Prostat PRV-815, PRV-813 User manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user manual for the PROSTAT Electrode Verifier PRV-813. This document provides detailed guidance on how to use the device for assessing electrode flatness and total resistance. It includes information on the device's design, preparations, and measurement procedures. I'm ready to answer any questions you might have about the PRV-813.
  • What is the PRV-813 used for?
    What are the two sides of the PRV-813 used for?
    What is the typical resistance range when measuring electrode flatness?
    What is the typical resistance range when measuring electrode total resistance?
User Manual
SecƟ on Topic Page
I. Introduc on 4
II. Using the PRV-813 Fixture for measuring Electrode Flatness 5
III. Using the PRV-813 Fixture for measuring Electrode Total Resistance 8
General Speci ca ons 10
Table of Contents
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4Rev. A / May 2016
PRV-813 Conduc ve Rubber Electrode Veri er
I. IntroducƟ on
The PRV-813 is a two-sided xture designed to assess the atness of
conduc ve rubber electrodes, and their total resistance to surfaces
under test. While virtually all 5 pound, 2.5 inch electrodes in industry
are perfect when delivered to their end users, over me they may
change considerably. Varia on in electrodes may be due to extreme
use, contamina on, poor storage or ambient condi ons, general
wear, rough handling, and degrada on over me.
This is not a cri cism of electrodes or their manufacturers. Rather,
electrode degrada on is a reality. Over 70% of all audit and periodic
veri ca on measurements made in support of ANSI/ESD S20.20 and
IEC ESD Program Standards are conducted using 5 pound, 2.5 inch
electrodes. Consequently, a set of electrodes may be required to
make several thousand measurements each year. Rarely are these
important xtures assessed for resis ve performance or atness.
The PRV-813 is intended for use by ESD Prac oners and material
suppliers for the Quali ca on of products, surfaces and materials to
current industry standards.
Fixture Design Concept for Flatness Indica on
The upper test surface is a blue masked, extra thick printed circuit
board (PCB) assembly consis ng of 20 test pads each connected to 10
megohm (1.0x107) ±1% resistors. See Figure 1, above. The 20 resis-
tors are a ached to each other in parallel.
If all 20 pads are connected together, comple ng the parallel
circuit, the total resistance of the xture will range from 4.95x105
to 5.05x105 ohms.
• When a at conduc ve electrode is placed on the xture, it com-
pletes the parallel circuit by contac ng all 20 test pads on the PCB.
With the electrode connected to an ohmmeter, if the total resis-
tance of the electrode and xture measures within the range of
the xture, i.e., from 4.95x105 to 5.05x105 ohms, the electrode’s
contact surface is rela vely at as compared to the xture para
meters, i.e. 5.0 x 105 ±1%
If the electrode’s total resistance is greater than 5.05x105, but less than 5.25x105 ohms, the elec-
trode is within 5% of the xture’s parameters for indicated atness.
Higher resistance indicates that the electrode’s contact surface is not making posi ve contact with
one or more xture pads and may require dressing before using the electrode for material quali -
ca on purposes.
The Flatness por on of the xture has its own dedicated instrument connec on in the xture’s center
black ring next to the serial number label
Figure 1: PRV-813 with Blue Flatness
Test Surface and 20 test pads shown.
Note the xture connecƟ on in the
center spacer next to the xture’s
Figure 2: Standard 5 lb., 2.5”
Electrode used for Qualifying
and Verifying Resistance of ESD
Controlled surfaces and mobile
Rev. A / May 2016
PRV-813 Conduc ve Rubber Electrode Veri er
B. Fixture Design for Measuring Electrode resistance
The xture’s second side is a heavy, polished, nickel plated brass test bed. This test surface is used
to measure the total resistance of the electrode. Industry stan-
dards require that the total resistance of 2 electrodes on a metal
plate shall be less than 1,000 ohms. [Ref: ANSI/ESD S4.1 Worksur-
faces] Thus, one electrode on a metal test bed shall be less than
500 ohms. When evaluated on the PRV-813 most new, good quality
electrodes measure far less than 100 ohms.
