.3 and
maxmum 10 bars. If the water
pressure exceeds 10 bars, a
pressure relef valve should be
nstalled n between.
C Use a screw-on hose connector to
connect the water nlet hose to a
water tap wth a ¾ nch external
thread. If requred, use a flter
nsert to flter deposts from the
• Open the taps completely after
makng the connectons to check
for water leaks.
A For your safety, close the water
nlet tap completely after the
washng programme s over.
Adjustng the feet
If the door of the product cannot
be closed properly or f the product
swngs when you push t slghtly,
then you need to adjust the feet
of the product. Adjust the feet of
the product as llustrated n the
nstallaton manual suppled wth the
(depends on the model)
Protect the Aquasafe+ system
aganst water leaks that may occur
at hose nlet. Water contact wth
the valve box of the system must
be prevented. Otherwse, electrcal
assembly wll get damaged. If the
Aquasafe system s damaged, unplug
the product and call the Authorsed
Servce Agent.
A As the hose set contains electrical
connections and assemblies,
never shorten or lengthen the
hose with extension hoses.
Electrcal connecton
Connect the product to a grounded
outlet protected by a fuse complyng
wth the values n the "Techncal
specfcatons" table. Manufacturer
shall not be lable for any damages
that wll arse when the product
s used wthout groundng n
accordance wth the local regulatons.
• Connecton must comply wth
natonal regulatons.
• Power cable plug must be wthn
easy reach after nstallaton.
A Unplug the product after the
washng programme s over.
• The voltage and allowed fuse or
breaker protecton are specfed
n the “Techncal specfcatons”
secton. If the current value of
the fuse or breaker n the house
s less than 16 Amps, have a
qualfed electrcan nstall a 16
Amp fuse.
• The specfed voltage must be
equal to your mans voltage.
• Do not make connectons va
extenson cables or mult-plugs.
B Damaged power cables must
be replaced by the Authorsed
Servce Agent.
B If the product has a falure, t
should not be operated unless
t s repared by the Authorsed
Servce Agent! There s the rsk of
electrc shock!
Intal use
Before startng to use the product,
make sure that all preparatons
are made n accordance wth the
nstructons n sectons "Important
safety nstructons" and "Installaton".
• To prepare the product to do the
dshes, perform frst operaton
n the shortest programme wth
detergent whle the machne s
empty. Durng the ntal use, fll
the salt reservor wth 1 ltre of
water pror to fllng t wth salt.
C Some water mght have remaned
n the product due to the
qualty control processes n the
producton. It s not harmful for
the product.
Dsposng of packagng
Packagng materals are dangerous to
chldren. Keep packagng materals n
a safe place away from reach of the
Package nformaton
Packagng materals of the product
are manufactured from recyclable
materals n accordance wth our
Natonal Envronment Regulatons.
Do not dspose of the packagng
materals together wth the domestc
or other wastes. Take them to the
packagng materal collecton ponts
desgnated by the local authortes.
Transportaton of the
A If you need to move the product,
do t n uprght poston and hold
from the rear sde. Slantng the
product onto ts front sde may
cause the electronc parts n t get
wet and damaged.
1. Unplug the product before
transportng t.
2. Remove water dranage and
water supply connectons.
3. Dran the remanng water n the
product completely.
Complance wth the
WEEE Drectve and
Dsposng of the Waste
Ths product comples wth EU
WEEE Drectve (2012/19/EU). Ths
product bears a classfcaton symbol
for waste electrcal and electronc
equpment (WEEE).
This product has been manufactured
with high quality parts and materials
which can be reused and are suitable
for recycling. Do not dispose of the
waste product with normal domestic
and other wastes at the end of its
service life. Take it to the collection
center for the recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment. Please
consult your local authorities to learn
about these collection centers.
Complance wth RoHS
The product you have purchased
complies with EU RoHS Directive
(2011/65/EU). It does not contain
harmful and prohibited materials
specied in the Directive.
Tps for energy savng
Followng nformaton wll help you
use the product n an ecologcal and
energy-ecent manner.
• Wpe away any coarse food
remnants on the dshes before
puttng them n the product.
