All rights r eserv ed.All rights r eserv ed.
giantintl@ca llcen giantintl@ca llcen giantintl@ca llcen giantintl@ca llcen
Some st ates an d juris diction s do not all ow the limitat ion or exclusi on Some st ates an d juris diction s do not all ow the limitat ion or exclusi on
of inci dental or cons equenti al da mages, or limi tation on the length of of inci dental or cons equen tial da mages, or limi tation on the lengt h of
an impl ied war ranty, so the above li mitatio ns or e xclusio ns may not an impl ied war ranty, so the above li mitatio ns or e xclusio ns may not
apply t o you. This wa rranty gives you sp ecific legal r ights, and you may apply t o you. This wa rranty gives you sp ecific legal r ights, and you may
also ha ve othe r right s that vary from st ate to state o r from one also ha ve othe r right s that vary from st ate to state o r from one
jurisdi ction t o anoth er.jurisdi ction t o anoth er.