ORTUR B08CBV9FQ2 User manual

  • Hello! I'm here to assist you with the Laser Master 2 Grounding Guide. This document details how to mitigate static electricity issues, which may interrupt your engraving operations. It covers necessary tools, supplies, and various methods for grounding, including simple to advanced options. I have read through the document and am ready to answer your questions.
  • What causes static electricity build-up in the Laser Master 2?
    What can happen if static electricity isn't properly addressed?
    What are the three methods for grounding the Laser Master 2?
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
ORTUR ORTUR Grounding Guide
10 February 2021
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Ortur Laser Master 2 Grounding Advisory
Release Date: 10-02-2021
Ortur Action Advice: Recommended
Some users have been reporting and experiencing Static Electricity build up in their
machines while in use, especially on raster engraving operations.
This build up of Static Electricity can become severe to the point that its discharge -
via the 12v rail - can cause the motherboard to reset. Therefore causing interrupted
engraving operations (Alarm 3/Connection Lost errors).
In extreme circumstances the static build up might lead to hardware damage.
Although the number of users aected by this situation is statistically low, Ortur will
implement mitigation changes in the hardware to address this issue.
The guide below explains how to implement similar mitigating actions on machines
that are already in users hands.
Detailed Information:
What causes the problem
The Ortur Laser Master 2 is built from mix materials; Aluminium rails, Plastic
Wheels and Rubber belts.
On peculiar environmental circumstances - mostly based on cold weather and dry
air - the motion of the machine itself while performing engraving operations will
cause static electricity to build up on the frame, by the interaction between the
plastic wheels and rubber belt on the aluminium frame.
This electrical static charge - which would under normal circumstances dissipate
to the surrounding air naturally, creates a feedback loop eect, increasing the
voltage dierential in the frame to very high levels.
After reaching a certain threshold, the static charge will nd the path of least
resistance to discharge, and in the case of the Ortur Laser Master 2, this path is
through the Motherboard and the 12v rail.
Ultimately this surge causes an EMI pulse that forces the motherboard to reset,
leading to connection losses and interruptions in the engraving operations.
In extreme rare conditions, the continuous and cyclical discharge can cause
hardware failures, specially in the Ortur Motherboard.
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Tools and supplies Requirements
All the required tools and supplies required to perform the grounding operation
are fairly inexpensive and should be readily available.
In this guide we will be providing Amazon searchable keywords for ease of use,
however most DIY brick and mortar stores should carry all required supplies
In terms of skill sets, it is a fairly straight forward operation and should be easily
performed by any user.
This guide will cover 3 methods of grounding the ORTUR LASER MASTER 2:
Recommended, Simplied and Advanced method. All three methods will achieve
the same goals, although the skill and supplies/tools required vary between them.
We created a complementary instructional video that should clarify any doubts.
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-SOoGuqgjU
Supplies Requirements
Stranded Speaker Wire - REQUIRED
Gauge: 0.5mm - 22AWG
Length : 5 Meters - 15 Feet
Search Terms:
USA - speaker wire 22 gauge 15 feet
EU/UK- speaker wire 0.5mm 5 meter
Cable Ties / Zip Ties- REQUIRED
Width: 2mm
Length : 150mm
Search Terms:
USA/EU/UK- cable ties 2mm
Ring Terminals M5 - RECOMMENDED
Ring: 5mm
Quantity: 4 Needed, 10 recommended
Search Terms:
USA/EU/UK- Ring terminal M5
ESD Ground Coupling Plug with POST- RECOMMENDED
Region Specic, be certain to obtain the one for your location
Search Terms:
USA - Universal Ground 3 Prong Outlet Earth Connection
EU/UK - ESD Earth Bonding Plug post
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Tool Requirements
Wire Cutters - REQUIRED
Search Terms:
USA - Flush Wire cutters
EU/UK- Flush Wire cutters
Phillips Screw Driver - REQUIRED
Search Terms:
USA - Phillips Screw Driver
EU/UK- Phillips Screw Driver
Ortur Cable Tool - RECOMMENDED
Search Terms:
USA/EU/UK- Tidy Wire Organizing Spiral Wrap Guide Tool
Digital Multimeter - RECOMMENDED
Search Terms:
USA/EU/UK- Digital Multimeter Continuity Tester
Wire Stripper Tool - RECOMMENDED
Search Terms:
USA - Multi Size Wire Stranded Stripper Tool
EU/UK- Wire Stranded Stripper Tool
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Wiring Harness Preparation
Prepare your work environment
Make sure your Ortur Laser Master 2 is disconnected
from power and usb, and set on a at table that allows
room to work freely.