• Operate the product after fllng t
• When selectng a programme,
refer to the “Programme Table”.
• Do not put more detergent than
suggested on the detergent
You can use powder or tablet
detergent n the machne.
C Only use n the machne the
detergents produced partcularly
for use wth dshwashers. We
recommend you not to use
detergents that contan chlorne
and phosphate as they are
harmful for the envronment.
C Contact the detergent producer
f the dshes are wet and/or f you
notce lmescale spots partcularly
on glasses after the washng
programme s over.
Addng detergent
C Refer to the “Programme Table”
to determne the correct amount
of detergent for the selected
B Do not put solvents nto the
detergent dspenser. There s the
rsk of exploson!
Put the detergent nto the detergent
dspenser just before operatng the
machne as llustrated below.
1. Push the latch to rght to open the
detergent dspenser ld (A).
2. Put suggested amount of
powder or tablet detergent n the
C Insde the detergent dspenser,
there are level markngs that
help you use approprate
amount of detergent. When
brmful, detergent dspenser wll
contan 40 cm of detergent.
Fll detergent up to 15 cm or 25
cm level marks n the detergent
dspenser accordng to fullness of
the machne and/or solng degree
of the dshes (1).
C If dshes have been watng for a
long tme and have dred resdues,
fll the 5 cm compartment too (5).
1. Open the ld of the rnse ad
reservor by pressng ts latch (B).
2. Fll the reservor untl “MAX” level.
3. Close the ld of the reservor by
pressng on t lghtly.
C Wpe clean any splled rnse ad
outsde the reservor. Rnse ad
that splled accdentally wll cause
foamng and t wll eventually
decrease washng performance.
4. Turn the rnse ad amount
adjuster manually to a poston
between 1 and 6 (4). If there are
stans on tableware tems after
3. Close the detergent dspenser
ld by pressng on t lghtly. A
“clck” wll be heard when the ld s
C In programmes wth prewash and
at hgh temperature, n whch you
use tablet detergents, make sure
that the detergent dspenser ld s
closed frmly.
C Use powder detergent n short
programmes wthout prewash
snce the solublty of the tablet
detergent changes dependng on
the temperature and tme.
A Excessve usage of powder
detergents wll cause the
detergent not dssolve completely
and wll also cause scratches on
the glassware.
Rnse ad
C The rnse ad used n dshwashers
s a specal combnaton used to
ncrease dryng effcency and
prevent water or lmescale stans
on the washed tems. For ths
reason, care must be pad to have
rnse ad n the rnse ad reservor
and to use rnse ads produced
specally for dshwashers only.
Check Rnse Ad Indcator to
determne whether t s necessary
to add rnse ad or not (3). Havng a
dark lght on the ndcator shows that
there s sucent amount of rnse ad
n the dspenser. If the colour of the
ndcator s lght, add rnse ad.
• Place thn, narrow peces n the
mddle sectons of baskets f
• There are two separate baskets
n whch you can place your
dshes n the dshwasher. Place
the heavly soled and bgger
tems n the lower basket and
smaller, delcate and lght tems
n the upper basket.
• Place the hollowed dshes such
as bowls, glasses and pans upsde
down n the dshwasher. Thus,
accumulaton of water n deep
hollows s prevented.
A To prevent possble njures,
always place the sharp and
ponted dshes such as servce
fork, bread knfe, etc. upsde down
so as ther ponted ends wll face
down or they wll le horzontally
on the dsh baskets.
• Unload dshes n the lower basket
frst and then the dshes n the
upper basket.
washng, level must be ncreased
and f there s a blue trace after
wpng them by hand, t must be
decreased. Ths s set to poston 4
as factory default.
Items not sutable for washng n
the dshwasher
• Never wash dshes soled by
cgarette ash, candle remnants,
polsh, dyestu, chemcals, etc. n
your dshwasher.
• Do not wash ron alloy tems
n the dshwasher. It can get
corroded or leave stans on other
• Do not wash slverware and
cutlery wth wooden or bone
stems, glued peces, or peces
that are not resstant to heat,
as well as copper and tn-plated
contaners n the dshwasher.
