(2) BPS (transmission speed) setting
Designate any level from 1200, 2400, and 4800 bps to meet the
transmission speed of the host computer. If multiple units are used,
set them all at the same speed.
(3) DATA (Data bit length, parity) setting
Select the data bit length, parity, stop bit length from the following, to be set in
conformity with the host computer.
0: Data 7 bits, even parity, stop bit 1
1: Data 8 bits, no parity, stop bit 1
If multiple units are used, set them all with the same values.
2. Operation Mode Setting
Three types of CN3800 operation modes, as shown below, are available. Each
mode has a different communication condition.
1. LOC mode (Data setting is executed by operating front keys.)
2. EXT mode (Data setting is executed by external control input “DI”.)