Note that the PRV-813’s metal test bed will indicate a much lower
resistance than general metal plates found in the industry. Stan-
dard test beds supplied with many resistance instruments are
made of brushed stainless steel, o en shipped with a protec ve
lm on the test surface. The brushed surface considerably in-
creases contact resistance, and the adhesive from the protec ve
lm o en leaves insula ve contamina on on the test surface.
Consequently, an electrode measured for resistance on a standard
brushed stainless test bed may measure 200 ohms, while its resis-
tance measurement on the PRV-813’s polished test bed may be less
than 30 ohms. The polished resistance test bed has its own dedi-
cated instrument connec on in the edge of the test bed, opposite
of the atness instrument connec on
II. Using the PRV-813 Fixture for measuring Electrode Flatness
The PRV-813 is used in conjunc on with a precision resistance instrument and test leads, which are
not supplied. For the best accuracy, the instrument should be a digital unit with a nominal accuracy
of <±5%, and capable of displaying resistance to two decimal places. The instrument should have a
minimum measurement range of equal to or less than 1.00 ohms to greater than 1.00x109 ohms. For
Flatness measurements, typical measurements are between 4.95x105 and 1.0x108 ohms.
Measuring electrode atness consists of three steps:
• Prepara on of the xture and electrode to be measured
• Electrode Posi oning on Flatness xture
The resistance measurement
A. Electrode & Fixture Prepara on
Both the electrode being measured and the xture must be clean
and free of even the smallest par cles of debris. Clean both sur-
faces with a solu on of 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and water. Small
IPA wipes used by nurses and doctors are available in drug stores
and are typically 70/30% IPA and water.
A er cleaning, allow surfaces to dry thoroughly, typically 15 min-
utes or more. Inspect electrode and xture surfaces for small
par cles. Use canned air to blow par cles o the test surfaces if
Place the PRV-813 on a at, stable surface with the blue atness PCB facing up. Posi on the xture
so that there is access to the xture instrument connec on.
Figure 3: PRV-813 Shown with its
Polished Test Bed ready for an elec-
trode resistance measurement. Note
the test bed instrument connecƟ on
in the edge of the plate.
Figure 4: PRV-813 Instrument Con-
necƟ on for Flatness measurement
6Rev. A / May 2016
PRV-813 Conduc ve Rubber Electrode Veri er
Note: Install protec ve cover on metal test bed to avoid damage to its polished surface.
B. Electrode Posi oning on Flatness Fixture
The electrode must be centered on the atness circuit board so that the electrode conduc ve
surface makes posi ve contact with each of the 20 measurement pads. Although the speci ed
diameter of the conduc ve rubber measurement pad is 2.5 inches, outer cases of electrodes made
by di erent suppliers may have various diameters. A spacer ring is provided to assist in posi oning
a variety of electrodes with di erent outer case diameters.
Figure 5: Split Ring for Flatness Fixture aids
in aligning and posiƟ oning Electrode
Figure 6: PRV-813 with Split Ring
Installed in Flatness Fixture
Typically, there are three sizes of electrode cases in the industry: Small, Medium and Large:
Figure 7: Small Elec-
trode Case with Split
Ring Installed & elec-
trode manually cen-
tered in Fixture
Figure 8: Medium Elec-
trode Case centered
in Fixture by the Split
Figure 9: Large Electrode Case,
Split Ring removed; Case Cen-
tered by Fixture’s Outer Ring
Rev. A / May 2016
PRV-813 Conduc ve Rubber Electrode Veri er
Once the electrode to be tested is properly posi oned in the center of the atness xture the resis-
tance instrument should be connected for measurement
C. Measuring Electrode Resistance
Connect the Posi ve (+) test voltage lead from the instrument directly to the electrode under
test. Connect the Nega ve (-) current sensing lead to the atness electrode as shown in the below
Figure 10: Measuring Flatness Resistance of a 5 lb., 2.5 inch ConducƟ ve Rubber Electrode
Install protec ve cover on metal test bed to avoid damage to its
polished surface.
Once the instrument is connected to the electrode, measure its resistance to the xture.
Seat the electrode in the xture: Apply some pressure to the electrode and rotate it slightly to
insure contact with the xture’s 20 test pads.
