A Toolbox with Tonnage
Menu Browser
The menu browser interface enables you to
browse fi les and examine thumbnail images,
and provides detailed information about fi le
size and fi le creator. Plus, you can organise
recently used fi les by name, date or title.
Q u i c k P r o p e r t i e s
The easily customisable quick properties
menu helps increase productivity by reducing
the steps to access properties information
and optimising information presented for that
particular user and project.
Layer Dialogue Box
The new layer dialogue makes creating and
editing layer properties faster and less prone
to error. Changes are instantly refl ected in
the drawing as they are made. Columns in
the dialogue can be individually resized so the
contents of that column or its title are not
Text Editing Tools
View, size and position text as you type.
Adjust text appearance using familiar tools
common to other applications and create
paragraphs and lists with professional-quality
M u l t i p l e L e a d e r s
The multiple leaders align tool enables you to
quickly align a set of leaders with full control
of the spacing between leaders.
Publishing to DWF or PDF Format
Electronically publish and distribute drawing
sets in a single DWF™ fi le for fast, secure
collaboration with team members, or export
designs in PDF format.
Share, Review, Correct, Connect
By using Autodesk
Design Review software,
the free* integrated solution to electronically
view, mark up and revise designs, you can give
virtually anyone, anywhere the opportunity to
participate in the review process.
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With this release, Autodesk introduces a user
interface design that is both customisable and
extensible. AutoCAD LT
software helps
you accelerate routine tasks, make uncommon
commands easier to fi nd and bring new users up to
speed quickly.
R i b b o n
The ribbon interface helps increase overall drafting
productivity by decreasing the number of steps
required to reach a command. The ribbon interface
presents command options in a concise visual format
so you can quickly select commands based on the
work you are doing. Moving between applications
is now quick and intuitive.
S t e e r i n g W h e e l s
The new SteeringWheels™ tool provides quick
access to the Pan, Centre and Zoom commands.
Our Job Is to Make Your Job Easier
Perform at a higher level with Autodesk
and the help of the Autodesk Authorised Training
Centre (ATC
) network. More than 1,400 ATC sites
are available worldwide to meet the needs of design
professionals for discipline-specifi c, locally based
training. To fi nd the centre nearest you, visit
Learn More or Purchase
Access specialists worldwide who can provide
product expertise, a deep understanding of your
industry and value that extends beyond your
software purchase. To purchase AutoCAD LT
software, contact an Autodesk reseller. To locate
the reseller nearest you, visit
To learn more about AutoCAD LT, visit
A u t o d e s k S u b s c r i p t i o n
Get the benefi ts of increased productivity, predictable
budgeting and simplifi ed licence management with
Subscription. You get any new upgrades of
your Autodesk software and any incremental product
enhancements, if these are released during your
subscription term, and you get exclusive licence
terms available only to subscription members.
A range of community resources, including web
support direct from Autodesk technical experts,
self-paced training and e-Learning, help extend
your skills and make Autodesk Subscription the
best way to optimise your investment. To learn
more, visit
The Best Seat in the House
Dramatically boost productivity with AutoCAD LT
software, the world’s best-selling D drafting
and detailing product.
*Free products are subject to the terms and conditions of the end-user licence agreement that accompanies download of the software.
Autodesk, AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, ATC, DWF and SteeringWheels are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., in the USA and/or
other countries. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter
product o erings and specifi cations at any time without notice and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in
this document. © 2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. 000000000000118297