In this step the Wire Cutters, Cable Stripper and the
Speaker Wire will be required to create the main wire
Step #1
Unroll Speaker Wire.
Use the front cover of your Ortur Laser Master 2 as a ruler.
Measure and cut 11cm / 4 Inches of Speaker Wire.
Cable Cutting
Step #2
Unroll more Speaker Wire.
Use the Diagonal length of your Ortur Laser Master 2 as a
Measure and cut 68cm / 27 Inches of Speaker Wire.
Step #3
Unroll more Speaker Wire.
This step varies based on the distance of your Ortur Laser
Master 2 to the closest Earth/Grounding point.
We recommend at least 2.5m / 100 Inches of Speaker Wire.
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Step #1
Use the cut length 11cm / 4 Inches of Speaker Wire.
Split the 2 strands from the Speaker Wire.
Only one will be necessary. Discard remainder.
Speaker Wire splitting
Step #2
Use the cut length 68cm / 11 Inches of Speaker Wire.
Split the 2 strands from the Speaker Wire through the whole
Speaker Wire Insulation Stripping
Step #1
Use your Ortur Laser Master 2 aluminium extrusion as a
ruler and measure 2 cm / 0.6 Inches on the end of each cut
and split Speaker Wire strand.
This step must be repeated on all strands.
Step #2
Use your Wire Stripper Tool or the Wire Cutter to Remove 2
cm / 0.6 Inches of the wire insulation from the end of each cut
and split Speaker Wire strand.
This step must be repeated on all strands.
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Step #3
Twist tightly the exposed laments of the stripped Speaker
Wire strands.
This step must be repeated on all strands.
Step #4
Once the above steps are nalized there should be:
1x Strand of 11cm / 4 Inches
2x Strands of 68cm / 11 inches
1x Strand of 2.5 Meters / 100 Inches
Speaker Wire Crimping / Joining
Step #1
Join and twist tightly the exposed
laments of the stripped Speaker
Wire in sequence to complete the
wiring combination shown in the
In case of doubts on how to perform
this step correctly, please refer to
video reference hyper-link on Page
3, from the 6 minute and 10 seconds
For the simplied methods of grounding, this is the nal step on the wiring harness
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Step #2
Bend the exposed twisted laments in half, forming a tight U
This step should be performed on all exposed lament with
the exception of the short single 11cm / 4 Inches lament
end. (Refer to step #5 image)
Step #3
Insert Ring Terminal over exposed lament.
This step should be performed on all exposed laments with
the exception of the short single 11cm / 4 Inches lament
end. (Refer to step #5 image)
Step #4
Use your Wire Stripper Tool to crimp rmly the Ring
This step should be performed on all exposed laments with
the exception of the short single 11cm / 4 Inches lament
end. (Refer to step #5 image)
Step #5
Once all steps are completed the wire
harness should look like the shown in
the image.
Note: One additional Ring Terminal is
required for the Earth Coupling Wire
2.5m / 100 Inches Wire.
In case of doubts on how to perform
this step correctly, please refer to
video reference on Page 3, from the 4
minute and 10 seconds mark.
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Wiring the Grounding Harness to Laser Module
Step #1
Use Phillips Screw Driver to remove the top left screw from
the Laser Module.
Step #2
Guide the screw through the single wire strand Ring
Terminal and slide it back into the Laser Module.