• Make the rst resistance measurement. It should be within the xture’s range of 4.95x105 to
5.05x105 ohms. Test voltage is typically 10 V.
8Rev. A / May 2016
PRV-813 Conduc ve Rubber Electrode Veri er
If not within the xture range, or 5% of the xture range, clean or slightly sand the elec-
trode contact surface and repeat the measurement.
If within the xture’s range, or 5% of the xture’s range, proceed to the next step.
Rotate the electrode 180o. Repeat Sea ng the Electrode and making another resistance mea-
Depending on user requirements, some prefer to rotate the electrode in 90o steps and
repeat the measurement a er each rota on.
If the same or similar resistance measurements were obtained for each measurement posi on and
all were within the users guidelines, the electrode is ready for use.
III. Using the PRV-813 Fixture for measuring Electrode Total Resistance
The PRV-813 is used in conjunc on with a precision resistance instrument and test leads, which are
not supplied. For the best accuracy, the instrument should be a digital unit with a nominal accuracy
of <±5%, and capable of displaying resistance to two decimal places. The instrument should have a
minimum measurement range of equal to or less than 1.00 ohms to greater than 1.00x109 ohms. For
electrode resistance measurements, typical measurements of new electrodes are far less than 500
Measuring electrode resistance consists of three steps:
• Prepara on of the xture and electrode to be measured
• Electrode Posi oning on polished plate
The resistance measurement
Install protec ve cover on atness xture to prevent damage.
A. Electrode & Polished Test Bed Prepara on
Both the electrode being measured and the Test Bed must be clean and
free of even the smallest par cles of debris. Clean both surfaces with a
solu on of 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and water. A er cleaning, allow
surfaces to dry thoroughly. Inspect electrode and xture surfaces for
small par cles. Use canned air to blow par cles o the test surfaces if
B. Electrode Posi oning on Resistance Test Bed
The electrode must be centered on the metal test bed so that the electrode conduc ve surface
makes posi ve contact with the polished plate. All por ons of the electrode’s rubber conduc ve
pad must make in mate contact with the test bed.
C. Measuring Electrode Resistance
Connect the Posi ve (+) test voltage lead from the instrument directly to the electrode under test.
Figure 11: PRV-813 Polished Nickel
Plated Brass Test Bed for Electrode
Resistance measurements. Note
Instrument ConnecƟ on in edge of
Rev. A / May 2016
PRV-813 Conduc ve Rubber Electrode Veri er
Connect the Nega ve (-) current sensing lead to the metal test bed as shown in the photo.
Apply slight pressure to seat the electrode to the plate.
Apply <10V to the electrode to make a low resistance measurement
Electrode resistance must be less than 500 ohms for acceptance. Typical new electrodes are
less than 100 ohms
Figure 12: PRV-813 Shown with its Polished Test Bed ready for an electrode resistance measurement.
Note the test bed instrument connecƟ on in the edge of the plate.
10 Rev. A / May 2016
PRV-813 Conduc ve Rubber Electrode Veri er
PRV-813 ConducƟ ve Rubber Electrode Veri er Speci caƟ ons
Flatness Test Surface
Surface Resistance
Con gura on: Based on 20 each 1.0x107 (±1%) Ω Resistors in Parallel
Calculated Fixture
Resistance Range: 4.95x105 to 5.05x105 ohms
Average Range: 4.98x105 to 5.02x105 Ohms
Metal Test Bed
Descrip on: Nickel plated, polished brass
Plate Size: Diameter 4 in. (101.6 mm)
Thickness 0.387 in. (9.8 mm)
Plate Resistance: Resistance Point to Point (Rpp) on Surface <0.03 Ω
Resistance Surface to Plate Connec on <0.02 Ω
Height: 1.4 inches (35.6 mm)
Diameter: 4 inches (101.6 mm)
Weight: 1 lb. 12.8 oz. (0.9 kg)
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PRV-813 Conduc ve Rubber Electrode Veri er
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PRV-813 Conduc ve Rubber Electrode Veri er
Rev. A / May 2016
PRV-813 Conduc ve Rubber Electrode Veri er
14 Rev. A / May 2016
PRV-813 Conduc ve Rubber Electrode Veri er
Speci ca ons are subject to change without no ce.
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