Help Scout (website), 154
Herrington, Damian (website), 48
HeyPapaLegend Studios (website), 140
Hicksdesign (website), 76
high dynamic range (HDR) photography, 280–291
Hoban Press (website), 85, 354
Holy Heck! (website), 46
hospitality industry, 128–137
Host Bacon (website), 159, 160
HTML5Lab (website), 57, 58
Hugo, Mario (website), 106
Humbert, Garth (website), 126
Hungarian Wines Society (website), 83
Hunter’s Wine (website), 90, 91
Hurco Design & Manufacturing (website), 100
Icelab Pty Ltd (website), 60
IconEden’s blog (website), 74, 75
IDSGN (website), 77
images, dissecting, 358–363
imfrom.me (website), 58
Impallari, Pablo (font designer), 352
industry, drawing inspiration from
apps and so ware, 148–158
arts and entertainment, 138–147
fashion, 166–176
hospitality, 128–137
literature and books, 176–186
technology, 159–165
In nivision Ltd. (website), 93
Inservio Web Solutions (website), 60
inspiration. See speci c types
interior architecture, 216–224
interior design, 224–232
Interlink Conference (website), 18
Iron to Iron, LLC (website), 95
Ismael Burciaga & BBQ War (website), 76
Its Workable (website), 154
IWC Scha ausen (website), 96
James A. Reeves (website), 124
Japanese Streets (website), 174
Japantown (website), 58
Jarad Johnson (website), 62
Jax Vineyards (website), 98
Jeremy Church (website), 58
Johanna Lenander (website), 122
Johnson, Jarad (website), 62
Julia Parris (website), 50
Julia Rothman (website), 183
Kathryn Cornelius (website), 64
Kenny Saunders (website), 54
Kimberley Knight (website), 118, 121
Kinky Micks (website), 100
Knight, Kimberley (website), 118, 121
Kowtow Clothing (website), 88
Kyle Steed (website), 71
landscape photography, 317–328
Lane Crawford (website), 79
Langdon, Brad (website), 109
Laura Burciaga’s blog (website), 74, 75
layout (general), as direct inspiration, 14–16
lega-lega (website), 68
Lenander, Johanna (website), 122
e Liberty Hotel (website), 137
Licorn Publishing (website), 59
Lifetree Creative, Inc. (website), 110
Lisa Bettany (website), 128
literature and books industry, 176–186
e Locals (website), 175
Locomotive (website), 149
lomography, 291–299
Lovely (website), 171
Luxus (website), 90, 94
Macalicious (website), 160
macro photography, 328–340
Made in England (website), 66
Mads Burcharth (website), 50
magazine and blog sites, 74–79
Maggie Mason (website), 127
Makr Carry Goods (website), 86
Manchester Cra Ma a (website), 62
Marie Catrib (website), 85
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