Use your Phillips Screw Driver to tight back the screw into
the Laser Module.
Warning: Do Not Over Tighten.
Step #2 (Simplied Grounding Method)
Wrap tightly the single wire strand, in a clock wise direction
around the top left screw of the Laser Module.
Use your Phillips Screw Driver to tight back the screw into
the Laser Module.
Warning: Do Not Over Tighten.
Guide ground wire towards the back of the Ortur Laser Master 2.
Aim for the direction of the X Stepper Motor Connector
Step #1 (Simplied Grounding Method)
Loosen the top left screw without fully removing it.
Cable Ties / Zip Ties Removal
Step #1
Carefully use your Wire Cutters to cut and
remove the cable ties highlighted with the 4
boxes in the image.
Make sure this process is done carefully,
in order to avoid damaging Ortur Laser
Master 2 main Harness.
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Wiring the Grounding Harness to Y Axis Carriage Assembly
Step #1
Use Phillips Screw Driver to remove the right most screw
from the Y Axis Acrylic Bracket.
Step #2
Guide the screw through the dual wire strand Ring
Terminal and slide it back into the Y Axis Acrylic Bracket.
Use your Phillips Screw Driver to tight back the screw into
the Y Axis Acrylic Bracket.
Warning: Do Not Over Tighten.
Step #2 (Simplied Grounding Method)
Wrap tightly the dual wire strand, in a clock wise direction
around the right most screw of the Y Axis Acrylic Bracket.
Use your Phillips Screw Driver to tight back the screw into
the Y Axis Acrylic Bracket.
Warning: Do Not Over Tighten.
Guide ground wire towards the bottom of the Ortur Laser Master 2.
Aim for the direction of the Y Stepper Motor Connector
Step #1 (Simplied Grounding Method)
Loosen the right most screw without fully removing it.
Wiring the Grounding Harness to Ortur Frame
Step #1
Use Phillips Screw Driver to remove the left side screw of
the Motherboard Mount.
Step #1 (Simplied Grounding Method)
Loosen the left side screw of the Motherboard Mount.
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Step #2
Guide the screw through the short wire strand Ring
Terminal and slide it back into the Motherboard Mount.
Use your Phillips Screw Driver to tight back the screw into
the Motherboard Mount.
Warning: Do Not Over Tighten.
Step #2 (Simplied Grounding Method)
Bend the short wire strand in a wide U shape. Loop the U
shape around left side screw of the Motherboard Mount.
Use your Phillips Screw Driver to tight back the screw into
the Motherboard Mount.
Warning: Do Not Over Tighten.
Guide ground wire towards the left of the Ortur Laser Master 2.
Aim for the direction of the limit switch.
Wiring the Grounding Harness to Y Limit Switch
Step #1
Press down on the Y Limit Switch to hold it in place and pull
the Black Wire connector until it slides out.
Note: Depending on your original wiring, the position of
the black wire might be dierent from shown in image.
Make sure however you remove Black wire connector.
Step #2
Hold the short grounding wire on the side of the Y Limit
Switch connector.
Use the Y Limit Switch connector as a ruler to prepare to cut
the Speaker Wire Filament to length.
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Step #3
Use your Wire Cutters to cut and Speaker Wire Filament to
length the same length of the Y Limit Switch connector.
This dimension is not critical but should be roughly 5mm or
0.2 inches.
Step #4
Guide Ground Wire under the remaining Y Limit Switch
This will allow cable managing to be easier on the future
steps and facilitates Step #5 and Step #6
Step #5
Insert Ground Wire lament fully into
the black Limit Switch connector.
Proceed by bending the Ground Wire
on itself or 90º.
Step #6
Guide the Limit Switch connector back to its original
Press down on the Y Limit Switch to hold it in place and
slide the Black Wire connector until it is fully inserted.