C Decoratve prnts of chnaware as
well as alumnum and slver tems
may get dscoloured or tarnshed
after washng n the dshwasher
just as t happens n handwashng
as well. Some delcate glass types
and crystals may become dull n
tme. We strongly recommend
you to check f the tableware you
are gong to purchase s sutable
for washng especally n the
Placng the dshes nto the
You can use your dshwasher n the
optmum way wth respect to energy
consumpton and washng and dryng
performance only f you place the
dshes n an orderly way.
• Wpe away any coarse food
remnants (bones, seeds, etc.) on
the dshes before placng them n
the dshwasher.
Suggestons for loadng the
Lower basket
Upper basket
Improper Loadng Of Dshware
Improper Loadng Of Dshware
Slverware basket
(depends on the model)
Slverware basket s desgned to wash
your dshes such as fork, spoon and
etc. n a cleaner manner.
Slverware basket pece
(depends on the model)
You can place your forks, spoons
and etc. to upper basket wth the
addtonal pece n the fgure.
Movable slverware basket
(depends on the model)
Snce the cutlery basket can be
moved (A, B), you can create a wder
space whle placng your dshes to the
lower basket and free up space for
your dshes n derent szes.
Collapsble lower basket
wres (4 peces)
(depends on the model)
The four pece foldable wres located
at the lower basket of the machne
are desgned for an easer placement
of large peces such as pans, bowls,
etc. (1, 2, 3, 4). You can create
larger spaces by foldng each wre
ndvdually or all of them at once. Lay
the foldable wres down by pressng
on the latch (A).
Collapsble lower basket
wres (2 peces)
(depends on the model)
The two pece foldable wres located
at the lower basket of the machne
are desgned for an easer placement
of large peces such as pans, bowls,
etc. (1, 2).
You can create larger spaces by
foldng each wre ndvdually or all of
them at once. Lay the foldable wres
down by pressng on the latch (A).
Collapsble lower basket
wres (6 peces)
(depends on the model)
The foldable wres (A) located at
the lower basket of the machne are
desgned for an easer placement
of large peces such as pans, bowls,
etc. You can create larger spaces by
foldng each wre ndvdually or all
them at once.
To brng the collapsble wres nto
horzontal poston, grab the wre
from md poston and push them n
the drectons of arrows (B) To brng
the wres back to vertcal poston,
just lft them up. Collapsble wres wll
clck nto the latch agan.
Bringing the wires to the
horizontal position byholding
them from the tips may cause
them to bend. Therefore, it will be
appropriate to bring the wires in
the middle to horizontal or vertical
position by holding them from
their stems and pishing in the
direction of arrow.
Collapsble lower basket
wres (4 & 8 peces)
(depends on the model)
The foldable wres (A) located at
the lower basket of the machne are
desgned for an easer placement
of large peces such as pans, bowls,
etc. You can create larger spaces by
foldng each wre ndvdually or all
them at once.
To brng the collapsble wres nto
horzontal poston, grab the wre
from md poston and push them n
the drectons of arrows (B) To brng
the wres back to vertcal poston,
just lft them up. Collapsble wres wll
clck nto the latch agan (C).
Bringing the wires to the
horizontal position byholding
them from the tips may cause
them to bend. Therefore, it will be
appropriate to bring the wires in
the middle to horizontal or vertical
position by holding them from
their stems and pishing in the
direction of arrow.
Lower basket multpurpose
/ heght adjustable servce
(depends on the model)
Ths accessory located at the lower
basket of the machne allows you
to easly wash peces such as extra
glasses, long ladles and bread knves.
To close the racks:
1. Fold the rack (A).
2. Slide the rack up (B).
3. Put the rack in vertical position (C).
4. Slide the rack down and lock it
with the tabs (D).
Perform the same process in
reverse order to open the racks.
To adjust the heght of the racks:
1. Fold the rack (E).
2. Slide the rack up (F).
3. Open the rack at the desired level
Make sure that the impeller does
not touch the dishes you placed
on the racks.
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Beko DFN38450W User manual

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