General information
This smart PC power saver is designed to cut down the
standby power consumption of your connected PC in order
to reduce the energy costs and therefore save money. This
power saver will automatically turn off the power after
you’ve shut down the PC. The EL-ES04HQ is very easy to
operate. 4 Of the 5 outlets will be disconnected while the
other outlet remains powered.
Attention on the product, the manual and on the packaging
is the wrong minimum power consumption mentioned.
Correct is 0,5W wrong is 0,25W!!
Dimm function: No
Frequency: 50 Hz
Housing Colour: White
Max Current: 16 A
Maximum Load: 3650 W
Outlet: 4
Plug / Input: Schuko
Socket / Output: Schuko
Standby Power:
Switch function: Momentary Switch
Voltage: 230 - 240 V(AC)
Sales information
Order code:
Product description: Smart PC power saving contact
Packaging: Giftbox with eurolock
Brand name: HQ
Quantity LxWxH (mm) Weight
1 100x63x460 716 gr.
24 400x440x415 18440 gr.
Smart PC power saving contact box
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in this document. This document was generated at 31/12/2014 14:36:17
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