Step #7
Although polarity on Y Limit Switch isn’t relevant for this
application, in case of doubt ensure:
Hinge terminal (marked 1) of Limit Switch = Red Wire
Centre terminal (marked 3) of Limit switch = Black Wire
Terminal (marked 2) of Limit switch = Unused
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Wiring the Earth Wire to Ortur Chassis / Frame
Step #1
Use Phillips Screw Driver to remove
the Left side screw from the Ortur
Laser Master 2 Frame.
Step #2
Guide the screw through the Earth Coupling Wire Ring
Terminal and slide it back into the Ortur Laser Master 2
Use your Phillips Screw Driver to tight the screw rmly back
into the Ortur Laser Master 2 Frame.
Cable Management - Harnesses Combining
Step #1
Hold Ortur Laser Master 2 Cable Harness rmly.
Pull back the Plastic Cables Protector whole holding the
connectors near the Laser Module until around 10cm or 4
inches of cables are exposed
Step #2
Open and clip your Ortur Cable Tool around the exposed
wires. Make sure all wires are combined:
-X Stepper Motor wire
-Laser Module Wire
-Ground Wire
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Step #3
Guide Plastic Cables Protector over
the Ortur Cable Tool.
Slide the Ortur Cable Tool through
the full length of the Plastic Cable
Steps #1 to #3 should be repeated on the Ortur Laser Master 2 Cable Harness that
links the Y stepper Motor location and the Motherboard.
In case of doubts on how to perform these step, please refer to video reference
hyper-link on Page 3, from the 14 minute mark.
Cable Management - Cable Ties
Step #1
Slide an 2mm Zip Tie/ Cable Tie through the small hole
in the acrylic plate and tie down the New combined Cable
Harness rmly. Cut the excess Cable Tie with Wire Cutter.
Once done, Check that Laser Module and Stepper Motor
connectors are fully and rmly seated in.
Step #2
Slide the two 2mm Zip Tie/ Cable Tie through the small holes
in the acrylic plate and tie down the New combined Cable
Harness rmly. Cut the excess Cable Tie with Wire Cutter.
Once done, Check that Pinboard and Stepper Motor
connectors are fully and rmly seated in.
Step #3
Slide an 2mm Zip Tie/ Cable Tie through the small holes
in the acrylic plate and tie down the New combined Cable
Harness rmly. Cut the excess Cable Tie with Wire Cutter.
Once done, Check that all connectors are fully and rmly
seated into the Ortur Motherboard.
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Multimeter Continuity Test - Optional Step
Step #1
Turn on your Multimeter and set it into
Continuity mode.
The setting to be used might dier from
brand to brand but is usually indicated
by the sign in the image on the Right
Step #2
Touch the Top Left screw on the Laser Module (5) with one
of the Black Multimeter Probe.
With the Red Probe Touch all the below identied points.
Grounding Procedure will be conrmed successful if
Multimeter Beeps on each probe test.
1 - Ortur Frame - Earth Ground Point
2 - Right most Y Axis Acrylic Bracket
3 - Y Limit Switch - Black Wire
4 - Ortur Motherboard USB Shell
5 - Laser Module
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Coupling Ortur Laser Master 2 to Earth
With the Grounding procedure complete, and now that the whole components of
Ortur Laser Master 2 are connected and grounded, the last step is to ground the
whole machine to Electrical Ground/Earth.
There are multiple ways to achieve this goal. However, with user safety in mind
we recommend that a ESD Ground Coupling Plug be used. (Please refer to the
Supplies List for information. Ensure the ESD Ground Coupling Plug is the Post
These ESD Ground Coupling Plug allow connection to the Mains Electrical Grid
without any electrical hazard as the Live and Neutral connections are Plastic.
Only the connector to Ground/Earth is conductive metal.
Below a diagram of the Ground Coupling connection between Ortur Laser
Master 2 and Several Regional ESD Ground Coupling Plug.
Important to note, each world Region; UK, US, EU has its own wall plug variant,
therefore the right type of ESD Ground Coupling Plug is required for your
particular Region.
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Advanced Grounding Method
Ortur Laser Master 2 Grounding Advisory
Stranded Speaker Wire - REQUIRED
Gauge: 0.5mm - 22AWG
Length : 5 Meters - 15 Feet
Search Terms:
USA - speaker wire 22 gauge 15 feet
EU/UK- speaker wire 0.5mm 5 meter
Supplies Requirements
Tool Requirements
Wire Cutters - REQUIRED
Search Terms:
USA - Flush Wire cutters
EU/UK- Flush Wire cutters
Phillips Screw Driver - REQUIRED
Search Terms:
USA - Phillips Screw Driver
EU/UK- Phillips Screw Driver
Micro Screwdriver 1mm - REQUIRED
Search Terms:
USA - Micro Screwdriver 1mm
EU/UK- Micro Screwdriver 1mm
Single Core Wire- REQUIRED
Gauge: 0.25mm - 30AWG
Length : 30 cm - 1 Feet
Search Terms:
USA - single core wire 30awg
EU/UK- single core wire 0.25mm
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Step #1
Unroll Single Core Wire.
Use the front cover of your Ortur Laser Master 2 as a ruler.
Measure and cut Two strands of 11cm / 4 Inches of Single
Core Wire.
Step #2
Unroll Single Core Wire.
Use the front cover of your Ortur Laser Master 2 as a ruler.
Measure and cut a strand Half the length. 5cm / 2 Inches of
Single Core Wire.
Single Core Wire Insulation Stripping
Step #1
Use your Ortur Laser Master 2 aluminium extrusion as a
ruler and measure HALF its Thickness, or 1 cm / 0.3 Inches
on the end of each side of the strand of Single Core Wire.
This step must be repeated on all strands.
Step #2
Use your Wire Stripper Tool or the Wire Cutter to Remove
1cm / 0.3 Inches of the wire insulation from the end of each
Single Core Wire strand.
This step must be repeated on all strands.
Single Core Wire Cutting
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Wiring the Grounding Harness to Laser Module
Step #1
Unplug Laser Cable from Laser Module.
Identify in the white connector the Ground Wire
GRD - Black Wire
Step #2
Using the Micro Screwdriver, gently press the metal latch on
the back of the connector in order to release the metal pin.
Please note that this is a delicate operation and needs to be
performed with care, to avoid connector damage.
Step #3
Using the Micro Screwdriver, gently guide the pin back and
remove it from the plastic connector enclosure
Step #4
Wrap the stripped end of the 5cm/2 Inches Single Core Wire
around the Ground metal connector, making sure is rmly
Although outside the scope of this guide, a small solder point
on this connection of the wires would be preferable.
Step #5
Gently slide back the metal pin into the plastic connector.
With the help if the Micro Screwdriver conrm the metal
latch identied on Step #2 is engaged.
Conrm by gently pulling the metal pin is fully secure inside
the connector and is at no risk of sliding out.
Dongguan Ortur Intelligent Technologies Co., Ltd.
No. 56 Maxin Road, Changping Town, Dongguan 523565, Guangdong Province, China
Step #7
Gently slide back the metal pin into the plastic connector.
With the help if the Micro Screwdriver conrm the metal
latch identied on Step #2 is engaged.
Conrm by gently pulling the metal pin is fully secure inside
the connector and is at no risk of sliding out.
Step #6
Connect Laser Cable back into Laser Module.
Use the Phillips Screw Driver to lightly unscrew one of the
closest screws on the Laser Module Acrylic plate.
Loosen this crew enough to be able to slide Single Core
Wire underneath.
Step #8
Wrap tightly the Single Core Wire, in a clock wise direction
around the top left screw of the Laser Module.
Use your Phillips Screw Driver to tight back the screw into
the Laser Module.
Warning: Do Not Over Tighten.
Wiring the Grounding Harness to Pinboard V3
Step #1
Unplug Connector from Pinboard V3.
Step #2
Identify the Connector that represents the GRD wire
Do note: GRD wire is the second from left to right,
when the Connector plastic latch is facing down.
Imperative to identify the correct wire